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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Golden Soul Orphanage [RP Sign Ups]
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Level 62
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 12:47 PM Post #1
Thunder crashed down as the hurried back to the orphanage, or that was what the broken down building posed as. They needed to be on the governments list to stop them from bulldozing the area, but the innocent orphanage wasn't a far stretch to the truth.

Hybrid and Morthling experiments had been going on for years now. The labs were destroyed where you'd been kept in chambers. An elderly man had freed you all. When the news broke out, every civil service was looking for you. Millions were investigated. That same man kept you safe. To live, you now run errands for the underground system of England. You were all orphans in a way. No one had any memories of before you became test subjects, the Old man certainly wouldn't tell.
He was the only human you could trust. How will you survive in this roleplay, how carefully will you run your errands?
And is your soul strong enough to make a contract with a demon?

In orphanage you all play a part in every type of job from hacker, thief and killer. Whatever needs to be done. Everyone played a part in keeping the base secret. The highest ranks usually had the strongest souls, their weapons had demons contracted into them. Others had ordinary weapons. Choosing your weapon is part of a test, one Soups haven't done.

Orphanage Rules (Can be broken)
- Never leave the orphanage alone
- Avoid the "Beetles" (MI6/ Police)
- Don't abandon your comrades
- Complete the job and remove all lose ties
- Only the Old man may know your real name
- Soups are to work in threes so they can learn how the orphanage works.

Roleplay Rules (Can not be broken)
- Tell me if you're leaving
- A hybrid is someone with animal ears/ tail/ wings. A morthling is a human with an animal form they can turn into. Morthlings do not have their animals perk while in human form.
- Only the Old man knows your real name. Other wise, you use an alias/ code name. It doesn't have to be a human name, it can be one of an animal or object such as 'Silvergun'.
- Don't be Mary sue/ Gary sue/ OP
- If I want you to change something, it isn't a personal attack
- You may only ping everyone 3 times a day when you are moving around/ something that involves everyone. other wise one-on-one ping.
- No godmodding/ powerplay.
- Under other, do you think anything should be added to the rules?
- Everyone will be assigned a partner
- Magic is very rare. i will tell you if your character can have it.
- You don't have to start as in the orphanage. You can be found by hybrids/ morthlings and brought there while running. This could be a situation if you are from a different country and accidentally ended up there.
- Please use a new post per character, you may have up to 3 characters
- Must have 3 lines in your reply, not including your characters name.
- For now, hybrids only
Edited By IvyCat on 3/23/2018 at 2:32 PM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
Threads: 106
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 12:47 PM Post #2
Sign Ups for orphanage
Real Name
Alias/ Codename
Morthling or hybrid (and what animal/ creature?)
Age & Gender

Silence & Briar
Tilly Heartborn & Atomic
Fallen Angel & Emerald
Sapphire & Midnight Valley
ArchAngel & The Big Bad Wolf
Frost & Staz
Velos & Leken
Prism & Anubis & Guardian
Freyja & Red & Mouse

In order of authority.
Old man
Tilly Heartborn
The Big Bad Wolf
Fallen Angel
Midnight Valley
Edited By IvyCat on 7/7/2018 at 3:17 AM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 12:47 PM Post #3
The annihilation squads.
There are two squads - they are the top agents. They are very hard to spot and talented. They are dangerous opponents. They are in charge of capturing you. It is hard to kill them before they can call the police in seconds and use magic gear. They may also, but rarely do, make contracts with demons. They will stop at nothing to get to you.

Squad 1

He can use flame magic and enjoys flirting. He is rarely serious and doesn't like cowards. He fights with a broadsword.

She is young and selfish. She can be quite flirty and forward. She often plays with her victims first. She does know how to bark out orders though. She doesn't use magic and fights with a medium demon scythe.

Squad 2

He is shy but clever. he usual plans what he's going to do and is a very sneaky attacker. He will often lead and not play defensive. He uses an axe as a weapon and has magic in his blood so he heals fast.

She is determined and good at following orders. She can be quite childish, but doesn't care much. She is the easiest to manipulate and is often getting told off. She is in a contract with a strong demon katana and uses clairvoyant magic.
Edited By IvyCat on 3/25/2018 at 3:16 AM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 1:08 PM Post #4
Real Name
Thomas Greensburg
Alias/ Codename
Morthling or hybrid
Faun Hybrid

Age & Gender
19 & Male
He is very quiet and mature. He is a good planner and thinks everything through multiple times. He is not interested in love and can be quite shy around that topic, often diverting away from it. In a battle, Velos understands the best tactic is not to plan and just act. He can clear his mind when that is needed.
Velos also studies humans when he can and will spend humans just standing or sitting still, doing nothing. he finds them fascinated, but won't talk about it. He never boasts about anything, he is bad at teamwork, a serious disadvantage.
A normal pair of daggers he hides in his sleeves.
He also carries a minor demon gun as well. This takes a long time to reload, but does more damage to a normal gun. Due to it being a minor demon, he doesn't need to have a very strong soul.
He has a close relationship with the Old man, pushing his chair around when necessary instead of going out on jobs.
Edited By IvyCat on 3/7/2018 at 1:32 PM.
Level 62
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 1:27 PM Post #5
Real Name
Edward Handunall
Alias/ Codename
Old man
Morthling or hybrid
Neither; he is the only human.

Age & Gender
86 & Male
He is quiet and loves telling stories. he cares for every orphan and takes in anyone he finds running and hiding.
He has two pet rats called King (left) & Honey (right)
Edited By IvyCat on 3/7/2018 at 1:32 PM.
Level 62
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 1:27 PM Post #6
Real Name
Lily Bennet-Socca
Alias/ Codename
Morthling or hybrid
Unknown Beast Morthling

Age & Gender
24 & Female
She's fiery and flirty. She isn't afraid of anything and will take enemies head on. She isn't one to mess with and wishes she could beat the Beetles up, but they have anti-hybrid/ morthling weapons she can't beat unless she had the strongest demon weapon.
The whip shown in the image. She's hoping to get it cursed by a demon soon. She also uses Bagh naka on both hands.
She is looking for a new boyfriend.
Edited By IvyCat on 3/12/2018 at 1:33 AM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/4/2017
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 3:49 PM Post #7
I WOULD LOVE TO JOIN *jumps in the background* I will have 1-2 character.

1 DONE :)

Real Name:
Kori Huri
Alias/ Code name:
Morthling or hybrid:
Dragon Hybrid
Has Reptile eyes with scales on his skin. The most noticeable scales are around his hands, arms, and legs. He has a tail that is rather long and thin with a forked tip. He has a forked tongue and nails are very sharp. He also has sharp teeth. Its difficult to hide his scales so he usually wears a large cloak with a scarf to try to hide his scales. Like any other cold-blooded reptile he gets could very easily if he is stuck in a cold area. Cold temperature makes him shiver.

Age & Gender:
17 l Male
Rather the caring and the gentle one. He has a strong determination to protect people like him. He doesn't like being teased and is straight up innocent. :3
A set of jade-colored Tonfa that is able to extend its self forwards.Its has blades facing outward. He has contracted with a medium demon. The Tonfa allows his to do quick attacks and allows him to have a greater attack range.

Maybe? can he?
What the strength for each soul according to the ranks?
other than that everything is a ok
Speak 1DC7ED

Edited By Lightsagafox on 3/20/2018 at 12:21 PM.
Level 32
Joined: 1/20/2018
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 7:18 PM Post #8
Real Name
Primrose Evans
Alias/ Codename
Morthling or hybrid
Cat hybrid

Age & Gender
15.5 & Female
She is a bit cat-like in general, she is very playful, but not really flirty. She can switch from her outgoing personality to calm and serious in a heartbeat. She is very supportive and grateful she is here, and will defend her only home at any costs. She can be depressed at times as well. She hates getting up early and bright sunlight, she prefers colder and darker places. She is very bashful as well. She has a nasty temper though. You should leave her alone if shes in a bad mood, or you might risk your own neck. When she fights, she is a completely different person, very angry and bitter.
None I guess?
Dual Samurai Swords
Nope! They all seem fine to me.
Edited By Isi on 3/12/2018 at 2:46 AM.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 7:33 PM Post #9
Real Name:
Bigby Wolfe
Alias/ Codename:
The Big Bad Wolf
Morthling or hybrid:
Morthling, he can turn into a large dire wolf

Not my art
Age & Gender:
26 years old, male
Normally Bigby is rather stand offish, keeping to himself for the most part. You may even say he is more of a lone 'wolf', or a little sheepish towards strangers. To close friends though he acts like any normal teenager, though tends to even distance himself from them at times. Bigby is easily amused by the game catch, squirrels or birds, mail trucks, swimming, and any other activities that dogs enjoy. Sometimes you may even catch him chasing his own tail, or walking on all fours.
A dagger with a golden shine, though most of the time he tends to just use his fists if he is confident they stand a pretty high chance of winning.

No he doesn't change based on the moon, though he does like to take wolf form when he goes to sleep. He actually loves cats, though doesn't really care for other dogs. Currently looking for a relationship. I see nothing wrong with the current rules!
Edited By Hawkeye on 3/8/2018 at 6:37 AM.
Level 63
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Posted: 3/7/2018 at 7:39 PM Post #10
Real Name Selina Trieste
Alias/ Codename Silence
Morthling or hybrid Morthling | Snowleopard

Age & Gender 16 | Female
Personality Headstrong and brave. Rash decision maker, but she always tries to support her decisions. She rambles a lot while talking. Not flirty but not timid with people either. Makes her point proven and doesn't hide much of her opinion..
Weapon Throwing Knives
Magic N/A
Rank Protector
Other Nope, rules seem good! I may make another character soon.
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