So as of now I wont be in much. I am not answering pings atm but will when I get back. My gifting thread is still open and I will answer everyone when I get back. If you have to tell me something please contact Ivycat as they can contact me when I'm at school through Discord. I don't have wi f at home (parents changed the password and wont give it to me) but I'm hoping to go to my grandparents so I might have it this weekend. Until then idk. I might also get hospitalized and if that happens i will be out for around a month. If I know you well you can ask Ivycat for my discord and we can talk when I'm at school. So yeah. Pretty much a lot is happening and I'm so sorry about this.
((Edit)) I managed to get a hold of the wifi password but my replies might still be spotty and i still might end up at a hospital and all that shlit. Everything else stills applies except I might have wifi for a while now
Edited By LivingInMyOwnReality on 12/13/2017 at 8:34 PM.
Level 67
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 12/13/2017 at 6:35 PM
Post #2
hey, i can answer a few people on the 31 day thread if youd like? sorry that i didint answer your PM
and alot of people will miss you while your gone :<
(hoping its not to late for me to ping you x/)
Edited By Ivyfrost on 12/13/2017 at 6:36 PM.
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/13/2017 at 11:21 PM
Post #3
I hope everything turns up okay Living :(
Level 75
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Posted: 12/14/2017 at 7:31 AM
Post #4
I feel you, limited wifi access can be annoying. But it's good to take a break.
Level 61
The Artistic
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Posted: 12/14/2017 at 8:25 AM
Post #5
I can give out gifts on the 31 thread if you want! I would love to do it
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/14/2017 at 6:37 PM
Post #6
If you could help I would appreciate it, i'm 3 days behind and have over 60 pings
Level 61
The Artistic
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Posted: 12/14/2017 at 9:28 PM
Post #7
Okay, where should I start? (would it help if we put the @typhix for whoever we ping so we can see who was pinged and who wasnt?)
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/14/2017 at 9:46 PM
Post #8
Ahh yes! I cleared them up today but once the pings hit tomorrow is when I need some help
Level 75
Majestic Sculptor
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Posted: 12/17/2017 at 4:19 AM
Post #9
Can I have the discord please?
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/17/2017 at 4:32 PM
Post #10
I'll DM it
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