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Level 56
Joined: 5/18/2018
Threads: 45
Posts: 393
Posted: 6/19/2018 at 1:20 PM Post #1
Chapter One - Shadows In The Night

All was quiet in the Clouts house today. Just like every other ordinary day, the Clouts daughter Alona was in a classroom at her overly expensive school learning valuable life skills that she would hopefully learn with no difficulty at all. After all there family was the most wealthy in their small town. It was so that Mrs.Clout thought this in her fancy living room chair. Completely at peace with herself letting her heavy expectations flow like water through her wrinkled brain. Each wrinkle like a separate stream. Her long black hair coiled down her back until they reached the middle of her spine. Her eyes always narrowed, her pointed nose and her skinny eyebrows held up. Her husband Mr.clout was in his study. He was studying about who knows what he never let anyone in his study, not his wife. Not his daughter. Not even the cat. Mr.Clout had brown balding hair with wide and fearful eyes. He had a small nose with bushy eyebrows.
Their daughter picked up both of her parents. She had long wavy hair the color of the midnight sky. Her eyes were wide but not fearful but curious. Her eyebrows were not skinny but not bushy either. She had amber eyes her face was narrow and long. She was a bad girl. She stole things. She hurt people not physically. But with her words. You know that one girl in your class? The one that spreads every rumor in the school. She was that girl. The girl with rich parents. But her parents were not rich because they worked. They were frauds. They had stolen a painting, not just any painting they stole a masterpiece and sold it on the black market. The buyer had been caught, the parents had blamed them. The whole situation kept under the radar to protect the museum's reputation. They were never caught, never punished.
This is their story. Parents who stole a painting and blamed someone who bought it. A daughter who bullies everyone. Who spreads rumors. Where is this going? Its going to how they got punished. A gruesome death for each of them. Deaths someone had spent many hours planning carefully. Deaths someone would enjoy.
It all started on May 27th. a sunny day a normal day. the day when someone Strange appeared in this small town. this was a day when Mrs. clout Was having guilty emotions about the past. about how she and Mr.clout Had once stolen The Great Masterpiece and sold it and framed the buyer. so it happened that on this day the strange person that had entered the small town had snuck into the priest box and was listening To the townsfolk sins.
so as mrs.clout confessed her great sin, the new strange person listened with great disapproval. she had not been punished, and he thought he should punish her now after all these years. she also confessed how her daughter, Alona, spread the most horrible rumors about the sweetest children. once again he listened with great disapproval. It was at that moment he decided her daughter must be punished as well, and her husband.


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