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Forum Index > Player Guides > How to see Hidden Genes.
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Level 65
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/6/2013
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Posted: 10/5/2013 at 12:46 PM Post #1
Hello. I've never made a guide before, but I find that I explain this often, and I don't think that there is a guide on it yet, so I decided to make one with.. somewhat messy! pictures. XD

Edit: Please note this method only works on a tested pet, as untested yield almost no URL data to work with. They only indicate what you can literally see.

First off, meet Hidden Life. His name is exceedingly obvious, and he is named such for the fact that he carries Rainbow Life Lines.

Now right now you might be saying 'But Zelly, that's not Rainbow Life Lines! That's Advanced Runes gene!' In fact it is. You see, Hidden Life shows one gene, but he carries another! You can't see it just by looking at him, but there is a way to confirm it.

Step 1:
Right click on your pet, and find the browser option to copy the url for the picture. This is what it looks like in Chrome, but your browser should have a simular option.

Step 2:
Paste the url into the top bar where the website address goes. If you are unsure of where this is, see pictures for reference. If you do not know how to paste, right click on the url bar and select paste. Here is a picture of what Hidden Life's profile says his genes are, as well as a picture of the url bar. Notice Advanced Runes is in plain text (Shown) and African Painted is Italicized (Carried).

Step 3:
Go open the Preview Generator in another window, and open the species you wish to check. You need to reference it in a moment.

Step 4:
Click the url bar, and then use your arrow keys to scroll through the text as needed. This is what you are looking for:

[Sorry the picture is slightly bigger than the forum. I resized once but any smaller and it will become hard to read].

Step 5:
Once you have found the G1-3 and M1-3 section, you can see what your pet shows and carries on it's G (Genes) and M (Mutations) slots. The picture got a little messy, but hopefully you can refer from it that Hidden Life in fact does carry Rainbow Life Lines, due to his G3 slot having AD. A for Shown. D for Carried! This means that if Hidden Life breeds with a Rainbow Life Line carrier, he might make a Rainbow Life Line visable, instead of Advanced Runes! He could pass either of the two genes on to his offspring.

N means Nothing. NN means a slot has nothing at all. The NG in Hidden Life's first Gene slot means Nothing is shown, but African Painted is carried. If Hidden Life did not carry Rainbow Life Lines, his G3 slot would simply say AA. Double letters mean this pet can only pass that specific gene on to it's offspring in that particular slot, as it doesn't have a hidden carry.

To know what a Gene or Mutations Letter is, check the dropdown menu of the slot on the generator. The very first thing listed is A, the most dominant gene in that catagory. The next gene is B, the next is C. Each letter becomes more recessive as you go down the list.

I hope this guide will help. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will try to answer them.
Edited By 3878 on 10/5/2013 at 5:46 PM.
Level 66
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Posted: 10/5/2013 at 1:23 PM Post #2
Finally! Great guide! I hope you're okay with me posting .
Level 70
The Hallowed
Joined: 2/16/2013
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Posted: 10/5/2013 at 4:03 PM Post #3
I'm not certain, but I think this might only work on tested pets? (Like an untested pet will show AA in the url even if there is a hidden carry) Do you know otherwise?
Level 65
The Hallowed
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Posted: 10/5/2013 at 5:44 PM Post #4
Ah, yeah just tested with an untested in my hatchery and the URL doesn't show anything helpful at all on an untested, so please note you must have the pet tested!
Level 48
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Posted: 10/7/2013 at 4:11 PM Post #5
If the pet is tested, then all this genetic info would be on its profile page, and you don't have to go messing with the url, I would think. Am I missing something?
Level 60
The Hallowed
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Posted: 10/9/2013 at 6:07 AM Post #6

messing around with the URL show a pets dominant and recessive genes, as said in the first post. You cannot tell if a pet has recessive genes any other way (you could look to see what the parents had but some of the longer bred pets have some pretty distant recessive genes).
I find that playing with the URL is the easiest way to tell if a hatching will show or carry a mutation, before they become adolescent and it becomes obvious.
Level 48
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Posted: 10/9/2013 at 12:53 PM Post #7

Zelly just said, above my post, that looking at the url doesn't work with untested pets. Is she wrong? I've got some hatchies that may have hidden genes.

BTW, you can also copy the url into Notepad. I just did it. That way you can split it up at the ampersands and it's more readable. Here's the info on my draeyl hatchie (I deleted the ampersands themselves).
Edited By 8395 on 10/9/2013 at 1:06 PM.
Level 67
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Posted: 10/9/2013 at 10:41 PM Post #8

Krinadon himself even stated that untested pets will not reveal anything that isn't already known, IE genes visible at that stage. It also won't show a pets accurate age in the maturity part of the URL, nor will it show any potential visible mutations until the pet is either tested or becomes an adolescent.

Messing with the URL shows what genes are carried under an already visible, as in a pet could have a visible gene 1 and a carried gene 1 at the exact same time, but the pets profile will only show the most dominant gene, not ALL of them, so you won't know if they have any hidden genes without the URL
Edited By 3648 on 10/9/2013 at 10:55 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 10/9/2013 at 11:10 PM Post #9
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 2/27/2025 at 7:39:26pm

Zelly just said, above my post, that looking at the url doesn't work with untested pets. Is she wrong?


Even when a pet is a hatchling, you can see any visible mutations and genes in the URL.
However if a pet has not been genetically tested, you can never tell if the gene is carried based on the URL.
Each item between the various ampersands ( & ) and the question mark ( ? ) at the start is called a key/value pair in the form of KEY=VALUE.

Visible Example: (tested or untested)
-genes: look for the keys that start with "gd", as in "gd1" "gd2" "gd3"
-mutation: look for the keys that start with "md", as in "md1" "md2" "md3"
Any of the gene or mutation keys that have a value of two capital letter other than "NN" indicates a visible gene/mutation in the indicated position of the variant specified by the letter.
If there are two diffierent letters shown, the first letter is the visible gene/mutation and the second letter is a "hidden" carried gene/mutation.
Ex: "gd2=BB" would be a visible gene in position #2 of variant type "B".
Ex: "md1=AC" would be a visible mutation in position #1 of variant type "A" and a hidden carried type of "C".
The visible mutations still show up in the URL even if the pet is still a hatchling.

You can easily see what the pet will look like once it is adolescent/adult by changing the value of the "maturity" key to some value greater than "215". Ex: "&maturity=300".
You can also rewind time to see what the egg and hatchling of any pet looks like in the same way.
egg: maturity between 0 and 72 (egg cracks more as the number gets larger)
hatchling: maturity between 73 and 215

Carried Example: (tested only)
look for the same keys as above, except that the value will be in the form "NA" "NB" "NC" etc...
Ex: "md3=NC" would be a carried mutation in position #3 of variant type "C".

However like I said, the carried genes/mutations only are identifiable in the URL if a genetic test has been performed. Before the test, the value of keys for any carried attributes will only appear as "NN", and do not change to "NA" "NB" "NC" etc till after the test.
Edited By 6816 on 10/9/2013 at 11:17 PM.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 7/21/2013
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Posted: 10/10/2013 at 4:23 AM Post #10

Sorry I should have said I have a greater genetic tester so as soon as a pet is hatched it is tested (I did not get the ping). I believe that the posts above me have explained it a bit more.
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