Forum Index > General Discussion > Looking for a first project partner
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Level 75
High Druid
Joined: 5/25/2018
Threads: 56
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Posted: 6/27/2018 at 9:39 AM
Post #1
Woohoo Ive decided to start my first project here on sylestia. I was hoping to maybe do one with somebody else. Wed both get to choose a design we like together and well both have some of the different gens that well breed and make the babies etc etc. some benefits to working with a partner on a project is stable space!!! You wont need to worry about finding a place to keep every last sylesti you need for it as your partner will also be keeping a few in their stables. This is also my first project and I wnat to work with someone else so I could maybe get some experience first before doing a huge elaborate project all on my own xD so itll be a smaller project, maybe 2-4 vis at most and Im not worried about maxing it atm. Maybe after weve bred all the successful pets. If youre interested please comment (dont forget to ping me) with some of your favorite sylesti types, color schemes, and traits so I have an idea of what kind of design we might come up with if I decide to work with you. :)
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
Threads: 142
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Posted: 6/27/2018 at 10:45 AM
Post #2
I could help you, i like most speacie except morkko and draely but in term of logistic it would probably be better not to use the aeridini speacie to avoid any accidental mix breeding with my others aeri project (lovely raincloud / black and white )
There is a few example of my personal designe so you can have an idea of what i usualy do :
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