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Forum Index > General Discussion > Possible Themed Pet Spreadsheets Idea
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Author Thread Post
Level 70
The Hallowed
Joined: 6/26/2014
Threads: 8
Posts: 214
Posted: 7/25/2018 at 2:47 AM Post #1
Hi! I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in a Themed pet breeding spreadsheet service? Everyone knows how hard it is to successfully breed a 6vis anything, much less a Themed pet, with its limited number of pets available. Ever since the new search change where it's now possible to find "Purebred" themed pets, I've been wondering if anyone would like to have access to a more organized list of themed pets that are available for breeding. I've already done a couple spreadsheets, one for Midsummer Night Zolnixi and Windy Dawn Draeyl, and they've been somewhat help full in deciding who I should breed to who for the highest chance of passing on the wanted genes.

Paid Service:
I'm using google spreadsheets for this. The formatting is a basic table with the pet in question, how much it costs to breed, which genes/mutations it has, and what gender it is. It's organized firstly by how many visible genes/mutations it has, followed by how many carried traits, and finally based on the cost of breeding. Carried and Visible traits are color coded, and you can see which traits they are. Each table is separated by males and females, and depending on the criteria for what kinds of pets you're looking to breed with (specific traits, minimum number of trait points, price range), I can specialize the spreadsheet. If that's the case then I'll probably charge people for this particular service.

Community Driven Free Service:
On the other hand, if anyone else is interested in helping me maintain/update the list of all available for breeding themed pets, then I wouldn't mind too much about making it free and available for all players/anyone who's interested in starting a themed pet project. Tips are appreciated though!

For both options, I'll only work on spreadsheets for the requested themed pets, and limit it to one per person at a time.

Remember that I'm taking time out of real life to do this, and that it's exhausting to find, link, and organise several hundreds of pets, depending on the themed. It will take time, and I'll only be able to do them when I have a couple hours of that time available.

Please remember that there might also be mistakes with the spreadsheet.

I'm only human, and this is still pretty early in its testing stages. Already, I've found mistakes with my own spreadsheets after going over them several times. Whether it's a repeat pet or a mistake with labeling the kinds of traits a pet might have, it's hard to catch if I'm doing this by myself. And please also remember, I do not own these pets. At anytime since the creation of the spreadsheets, any number of new themed pets might become available to breed with, and any number of old themed pets might also become not available to breed with. Since there will always be time between when I start and after I finish, there will also always be a chance that the spreadsheet is wrong somewhere (doubly so for any spreadsheets on sales). It is very difficult for me to go back after I've already completed the spreadsheet and to look for any new breeding themed pets, or to see if any old ones have disappeared. This is why as a paid service, I am limited with what I can do to mitigate that error. However! As a community service where other people are willing to help maintain/update these spreadsheets, it becomes both easier, and more accurate.

Themed Pet Sales:
For a spreadsheet on the sales of themed pets... I'd rather not do them, or well, it'd be troublesome if I did. Sales in general fluctuate a lot more and are definitely one of those first come first serve things. Even if I made it public, we'd have to constantly update which pets are available and which pets have been sold. It might boost the sales of themed pets, but I simply don't have the time to be constantly updating the spreadsheet like that.

Final thoughts:
I haven't decided on how much gold I should charge if I'm doing this as a paid service, or how I can exactly make the "public" spreadsheets available to editing by others. I'm also entirely unsure if I can even keep up with a service like this, and what kinds of information I'd need to do so. Mostly, I'm just doing this because it's kinda fun for me, and a good way to feel productive without actually doing anything productive. And I also thought that other people might appreciate a service like this.

Right now, I'm posting this here to see if there's any interest in this kind of thing, and if anyone has any tips on starting services in general. Thanks for taking the time to read this monster of a post.

(will add more if needed)

Ping Me
Themed Pet
Number of Trait Points
Specific Traits
Cost Restrictions
Male, Female, Both
Anything Else That Needs to be Specified

(please avoid lineage problems/inbreeding restrictions, figuring those out takes too much time and it should be your job as a breeder to keep track of such things)
Edited By Snowyh2o on 7/25/2018 at 2:50 AM.
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