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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > [The School for Good and Evil]
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Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 7:54 AM Post #1

This RP is based on the wonderful book series "The School for Good and Evil" by Soman Chainani.
Here's the wiki if you want to know more context and stuff for the roleplay.

Welcome, dear heroes, heroines, princess, princesses, kings and queens!










T h e - S t o r y

You're a child in the world of Gavaldon- But! You are special. You're destined to become a hero or villain, one like the very ones in fairy tales. You know the stories- two girls and two boys from each village are taken from their homes every year and brought to the ultimate school; The School for Good and Evil.

In the School for Good, they teach boys and girls how to become heroes and princesses, how to rule kingdoms justly, how to find Happily After Ever. In the School for Evil, they teach you how to become witches and warlocks, how to lay curses and cast spells.

So! You were taken! Brought to a school in the middle of the deadly Blue Forest, all is as the myths say; the only way out is through a fairy tale.

Good does not always win as Evil does not always lose.

So, dear child, pick your path.

Your story lies in your grasp.

T h e - S c h o o l

Your hero or villain will be dropped off into the moat lake respectively to start the school year; be warned, though, you will only be able to bring one possession with you to the school. You will have to then swim to shore or evil or the shore of good, to the main castle of Good or of Evil. There, your classes, dorms, and books will be assigned to you. Be ready!

Students from the school of good are called Evers, and students from the school of Evil are called Nevers.

Lunches take place in a clearing before the entrance to the Blue Forest through tunnels of trees from both castles.

There is a bridge from between the two schools but Good and Evil must be separated so the bridge is protected very heavily, so beware! The lake also has its own consciousness, so think before going on the bridge!

The School Master's Tower is where the Storian lies, a magical feather quill that writes all stories, all fairy tales. But, however, it is located at the top and the School Master's Tower is almost impossible to infiltrate- after all, whoever gains the Storian can write anything, and it will become real.

At the top of each castle's towers, there are rooms for special treatment. At the top of the Evil castle- The Doom Room for Torture and Punishment, where naughty Nevers who break the rules are sent to receive their special punishment. At the top of the Good castle - The Good Groom Room, where especially good Evers are sent to be pampered and cared after.

Once you create your character, I will assign your alignment (Good/Evil) to your character, their schedule and I will also give them a dorm, as the map shows above the three dorm towers of each castle. Onwards!

S i g n - U p s
Age: (11-14)
Preferred alignment: (Good or Evil. You are not guaranteed to get what you want)
Appearance: (Picture or description)
Fairy Tale Relative: (Your character is related to a hero or villain. E.g. Peter Pan, Cinderella, Malificent, Captain Hook)
Likes & Dislikes:
Most Outstanding Skill:

I will be playing teachers, but if you wish to help out and play a teacher, PM me~

E x a m p l e - S i g n - U p
(My Character)
Preferred alignment:

Cold, calculating, and cunning. Her heart is emotionless, and she sometimes does callous things. She has a disregard for life in general, however she does try to take care of what she can, and she tries not to destroy too much stuff with her powers. She loves music, and she always carries around a bone flute given to her by her mother, Mania (the greek goddess of insanity). The flute has a blade at the end, so she could use it as a defensive or offensive tool when needed to, but when played, the flute functions like a normal one, except the sound is always a bit off, with a haunting tone in the background. Her skin is like ice; there is absolutely no feel of life in her frozen body, and her entire appearance gives off a ghostly look. Sometimes people mistake her for a ghost.
In battle, she tends to be a quick striker, running in and using her agility to her advantage, striking hard, before vanishing. She kills without hesitation when she needs to, and people suspect she has absolutely no heart because she doesn't display any emotion of any kind. When faced with multiple enemies at very small chances of survival, she will summon sharp metals out of the earth and make them fly at the enemies, or control them and make them fight for her.
She can only do the metal thing when she's deeply concentrated and the school does not allow her to do it to kill others within school. She gets the ability to do that because she's a champion of the greek god Hades.
Fairy Tale Relative:
Likes & Dislikes:
Likes quiet places, being alone, reading, music, knowledge.
Dislikes loud places, arrogant know-it-alls, social situations.
Most Outstanding Skill:
Metal manipulation, knowledge of a lot of random things

Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 4/17/2018 at 8:38 AM.
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
Threads: 113
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 7:54 AM Post #2
School Rules
- Students must remain in their assigned schools at all times.
- Students will not kill their fellow students.
- Students are forbidden to go into the Endless Woods after dark.
- Students (as well as the teachers and Deans) are forbidden from interfering the Storian.
- Be aware that Gargoyles are not decorations; they have orders to kill.
- Readers and Descendants are equally valuable to the school community.
- Students are unable to cast spells on school grounds until their fingerglows have been unlocked.
- Students with three consecutive last-place ranks in class challenges will be failed.
- Students should not attempt to manipulate or conceal the swan crests on their uniforms...or the swan may be permanently tattooed into your skin.
- Students are expected to be in their rooms for curfew at 10:15 p.m. sharp.
- Students are forbidden from attempting to cross the barrier on Halfway Bridge.
- Once students have been tracked into Leaders, Henchmen, and Mogrifs (animals and plants), these decisions are final.
- Hunting of animals in the Blue Forest is strictly forbidden.
- A princess and a witch can be friends, but students should endeavor to form alliances within their own schools.
- All extracurricular clubs must be preapproved by both Deans.


Anything to do with ranks - The teachers will be the judge of ranks (aka, probably your roleplaying skills)

Trail by Tale
The Trial by Tale is a competition for the best students only. Once a year, the highest-ranking Evers and Nevers are sent into the Blue Forest for a night, to see who can last until morning. They will face attacks from other students and the School Masters' traps. (Description from Wikia)

- The top 10 Evers and top 10 Nevers are required to compete in the Trial by Tale. The competitors will be determined by the school rankings no more than 2 weeks before the Trial is to begin.
- Starting this year, each Dean will be permitted to enter one Wild Card into the competition: namely, a student who did not make the ranking cutoff for the Trial but who the Dean still believes will make a worthy combatant.
- Entrances into the Trial will be staggered. At sundown, the Ever and Never with the lowest pre-Trial rankings will enter the Blue Forest. Every 15 minutes, the next-lowest pair will enter until the highest-ranked Ever and Never enter the competition last.
- Inside the Forest, Nevers can attack Evers with their special talents and any spell learned in class. Evers can defend themselves with approved weapons and counterspells. Both sides will be subject to obstacles laid by the faculty.
- Each challenger will be given an enchanted handkerchief of surrender. It is the challenger's duty to recognize mortal danger and drop his or her enchanted handkerchief when the time comes. The moment this handkerchief touches the ground, the student will be safely removed from the Trial.
- Upon the first glint of sunrise, the Deans will call an end to the Trial and the student(s) who returns through the gate alive will be named the winner(s).
- The winner will receive 5 extra first-place ranks in the race for Class Captain. In the case of mutiple winners, each student will receive 2 extra first-place ranks.


Circus of Talents
The Circus of Talents will take place in the Theater of Tales at 8:00 p.m. on the night before the Ball. Attendance is mandatory for students of both schools. The theater doors will be locked for the entire Circus competition. No teachers will be allowed inside, and no students will be allowed out. Students are encouraged to use the toilet before the program begins. The two halves of the Theater of Tales will be fully enchanted by the Deans with decorations that inspire school pride for both sides. Students are encouraged to create banners, posters and other material supporting their respective schools. Under no circumstances may the audience from either school cross the silver aisle separating the two sides of the theater. Violators will be hung by their toes from the chandelier for the duration of the Circus. The Theater of Tales retains the previous Master's enchantments and will magically judge the Circus duels. (Description from Wikia)

The teams for the Circus of Talents will consist of the top ten-ranked students from the School for Good and the School for Evil. These two teams will be selected according to school rankings no more than one week before the competition. The Circus will consist of ten duels between an Ever and a Never, each performing on his or her talent. Talent duels will proceed in order of ranks. They will begin with the tenth pair- the tenth-ranked Ever against the tenth-ranked Never-followed by the ninth-ranked pair, all the up to the first-ranked pair. For each duel, the Ever will perform his or her talent, followed by the Never. The theater will select the best talent, anointing a winner and publicly punishing the loser. At the end of all ten duels, the Circus Crown will magically lower onto the head of the student with the most impressive talent overall. The school of the student who wins the Circus Crown will win the right to host the Theater of Tales in its castle the following year.


Snow Ball
The Snow Ball was an event held by The School for Good , possibly to commemorate Christmas. It is also used to match would-be princes and princesses. The Snow Ball is directly after the Circus of Talents. The boys dance with their princesses.
Girls can go alone, and not be failed, and dates are not compulsory.


Year One
Beautification - Professor Emma Anemone (for Evergirls)
Princess Etiquette - Pollux (for Evergirls)
Swordplay and Weapons Training - Professor Rumi Espada (formerly for Everboys; now for both genders)
Animal Communication - Princess Uma (formerly for Evergirls; now for both genders)
Chivalry and Grooming - Professor Aleksander Lukas (for Everboys)
Physical Education P.E. - Albemarle the Woodpecker (for Everboys)
History of Heroes - Professor Hort of Bloodbrook (mixed; replaced to the recent graduate Never student because no one wanted to volunteer replacing Professor Sader)
Good Deeds - Dean Clarissa Dovey (mixed)
Surviving Fairy Tales with the Other School - Various Forest Group Leaders (mixed)
Year Two
Advanced Beautification and Grooming - Professor Emma Anemone (mixed)
Governance and Kingdom Training - Professor Aleksander Lukas (mixed)
History of Fairy Tales - Professor Hort of Bloodbrook (mixed)
Advanced Animal Linguistics - Princess Uma (mixed)
Good Deeds: Field Training - Dean Clarissa Dovey (mixed)
Ever Choir and Orchestra - Pollux (mixed)
Surviving Fairy Tales with the Other School - Various Forest Group Leaders (mixed)
Year Three
Beautification/Grooming: Express for Success - Professor Emma Anemone (mixed)
Beautification/Grooming: Advanced Strength Training - Professor Aleksander Lukas (mixed)
Beautification/Grooming: Radiance Retreat - Professor Anemone and Professor Lukas (mixed)
Dance Workshop: Waltz and Rondel - Pollux (mixed)
Dance Workshop: Interpretive Movement - Pollux (mixed)
Animal Communication: Study Abroad - Princess Uma (mixed)
Animal Communication: Mogrif Grooming and Training - Princess Uma (mixed)
Good Deeds: Sidekick Training - Prof. Dean Clarissa Dovey (mixed)
Good Deeds: Lead the Way - Prof. Dean Clarissa Dovey (mixed)
History Seminar: History of War - Professor Hort of Bloodbrook (mixed)
Surviving Fairy Tales with the Other School - Various Forest Group Leaders (mixed)

Year One
Evil 101 - Uglification, taught by Professor Manley
Evil 102 - Henchmen Training, taught by Castor
Evil 103 - Curses & Death Traps, taught by Dean Sophie
Evil 104 - History of Villainy, taught by Professor Hort
Evil 105 - Special Talents, taught by Professor Sheeks
Evil 106 - Surviving Fairy Tales, taught by various Forest Group leaders
Year Two
Evil 201 - Uglification: Disguises & Deformity, taught by Professor Manley
Evil 202 - Henchmen: Field Training, taught by Castor
Evil 203 - Advanced Curses & Death Traps, taught by Dean Sophie
Evil 204 - History of Fairy Tales, taught by Professor Hort
Evil 205 - Advanced Spell Casting, taught by Professor Sheeks
Evil 206 - Surviving Fairy Tales, taught by various Forest Group leaders
Year Three
Evil 301 - Uglification Seminar: Mimicry, taught by Professor Manley
Evil 302 - Uglification: Leader "Looks", taught by Dean Sophie
Evil 303 - Uglification Seminar: Henchmen "Looks", taught by Professor Manley
Evil 304 - Independent Study: Sidekick Challenge Organiser, taught by Castor
Evil 305 - Curses & Death Traps: Nemesis Dream Analysis, taught by Dean Sophie
Evil 306 - Curses & Death Traps: Phantom Duels, taught by Dean Sophie
Evil 307 - History Seminar: History of War, taught by Professor Hort
Evil 308 - Ever Kingdoms: Pillaging & Pilfering, taught by Professor Sheeks
Evil 309 - Advanced Spell Casting: Flying, taught by Professor Sheeks
Evil 310 - Surviving Fairy Tales, taught by various Forest Group leaders
Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 4/20/2018 at 7:32 AM.
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
Threads: 113
Posts: 9,842
Posted: 4/17/2018 at 7:54 AM Post #3
(All played by me until people help out >.<)
Prof. Bilious Manly
Lady Lesso
Dean Clarissa Dovey
Dean Sophie
Prof. August Sader
Prof. Sheeba Sheeks
Yuba the Gnome
Prof. Emma Anemone
Princess Uma
Rumi Espada
Aleksander Lukas

Mischief 66
Atropos - Dragonrider1542
Cadi - Clemenceau
Malice 67
Helena - Enyo
Cyril - Isi
Vice 48
Alec - Griffinlokison
Crowona - Dragongem23
Honour 52
Roselyn - Anabella321
Lita - Bluepearl13
Purity 64
Ambrosia - Duckipus
Peraphina - Dragongem23
Valour 67
Merei - Dragontulip
Honour 54
[TEMPLINKREPLACE]Edward[/url] - Anabella321

Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 4/18/2018 at 10:32 AM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/21/2016
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 8:08 AM Post #4
Those books were great!!!! I will certainly be joining if I may!
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/21/2016
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 8:17 AM Post #5
Name: Lita Hook
Age: 13
Gender: female
Preferred alignment: she says she wants evil, but in truth she would prefer good

(Not mine)
She has a large tattoo on her back of a Hook. She normally does her best to cover it up.
Personality: she loves to talk and is one of the most talkative people you will meet. She has an unbelievable amount of energy. She will become rather defensive when people talk badly about her father. She has a soft spot for children and small animals. She cant stand still for long and prefers to be active.
Fairy Tale Relative: Captain Hook (I love Captain Hook, he is a great villain...)
Likes & Dislikes: She loves all animals except crocodiles and spiders. She enjoys to talk and have a large group of friends. She cant stand to be alone, she says it is because she was never alone on her dads ship. She hates wearing a dress. She has a weird love for all things shiny and she LOVES candy. She cant stand tomatoes and tells people she is allergic to them. She has a love for cooking, even though she is terrible at it. She loves her father and hates when people talk negatively about him. She loves to spend time with children and small animals. She hates reading.
Most Outstanding Skill:
She is good with just about every weapon known, especially a sword.

Work in Progress
Edited By Bluepearl13 on 4/17/2018 at 5:44 PM.
Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 8:17 AM Post #6
Please do join!
Since you've read the books, could you help with roleplaying some teachers?
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/21/2016
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 8:19 AM Post #7
Of course! I would love too!
Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 8:19 AM Post #8
Which teachers can you do?
Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 8:25 AM Post #9
Interest ping?
Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 8:56 AM Post #10
More Interest?
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