Forum Index > General Discussion > What's happening next in Sylestia?
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Level 70
Vanquisher of Undead
Joined: 2/19/2018
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Posted: 5/18/2018 at 4:46 PM
Post #1
Things seem to have gone quiet with a lot of different things to be done converging. I'm wondering when the Spring Festival will start so I can buy more stables. After that, I'm wondering when we can look forward to the next part of LG.
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
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Posted: 5/22/2018 at 1:54 AM
Post #2
Lol. Good questions.
Last I heard the Lost Grove is put on hold "indefinitely". AKA whenever Krinadon gets around to finishing the next stage... which should have been done before it was even released IMO.
Krinadon has said that the Spring festival should start May 25th at the latest, but who knows at this point. I don't even think Krin knows for sure.
Level 64
The Artistic
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Posted: 5/24/2018 at 4:13 PM
Post #3
Oh, would that be tommorow by now? I was wondering where it was, it's getting close to summer.
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
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Posted: 5/24/2018 at 4:47 PM
Post #4
Yes it is supposed to be tomorrow, but I have just heard that it may be pushed back again to Saturday. Krinadon was in the general chatroom awhile ago. I wasnt actually in there so I am not sure if he is still there.
Level 64
The Artistic
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Posted: 5/24/2018 at 4:51 PM
Post #5
ah, k
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