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Forum Index > Battle Discussion > Need advice on my team
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Level 29
Joined: 5/25/2018
Threads: 1
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Posted: 5/28/2018 at 7:53 AM Post #1
Any advice on what to do with my team so i can beat some of the NPCs in the seasonal festival?
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 5/28/2018 at 8:32 AM Post #2
Okay, first thing to know is that generally- certainly a good plan at least while you're learning- teams are made up of a Tank pet (goes in party slot one; typically Water, Earth, or Shadow, rarely Light. This is because these elements get defensive, team-buffing, and/or healing moves), a Healer (Light- the only element that can heal all party members), and an Attacker (Fire or Air- elements that are designed to inflict debuffs on opponents when they get critical hits on them).

Also to note is the fact that Water, Earth, and Air are Physical elements, and run off of the Str stat, while Fire, Light, and Shadow are Magical elements, and run off the Int stat.

These two things together- the pet role and their element- should tell you what equipment and profs they would do best with (no point putting HP on a Glass Cannon or giving a Physical element pet a Magic Damage relic.)

Currently your team has three elements primarily designed for Tanking (at level 30, when they get their second elemental attack, Water gets a damage absorbing shield it can put over itself or one of its teammates, Earth gets a shield that raises its defences and damages enemies that hit it, and Shadow gets and attack that heals it for the equivalent of the damage dealt)

Also, they all have their Proficiency point put into HP; you should generally only put HP prof on your Tank pet, though I personally go for Agi over HP on my own (and Shadow tanks are typically better off with a combo of Agi and Int, rather than HP)

Name: Josh
Level: 27
Element: Water
Prof.: 1HP
Relic: Disciple, epic, lv5
Armor: Int/Agi, rare, lv20
Acc.:not-disciple, uncommon, lv10
Acc.: Str/Dex, uncommon lv5

> Uncommon equips are trash, and should be replaced ASAP*
> Disciple are Eh- while they can work as a placeholder, you want more specialised equips.
> Int/Agi should go to Shadow Tanks, Light Tanks, or maybe Light Healers if they need a bit more speed.
> Water Tanks want Assassin (Str/Agi) equips
> Profs on a Water Tank would generally be Agi, with the lv30 point going to either Agi, Str, or HP

Name: Lily
Level: 27
Element: Shadow
Prof.: 1HP
Relic: Int/Dex, rare, lv15
Armor: Evoker, epic, lv15
Acc.: Evoker, rare, lv20
Acc.: Str/Dex, rare, lv20

> Shadow pets can be attackers, though they're more generally Tanks.
> A Shadow Attacker should have their profs in the Int stat.
> They want Evoker (Int/Dex) equips
(> That relic isn't great though.)

Name: Rose

Level: 25
Element: Earth
Prof.: 1HP
Relic: Myrmidon, rare, lv20
Armor: Str/Dex, rare, lv20
Acc.: Arcanist, rare, lv25
Acc.: Int/Agi, rare, lv20

> Very much a Tank element, it has a lot of moves that Taunt the opponent into focusing on them.
> Earth Tanks want Agi (and Agi, HP, or Str for their lv30 prof point, depending on your own playstyle. With our own Earth Tank we were 1Str/2Agi at level 60)
> Earth Tanks, like water tanks, want Assassin equips.
> Arcanist is best put on Int Mission pets, rather than battlers.
> Myrmidon (Str/Dex) should go on Physical Attackers (generally Air pets)

Light Healers are Lifesavers- literally. If you want to make a pet into one, they want Int profs all the way, and primarily Evoker (Int/Dex) equips, with maybe one or two Illusionist (Int/Agi) if they need a bit more speed to get heals off faster

Fire Pets hit multiple opponents, and would want Evoker equips, prof at lv30 either 2Int or 1Int/1Dex
Air Pets hit single opponents, and should get Myrmidon equips, and lv30 profs should almost definitely be 1Str/1Dex.

You generally want to keep equips within ten levels of the pet where you can, and the highest rarity you can (rarity makes a very significant difference in the equip's stats).

Relics are a huge part of a pet's damage output- example, lv10 rare relic that's "X Damage: 38" is a +38 bonus to the damage output. A Legendary level 25 equip has a damage bonus of 135 points)

*A level 55 uncommon equip has about the same stats as a level 20 legendary equip.
Edited By Scathreoite on 5/28/2018 at 8:57 AM.
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