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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > KeiyakuSuru School for Angels and Demons...
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Posted: 10/24/2018 at 11:35 PM Post #1
Welcome to KeiyakuSuru School
for Angels and Demons!

It's your typical, you-thought-you-were-a-normal-human-being sort of story. Turns out, you're a reincarnation of some of the strongest demons/angels the universe had ever had. One day you faint wherever you were at the time, and your mind was suddenly filled with past memories that you didn't know were yours in a past life, but they were quickly forgotten again except one memory, and that was you embracing death in your final moments. You knew not of who or what killed you, or any other details. You awoke to a man and woman in front of you in a seemingly never ending land of clouds. You stood on the clouds below you almost magically.

(Kiyoraka, the woman standing in front of you to your right)
(Akuno, the man standing in front of you to your left)

They both bowed, and introduced themselves, Kioraka with a gentle smile, and Akuno with a slight smirk.
"Please take this letter, it will explain a bit about you. Akuno and I will speak to you once the rest of you are all together." Kioraka smiled, as she walked a few steps forward and placed a letter tied with a light pink bow around it. Instantly, your mind was filled with knowledge. You learned what your past name was, and that you were an angel/demon. Everything else was still unanswered. Suddenly, your mind went black for a moment again. A few seconds later, you woke up out of a bed, gasping for air. The letter was still clutched in your hand, as you hurriedly opened it to see what it said.

Dear (Ms./Mr.) (First/Last Name),

I don't doubt you have many questions about why you're here, or what you just saw. I assure you, they will be answered eventually. For starters, you have been accepted into KeiyakuSuru School for Angels and Demons. Further details will be explained at the first assembly at nine o'clock sharp tomorrow morning. For the rest of today, feel free to explore school grounds. On the second piece of paper in your scroll contains your identification number and a map of the school. Bring the identification number to the main office and state your number, and they will give you your dorm key, your uniform, and your papers you can look back upon later for references. I'll see you very soon, until then, relax and take things in for a day. Thank you for understanding.


Headmaster One, Kioraka
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Posted: 10/24/2018 at 11:36 PM Post #2
Whew! Sorry for that long introduction! I just got really excited for this idea! I'm eventually going to type up an official story for it with characters and all, but I wanted to try a role play first to get the feel of it :D

Anyways! Long story short, you're an angel or demon in a past life, and you have been reincarnated! You gain certainly abilities, like increased stamina, speed, and strength. Angels get light magic, and demons obviously get dark magic. You have no clue how to use it yet though. You are placed in a school to teach you how to control and use your powers. After all, they can't just let you run around recklessly on Earth! The school is made of a contract between an angel, and a demon, whom are the man and women you had just met, although that's a secret from the students for a little while. For the first quarter, you are taught separately. Angels and Demons are divided into two classes, and remain that way until the second quarter begins. After that, they are assigned a partner of the opposite alignments. They must learn to cooperate with each other, even though they are born enemies. that's when the classes are combined into a bigger class of sixteen. I think that's all I'll blab about for now (^-^"
Edited By Isi on 10/25/2018 at 10:21 AM.
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Posted: 10/24/2018 at 11:37 PM Post #3

Please don't be too OP until at least the middle of the third quarter,
you're learning from scratch how to use magic after all!
No "perfect" characters, they're no fun to role play with!
Cussing is allowed, although keep it to a low level so other enjoy the role play too ^^
No neutral characters, they must be one or the other
You can have up to three characters!

Now for the Sign Ups!
(I don't know how many people would be interested quite yet, so I can add more slots if needed!)
Edited By Isi on 10/24/2018 at 11:40 PM.
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Posted: 10/24/2018 at 11:37 PM Post #4



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Edited By Luminousheart on 12/20/2018 at 10:41 AM.
Level 32
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Posted: 10/24/2018 at 11:37 PM Post #5
Sign Up Sheet!

Human Name:
Angel or Demon?:
Angel/Demon Name:
Age: (14-18)
Quick Background Info: (Family, school life, where they lived.. etc.)
Image: (Description is fine too! I know the struggle of not being able to put images in a form...)
Edited By Isi on 10/24/2018 at 11:41 PM.
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Posted: 10/24/2018 at 11:37 PM Post #6
Make sure you ping me please!! I'll get to accepting the form as soon as I can!! ^^
Edited By Isi on 10/24/2018 at 11:45 PM.
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Posted: 10/24/2018 at 11:38 PM Post #7
Headmaster #1

Angel or Demon?:
She's going to be two thousand two hundred this following year, but her appearance is that of a 21 year old
Normally, on first impression, Kioraka looks calm and incapable of anything more than a whisper, but she is quite scary when she's mad. She expects the best out of everyone, and no less. She doesn't take no for an answer, and has quite the attitude when thing's don't go her way. Otherwise, she is truly a caring and sweet individual. She wants to see the best in everyone, and believes that the reincarnated demons even have a chance at being good. That's a hope she still holds on to.
Kioraka fears that her hope will vanish, and that she won't be able to bring out the best in others. She fears being attached to people, for she has lost many friends in battle,
Her will do get things done, her intelligence, her kindness, her battle knowledge and skill
Her kindness can also be a weakness, her attitude, her right wing is clipped, making it unable for her to fly properly

Kioraka is one of the two headmasters at the school. She asks people to call her Miss Kiyora instead of her full name.
Her an Akuno have quite some tension that you can sort of feel, but they play it off a lot of the times.
Edited By Luminousheart on 12/20/2018 at 10:45 AM.
Level 32
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Posted: 10/24/2018 at 11:44 PM Post #8
Headmaster #2

Angel or Demon?:
Akuno is 2,337, but physically he is around 23
Akuno is very mischievous, and is almost never behaving properly. He's quite sadistic, although the level of his sadism is way less since he made an agreement with the angels. A lot of the times, he knows how to hit you where it hurts. He loves scaring people, he likes to call it a hobby since he can't harm anyone at the school. A smirk or a pout is almost always what you'll see on his face, even if he feels something completely different.
Akuno has only one thing he fears, and that is actually death itself.
His power, his wit, his manipulative nature
Once his temper has fallen short, he becomes blind with rage

He is the second headmaster of the school. He loves teasing and making Kioraka angry, which is mostly the reason they bicker so much.
Edited By Luminousheart on 12/20/2018 at 10:45 AM.
Level 32
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Posted: 10/24/2018 at 11:44 PM Post #9
Human Name:
Valor Princeton (Vali in most cases)
Angel or Demon?:
Angel/Demon Name:
Vali is a shy at first person, but he opens up really quickly to people he feels are worth his time. Never has anyone seen him loose his temper, but he's pretty bad when he does. Once he snaps, he snaps x10 from all the feelings he keeps inside himself. He could be dead inside and you would never know. Otherwise, he's super caring, and always taking care of people. He loves being social, besides when he's at a low point mentally. He's a bit aloof, and is a bit slow to seeing people's feelings about him.
Blood scares him quite a bit, but he tries not to freak out about it, he has many minor fears like spiders, (okay, spiders isn't exactly a minor fear, he'll jump up on a chair if anyone mentions a spider XD) or the dark.
His social skills, he's a really fast runner and dodger
He isn't strong physically, and sometimes he's too kind for his own good
Quick Background Info:
Vali grew up with his younger brother and sister(They're twins), and a single father household. His mother passed away recently, but he's slowly recovering. His school life wasn't all that great after his mother passed away, his grades dropped, and he started getting bullied. It's something he never mentions, but he shows signs like flinching when someone's hand comes up quickly to his face. Otherwise, he had a wonderful childhood, and he had friends that helped him. He lived in Astoria, Oregon, USA.

Vali is extremely ticklish for his age, and he has an obsession with gum, there's never a time when gum isn't in his mouth.
Edited By Luminousheart on 12/18/2018 at 6:51 PM.
Level 63
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Posted: 10/25/2018 at 8:50 AM Post #10

Human Name:
Keoni Villarreal

Angel or Demon?:

Angel Name:




Keoni may seem sweet and innocent but it's truly all a cover while she decides whether people are worth being nice to. She's willing to do anything to make things right wherever she feels something is wrong. Keoni has a strong sense of justice and gets into arguments or fights easily. She hops to people's defense quickly if they are wronged. However, that also means she hates being wrong. Keoni doesn't like admitting her faults.

-Lightning and Thunder
-Being stuck underground



Quick Background Info:

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Human Name:
Scott Hart

Angel or Demon?:

Demon Name:




Quiet and unassertive to people when speaking. He's soft spoken and stays that way. If you really get him to open up he'll show a whole other side and never stop talking. He likes to prank people, but doesn't ever take credit for it for the fear that people will hate on him or sway him to prank or bother people he doesn't even know. Scott likes spending time outdoors rather than indoors and takes photos for fun.

-Large crowds or mobs



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Edited By Shayni on 11/3/2018 at 11:11 AM.
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