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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > [The Fight For Power - Reboot]
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Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 10/26/2017 at 4:26 AM Post #1

Roleplay thread >>> Click Here!

This is a reboot of my old Roleplay thread! Everything has been reset, so if you have a character or kingdom claimed in the old thread, simply repost what you have there, here. If someone else has taken your desired spot from the old rp and you had it first, simply tell me and I'll work it out. I have made changes, so have fun! If you have questions, ping me and feel free to ask!

Note: If I pinged you I thought you were interested or in the old thread, please don't hate me if you're not :)

There is a border between Defoirs and Umbra!

Welcome one, welcome all to my first RP! This is the Sylestia Kingdoms, the Fight for power.
This is a hierarchal world, with the nine kingdoms: Defoirs, Umbra, Viridian, Eternys, Sharaga, Lalune, Shulkura, Volcanois, and the Griffi Mountains, also known as Griffus. (Based off of the real Sylestia map, just with different names)

For thousands of years, there has been peace in Sylestia, and there has always been an emperor, passing down the title. But now, the emperor's son has mysteriously disappeared, leaving the imperial family without a heir or heiress. The kings of each kingdom know about this, and have started to pester the emperor about their princes becoming the next emperor. The emperor never listened, trying to find his son. The emperor is now on a long search, and assumed disappeared. Now, the kings are fighting each other for land, power, and most importantly... The rule of the whole sylestia. Now, there are two sides of the war. One side; the side that wants freedom and no emperor, and are trying to stop the kings from fighting, and the other side, battling for the throne.

- No powerplaying, please
- When creating a kingdom or character, make sure to use the right form
- You don't get to make up your own kingdom name. You make one already existent on the map (e.g. Sharaga, Viridian, Umbra etc)
- When creating anything, include your character's favorite food! If you're creating a kingdom put this in your King, Queen profile (this stuff is to make sure you've read the rules)
- Your character can die/be killed! Just tell me in this thread or PM me beforehand
- Ping EVERYONE you're replying to, in case someone misses stuff
- If a large amount of characters by different people are interacting together, work out a system of who posts first, then who goes second etc. To avoid confusion and to avoid those annoying posts where two peeps post at the same time.
- If you edit a post, ping me and tell me or I'll probably overlook it.
- Heck, there isn't much rules anyways! Always have fun!

Open kingdoms for creating (You create a kingdom, your name willon be put after the corresponding kingdom you create. You can reserve kingdoms, but create them within the next 2 days!):
(To create next generation of that kingdom, which means after king&Queen die, contact the current owner of the kingdom. If you create a kingdom, allies and enemies whatever of the kingdom, it's your choice.)

Due to people somehow not knowing the rules, this is here as a reminder. You don't get to name your kingdom. Your kingdom will be based on the Sylestia map above! The name will be one of the below, and the terrain and culture your kingdom will have is based on the appearance on the map
Defoirs - Dragonrider1542 - Puffadores, Vulnyxes, Bulbouris, Luporas, Morkkos, anyone who can survive the cold
Umbra - Glitterthesylveon - Zolnixis, Lighiras, Vulnyxes, Bulbouris, Luffox
Viridian - Griffinlokison - Sylvorpas, Vulnyxes, Kelparies
Eternys - Hawkeye - Ny'venes, Griffis, Winged sylestis
Sharaga -
Lalune - Shayni - Lunemaras, Nephinies, Aurleons, Nytekries, Faelora
Shulkura - Katelynn4545
Volanois - Terrakittens - Ny'venes, Vulnyxes, Aurleons, Aerdini, Ryori, Nytekrie
Griffus -

Kingdom creation template:
Name of kingdom(Defrois, Umbra, those etc):
Image of kingdom (Optional):
Capital city:
Trading cities(Optional):
Other cities (Optional):
Species of sylesties that live there:
King(Include personality and image):
Prince/Princess or both (personality & Pic):
Backstory of royal family(Optional)

Character creation template:
Image of sylesti:
Kingdom(Make sure to check which kingdom has what species):
Side(For freedom or fighting for the throne, and try to keep both sides equal. The roleplay wouldn't be fun if everyone's all on one side XD):
Rank(Each kingdom can have 2 lords and ladies as high ranks, other ranks include pheasant, farmer, scholar, merchant, crafter, mage, and knight):

Special roles for advanced roleplayers
These roles are for active and advanced roleplayers. You can request to create a group of immortals, and I will say yes if I see you've been actively roleplaying.
This RP has space for five groups of immortals:
The Seasons (Each controlling their respective element/magic/season) - OPEN
The Light Major Elements (Life, Mind/Psychic, Time, Space, magic used for good) - OPEN
The Dark Major Elements (Death, Mind/Psychic, Time, Space magic used for bad) - OPEN
The Light Minor Elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Air, magic used for good) - OPEN
The Dark Minor Elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Air, magic used for bad) - OPEN

Template for Immortals
Group wished to create(Minor Dark, Major Light, etc):
(each group contains more than one sylesti, remember, and if you create a group you are responsible for roleplaying EVERY sylesti in the group because the immortals in a group are always found together, and they travel together and live together. The stuff in bold is required for every sylesti in the group)
Image of sylesti:

Backstory of the group:
Roleplay example:

For immortals, you may be gods but that doesn't mean you can do things outside reason. The immortals take no sides in the fight for power, rather the light elements go around, help, chat and play around with people while the dark elements in general cause chaos and disaster.

Character list
Defoirs - harsh
King Verus (Dragonrider1542)
Queen Iris (Dragonrider1542)
Princess Mecha (Dragonrider1542)
Crafter/Merchant Tempheralita (Dragonrider1542)
Umbra -
Sorceress Felicity (Dragonrider1542)
Crafter Satara (Shayni)
Viridian -
King Faring (Griffinlokison)
Queen Violet (Griffonlokison)
Prince Splash (Griffinlokison)
Mage Auris (Griffinlokison)
Eternys -
King Aurum (Hawkeye)
Queen Flumen (Hawkeye)
Unknown Prince/princess (Hawkeye)
Mage Tulio (Hawkeye)
Sharaga -
Lalune -
King Ravan (Shayni)
Queen Judora (Shayni)
Princess Heraia (Shayni)
Princess Raia (Shayni)
Crafter Clik (Dragongem23)
Knight Tesseract (Hawkeye)
Shulkura -
Knight Vessaro (Dragonrider1542)
Volanois -
King Canyon (Terrakittens)
Queen Ember (Terrakittens)
Unknown Prince/princess (Terrakittens)
Lady Nocturina (Dragonrider1542)
Countess Nyra (Dragonrider1542)
Griffus -
Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 10/28/2017 at 10:35 PM.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
Threads: 324
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Posted: 10/26/2017 at 7:01 AM Post #2
Can I claim seasons?
Level 20
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/23/2017
Threads: 74
Posts: 13,469
Posted: 10/26/2017 at 7:23 AM Post #3
Could I grab a season?
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
Threads: 113
Posts: 9,844
Posted: 10/26/2017 at 8:18 AM Post #4
Before you guys get too excited xD

We haven't even started roleplaying yet, so the immortals kind of aren't open yet. As said in the info for them, it requires active and advanced rping. The rp technically hasn't started yet lol. You could create a character in order to make the rp begin faster, if you want.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
Threads: 324
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Posted: 10/26/2017 at 8:19 AM Post #5
Edited By Hawkeye on 10/26/2017 at 8:19 AM.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
Threads: 324
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Posted: 10/26/2017 at 8:21 AM Post #6
Wait so can I make an immortal or does it need to be just a sylesti?
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
Threads: 113
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Posted: 10/26/2017 at 8:22 AM Post #7
This rp is set in sylestia, so all characters are sylestis. And I think I said before, immortals aren't open to make yet. You can make a kingdom or a normal character for as of now.
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
Threads: 113
Posts: 9,844
Posted: 10/26/2017 at 8:25 AM Post #8
Here's the old thread for reference:
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
Threads: 324
Posts: 16,550
Posted: 10/26/2017 at 8:44 AM Post #9
Name of kingdom: Eternys
Image of kingdom:

Capital city: Solis
Other cities: Holds: Avem, Pluviam, Nix Villages: Stella, Luna, Nubes
Species of sylesties that live there: Nyvene mostly, with some Griffi, or other winged Sylesties thrown in

Aurum- he is a watchful being, nothing slips past him without him knowing. Aurum is a caring king though he makes a lot of rules it's to keep his people safe. As a husband he is sweet and loving yet has a brutal side when faced with danger.

Flumen~ she is a sweet sylesti whom sees no evil in the world. She faces situations with a positive out look, and always is willing to help those less fortunate

Image of sylesti:

Name: Tulio
Species: puffadore
Gender: male
Personality:Tulio is a trickster and a lady's man. He loves to flirt and play about with woman of any species even if he doesn't really win over any of them. Now he does have a kind of serious side, though his life mostly involves causing trouble by trying to be funny
Kingdom: Eternys
Side: being king wouldn't be all that bad...with some help of course
Rank: novice mage


Name: Tess short for Tesseract
Species: ryori
Gender: female
Personality: Tess is a fun loving being though she loves to curl up by a warm fire and read a good book. She is understanding of people and willing to help them in any way she can. Charity and kindness are her main go tos yet she can snap in a heartbeat and turn violent if need be.
Kingdom: Lalum though it was for a very short time since she stepped from the shadow realm there
Side: freedom
Rank: knight/ bodyguard of Tulio
Edited By Hawkeye on 10/26/2017 at 9:32 PM.
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
Threads: 113
Posts: 9,844
Posted: 10/26/2017 at 8:51 AM Post #10
I'm just gonna go ahead and do my own characters... If anyone has questions regarding how to make a character, use this as an example.

Image of sylesti:

Name: Nocturina
Species: Ny'vene
Gender: Female
Personality: Extremely loyal, will die for a good cause if needed to. Kind, caring, loves to help. She's a trusted advisor of the Volcanois royal family and loves to hang around the palace and talk to the king and queen.
Kingdom: Volcanois
Side(For freedom or for the throne): Freedom
Rank(Each kingdom can have 2 lords and ladies as high ranks, other ranks include pheasant, farmer, merchant, crafter, mage, and knight): Lady
Backstory(Optional): Was found on the border between Volcanois and Griffus. Because her parents were nowhere to be seen, a kind noble family took her in. She's grown up in Volcanois ever since.


Image of sylesti:

Name: Countess Nyra
Species: Ny'vene
Gender: Female
Personality: The two words that describe Nyra the best are: Wicked smart. She is very intelligent, and can outsmart a lot of people without an effort being made. Even thought she is only 12, she is already the countess of a plot of land in her mother's city. Daughter of Lady Nocturina, she spends much time studying and reading. She is a delight to talk to and play with, and always will try to make one laugh. She dabbles in magic, but pretty much she can only control the shards of crystal floating around her body, but this is enough for her to fight and do awesome stuff with them.
Kingdom: Volcanois
Side(For freedom or for the throne): Doesn't matter to her. As long as the outcome supports studying, she's fine.
Rank(Each kingdom can have 2 lords and ladies as high ranks, other ranks include pheasant, farmer, merchant, crafter, mage, and knight): Countess-Daughter of Lady Nocturina, Mage/Scholar
Backstory(Optional): Pretty Normal...


Image of sylesti:

Name: Tempheralita
Nickname (And prefered): Tempest, Temp, Tem, Tempi
Species: Puffadore
Gender: Female
Personality: Light, airy, hovers between light and dark. Asks no questions, acts very critical at all times. She may joke around, but she's a very strict grammar natzi. Her magical runes give her the ability to raise a astral magic powered shield in combat.
Kingdom: Defrois~
Side(For freedom or for the throne): In between, doesn't rlly care
Rank(Each kingdom can have 2 lords and ladies as high ranks, other ranks include pheasant, farmer, merchant, crafter, mage, and knight): Crafter/Merchant


Image of sylesti:

Name: Felicity
Nickname (And preferred): Feli
Species: Zolnixi
Gender: Female
Personality: Secretive, mysterious, since not much know her. Feli dislikes loud or crowded places, it makes her feel uncomfortable. Once you get to know her, she's a shy, kind being that can heal you in a second with magic or potions. She does practice battle magic, but for defensive purposes. However, rumors say she's an evil witch. Her main language is Latin, but she knows English. She can do all sorts of magic, like pyromancy, necromancy, clairvoyance, mind reading, blood magic, celestial magic. The reason she cannot be wounded fatally by physical wounds with blood is because Blood magic users use their own blood as power to use magic, so wounds technically heal her.
Kingdom: Umbra
Rank: Mage/Sorceress (People that don't know her call her a 'witch' but she isn't evil...)
History: Her parents were magicians, and taught her the art of magic before they were killed by a mysterious force one day in the forests. Sorrowful, Feli fled the house they lived in and travelled to the very edge of the kingdom, where she set up her home with magic.


Image of sylesti:

Name: Vessaro
Nickname: Saro
Species: Lighira
Gender: Male
Personality: Crafty and clever, a great actor. He seems kind and caring but he really wants to just take over the entire empire of sylestia. He usually hangs around the palace in hope of making his move.
Kingdom: Shulkura
Side: For the throne
Rank: Knight

I approve myself...
Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 10/27/2017 at 9:39 AM.
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