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Forum Index > General Discussion > Esiors cove
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Level 61
Joined: 9/1/2017
Threads: 6
Posts: 48
Posted: 9/3/2018 at 7:25 AM Post #1
i tend to be having problems in Esiors cove where i cannot beat any of the bosses, and i couldn't beat the bosses last year either.
people said my pets might have been set up wrong but i have no idea how to fix that if so.

here's the link to my party pets please help in any way possible!
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 9/3/2018 at 7:55 AM Post #2
Well, your linking didn't work, but you currently have Jeremy, Lord Farquaad, and Queen mysterious in your party.

Quick rundown:
Typical party setup is
> Slot 1 Tank (Earth, Water, Shadow, sometimes Light)
> Healer (Light)
> Attacker (Air or Fire)

You can run other setups but that's the general team setup.

Water, Earth, and Air are Physical elements, and thus need Strength-based equips.
> Assassin gear is Str/Agi, and is the typical equip of a Tank
> Myrmidon gear is Str/Dex and is pretty much THE equip of Air Attackers.
> Ravager gear is pure Str. Could put it on an Air attacker, I guess?

Light, Shadow, and Fire are Magical elements, and thus use Intelligence-based equips.
> Evoker gear is Int/Dex and gets used by Fire Attackers and Light Healers
> Illusionist gear is Int/Agi and is used by Light and Shadow Tanks
> Arcanist gear is pure Int. Could put it on a Light pet, maybe on a Fire pet?

Both Level and Rarity of equips plays a role in how good it is.
You typically want to keep equips close to your pet level, but if you have a choice between an Uncommon lv55 equip and a Legendary lv25 equip, the Legendary wins (but that's because uncommon equips are garbage)
(Once your pets hit lv60, though, you can equip them with Exotic and Vinethorn equips. These are Lost Grove Rare and Epic equips, and are better than most if not all non-Lost Grove gear)

Relics are especially important to get right gear-wise, as they're where the bulk of a pet's damage output comes from. Physical Damage relics to Physical Element pets, and Magical Damage relics to Magical Damage pets.

At the moment, your team consists of an Earth pet, a Shadow pet, and a Water pet, which could probably work decently but isn't optimal for doing things like taking down bosses, due to the lack of a pet oriented to full-on damage and no team-healer.

Level: 53
Element: Water
Prof.: 2HP
Relic: Illusionist, legendary, lv25
Armor: Illusionist, epic, lv35
Acc.: Arcanist, rare, lv35
Acc.: Myrmidon, legendary, lv25

> he has three equips that are Int based, while he's a strength-based element.

Lord Farquaad
Level: 54
Element: Shadow
Prof.: 2HP
Relic: Disciple, rare, lv30
Armor: Disciple, epic, lv35
Acc.: Assassin, rare, lv40
Acc.: Myrmidon, rare, lv40

> Disciple is. okay? But Assassin and Myrmidon are Str based

Queen mysterious
Level: 55
Element: Earth
Prof.: 1HP 1Str
Relic: Disciple, rare, lv45
Armor: Assassin, epic, lv50
Acc.: Myrmidon, rare, lv45
Acc.: Disciple, legendary, lv25

> Earth is the Tanky Tank element, really unsuited for other battle positions due to the base attack having the chance to inflict Taunt
> they want Assassin gear and should probably put more focus toward Agi and HP at first

It's late for us and we don't use Water or Shadow pets much to know where their prof points would best go, and we don't know who your actual tank is, so we'll hope this info is useful

We jsut reopened Jeremy's page to check something and you've swapped his equips a bit, but my brain is giving up on us at the moment, so
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/17/2015
Threads: 48
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Posted: 9/3/2018 at 4:27 PM Post #3
Scath shared a bunch of good options. There is no one way to have a good team. But here is how I would set them up, specifically:

1st, I'd buy all level 50 epic or legendary equipment from the broker!

Lord Farquaad: Keep as shadow and all Illusionist gear and center pet. I'd switch for 1 health and 1 agility proficiency (then all the future points in agility).

Jeremy: I'd switch him to air and all myrmidon gear. I'd switch for all strength proficiency, then dex.

Queen mysterious: I'd switch her to light and all evoker gear I'd switch proficiencies for all int, then dexterity.

Hope this helps!

If you find a legendary balanced illusionist bracer, please ping or pm me! They drop from the festival bosses, but only if your team is level 55-59. I am really wanting this one piece of equipment to finish my collection.

If you do get it, I can trade for mythical or vinethorn equipment (top equipment in the game), a max-stat pet, or something else you might like.
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