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Level 60
Joined: 4/30/2018
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Posted: 5/4/2018 at 1:34 PM Post #1
I'm having trouble fighting the monsters at Faerina's Shrine in the Umbra Forest. I have an Offensive and a Defender, both are Level 26, and I find it really hard to fight the monsters there. I'm considering it a miracle if I even manage to beat a trio of monsters.
Does anyone have any tips? I'm trying to save up to buy a third party slot, but I'm not having much luck because both pets become unconscious :/
And yes, I've done all the quests I can.
Should I stop saving up and start buying elixirs?
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 5/5/2018 at 4:49 AM Post #2
1. if you're in Umbra Forest, you definitely want to get your third pert slot. Umbra Forest kind of expects you to have it.
It will cost gold, yes, but you can send your pets on missions or train up a third pet by farming in the Viridian Meadows.
At this point, do the ones in Esior's Haven, you can unlock more Mission slots in the Plaza, guide to how to do Missions here.
Doing Missions will get the pets EXP, and get you gold, healing items, and equipment.

2. Party
Relic: Illusionist, rare, lv20
Armor: Int/Agi, rare, lv20
Acc.: Str/Dex, rare, lv20
Acc.: Disciple, epic, lv15

> As an Earth type tank, you want to equip him with Str/Agi equips (Assassin gear).
He's doing a fraction of the damage he could be doing because he has an Illusionist relic, which boosts Magic elements, not Physical ones. This in turn means he's getting a fraction of the potential HP return when his Leeching Strike inflicts Leeching Vines debuff.
> When he hits lv30, you probably want to prof him in Agility.
> You can swap his Bolt's Armor to Winterwatcher and her Thunder's Armor to him if you don't have anything of the right types with better level/rarity.
> Replace the Disciple equip as well when you can get anything better, they're not great

Relic: Int/Dex, rare, lv15
Armor: Str/Dex, rare, lv20
Acc.: Int/Agi, rare, lv20
Acc.: Disciple, uncommon, lv25

> As a Fire elemental pet, you want Int/Dex (Evoker) equips on her.
> Give her a Dexterity point when she reaches lv30, as Fireball only has a chance of inflicting its debuff on Crits.
> same comment for the Disciple equip here.

Relic: Assassin, rare, lv15
Armor: Disciple, rare, lv15
Acc.: Illusionist, uncommon, lv15
Acc.: Int/Dex, uncommon, lv15

> Not in your team, but we'll go over him anyhow.
> generally on an Air pet you just want Str and Dex profs- they're designed to be glass cannons, like fire pets.
> Air pets want Str/Dex (Myrmidon) equips.
> Disciple equip again.

Actually, you'll probably want a Light pet (prof. in Int/Dex is the usual, regardless of what the prof page itself says, equipped Int/Dex (evoker) and maybe Int/Agi (illusionist)), as they're the element that can heal all pets on the party.
While you certainly could run a team with these three, having the Tank/Light Healer/Glass Cannon rather than Tank/Cannon/Cannon is just. Really, really useful.

also, rarity/Level
Rarity beats level (to an extent), so
Legendary lv20 is about equal to epic lv25 is about equal to rare lv35 is about equal to uncommon lv55, just as an example
Edited By Scathreoite on 5/5/2018 at 4:59 AM.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 5/5/2018 at 11:29 AM Post #3
In addition to all this advice- here.

This egg should hatch into a "max stat" pet- the highest stats a pet can get from breeding alone- upon hatching. (Well, MP isn't max, but- that one's a pain to max out.) anyways, it should be for sale to you and only you for 1 gold.

In addition, I'm going to be sending you some "useless to me" level 25 gear. Keep the advice above in mind when deciding which to equip... or look at the relevant numbers, or both.

Pets should heal over time until a certain late-game area, as long as they're kept fed. Keep that in mind, as it's usually cheaper, though slower, than medical assistance from the healers.

And while this is in the far future- there's gear associated with an area called the lost grove. Rarity doesn't work right there, but level 60 rare gear from it is about as good as anything you'll get from outside of it. Epic gear is better than anything I've seen outside it.
Edited By 18eities on 5/5/2018 at 11:36 AM.
Level 75
Snow Wars Champion
Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 5/5/2018 at 12:59 PM Post #4
Send me any items with a COD for however much a new party slot is. I'll pay for it. Definitely follow the advice of the others too.
Edited By Sakina on 5/5/2018 at 8:52 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 4/30/2018
Threads: 3
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Posted: 5/5/2018 at 2:31 PM Post #5
Thank you so much for the help!
I'm taking notes as we speak and writing everything down
Thanks once again!

Sakina, I'll send it to you within a few days, real life is being a pain at the moment ^^
Edited By Creaturedreamer on 5/5/2018 at 2:34 PM.
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