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Forum Index > General Discussion > Need help so bad
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Level 71
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 8/24/2017
Threads: 41
Posts: 334
Posted: 5/7/2018 at 6:35 PM Post #1
I've been stuck on the Undead king in the lost tomb for months and i can seem to get past him. what am i doing wrong. my pets are level 50 something and he is level 40. and my pets elements are, Earth, Air and Fire. i need some serious help.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 5/7/2018 at 7:36 PM Post #2
Okay, so I'm going to assume Pretty Princess is your tank, and you're trying to beat Desius the Demi Lich?

1. Did you successfully activate all four of the Seals you found in the tomb (you only know once you do the fourth one, as it glows if all four have been activated)?

Pretty Princess
1HP, 1Str
Relic: Assassin, legendary, lv25
Armor: Assassin, rare, lv45
Acc.: Assassin, uncommon, lv40
Acc.: Assassin, uncommon, lv35

> As a tank, you want Prof in Agi and HP before attack, as a general rule. (You can certainly go with Agi/Attack, it depends, but you always want the Agi in a tank)
> Assassin gear IS what you want, but the levels are... uncommon gear is trash, the armor is... okayish, but you really need to update everything to at least epic, and better levelled (lv55 uncommon equips are about equal to a lv20 legendary equip)

1Int, 1Dex
Relic: Evoker, rare, lv35
Armor: Evoker, rare, lv35
Acc.: Evoker, epic, lv30
Acc.: Evoker, uncommon, lv20

> right kind of equips, but again, rarity and levels of equips aren't helping.

King Cash
1HP, 1Str
Relic: Illusionist, rare, lv30
Armor: Myrmidon, rare, lv35
Acc.: Myrmidon, rare, lv35
Acc.: Myrmidon, uncommon, lv35

> Don't bother with HP prof on an Air pet, they're designed to be Glass Cannons like Fire pets
> Illusionist relic... on an Air pet? Uh. Nnno.
> Again, equip rarities and levels.

> You should probably swap out your Fire pet (best against groups of enemies) for a Light Healer (Statted Int/Dex, equipped with Evoker gear), or maybe a Shadow Attacker?
> If you do the Very Hard missions in Saerielle, it's a reasonably way to get lv50 epic and legendary gear. (Not with your team pets, they don't have the stats for it with their split proficiencies)
Edited By Scathreoite on 5/7/2018 at 7:39 PM.
Level 71
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 8/24/2017
Threads: 41
Posts: 334
Posted: 5/9/2018 at 8:45 PM Post #3
Since you helped me before what kind of gear should i but on a shadow or Light pet? im usually just guessing but i know that is no the right way to do it.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 5/9/2018 at 9:43 PM Post #4
As said, it depends on things like what you're using them for and your own style a bit, but

Light Healer = primarily Evoker/Pyromancer, maybe an Illusionist/Lightbringer just to boost the agi a little to get in heals before opponents move.
> Light Healers want the higher damage that Int/Dex Attack+Criticals can get for the team to do better heals, but the extra Agi of an Int/Agi equip can make the difference in getting your healing off before the opponent attacks.

Shadow Attacker = Evoker/Pyromancer.
> Because the only one a shadow attacker is healing is themself, they don't need the Agi so much.

Light Tank = Not sure how many people actually go with a Light Tank, because if they get KO'ed by the opponent you've lost your team healer. However, Tanks tend to be given Agi-based equips because it helps with their survivability (+phys/magic mitigation, +dodge chance.)

Shadow Tank = Illusionist/Reaver. Reaver equips are statted Agi>Int>Str>Dex, so you'd have a way lower crit chance, but better defences.

(We're mentioning the Lost Grove Equips, so we'll just...
Lightbringer: Int>Agi>Dex>Str
> Maybe for Light Tanks, possible Light Healer

Pyromancer: Int>Dex>Agi>Str
> Magic Glass Cannon, Light Healer

Reaver: Agi>Int>Str>Dex
> Shadow Tank

Storm Caller: Str>Dex>Agi>Int
> Phys Glass Cannon

Tidal Lord: Str>Agi>Dex>Int
> Possible Phys Tank

Warden: Agi>Str>Int>Dex
> Possible Phys Tank

Exactly which you go with would depend on your playstyle mostly.
Our own main team is Earth Tank, Warden/Tidal Lord equipped, Light Healer, Pyromancer/Lightbringer equipped, and Air Attacker, Stormcaller equipped.)
Level 71
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 8/24/2017
Threads: 41
Posts: 334
Posted: 5/14/2018 at 2:23 PM Post #5
Here you go
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