Forum Index > General Discussion > Feed My Starving Sylesties
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Level 74
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 3/19/2018
Threads: 32
Posts: 824
Posted: 3/29/2018 at 2:51 AM
Post #1
Hey, going on a long trip or have too many Sylesties to keep up with feeding? You've come to the right place! I recently stumbled upon a player (no naming) who had 7 pages of hatchery with starving pets. I took the time to raise the gold (thanks, Fungus Grove!) and feed all of those pets. If you would like me to do that for you, just reply here or send me a message! I'll feed starving pets and keep pets at full hunger while you are gone. There's no charge, but if you'd like to donate to my cause, that is welcome and very appreciated! Just tell me your ID and which stables and/or hatcheries you need kept fed. Please, even if you don't have any starving Sylesties or vacations coming up, spread the word. My goal is that no Sylesti is ever starving! Also, if you'd like to help with feeding pets, I'm always recruiting! If I find someone who needs pets fed, I'll message you directly with their username, ID, and stable(s)/hatchery(ies) that need to be taken care of. I am on almost every day, and if I'm not, um... Well, I usually am. If I go on vacation, I'll find someone to take over for me while I'm gone. Happy eating and feeding!
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