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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Before The Tree War - Wings of Fire Role...
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Level 35
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Posted: 11/20/2018 at 12:22 PM Post #1
Please note that this is currently closed, and shall be rebooted soon
Edited By Ithyr on 3/7/2019 at 4:21 PM.
Level 35
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/20/2018 at 1:14 PM Post #2
Basic Plot:

Within and around Hornet Hive live (6-9) Aniums dragonets. Without anyone to help them understand their powers, they all end up meeting at the tip of the island west of the hive. Upon arriving they find a small group of bickering adult dragons, the likes of which they've never seen. These dragons come from the Forgotten Kingdoms, and introduce themselves to be apart of the three tribes called IceWings, SeaWings, and most curious of all NightWings. You begin to understand the length and meaning of being Animus, under the guidance of one of these dragons.

Sskal, the IceWing, teaches that if you are Animus that you must be careful in what you do, and save up all your power until you create one thing that benefits all. She claims that you have a right to high status, and possibly that you are above all dragons on the continent.

Whirlpool, the SeaWing, teaches that you must be careful, and bases his lessons around great SeaWing Animuses. He does not care about the opinion of Sskal, however, does take into consideration what Starseer suggests.

Starseer, the NightWing, teaches that you must learn balance, and keep yourself from tipping off the edge. She has not yet explained what she means by this, but she does give more freedom with creating enchantments.

You have a choice to follow one, two, or all three of your mentors, as you know it would not be wise to go on without guidance. Who will you choose to follow? What secrets do your mentors accidentally spill? And what is beyond that vast ocean?
Edited By Ithyr on 3/7/2019 at 4:37 PM.
Level 35
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Posted: 11/20/2018 at 1:21 PM Post #3





(Image not mine)

On top of being Aniums, Starseer was born under two moons, allowing her to read minds and receive glimpses of the future. She has not experienced a prophecy, however.

Background w/ Aniums Abilities:
Ever since she was a dragonet, Starseer knew she was Aniums. She doesn't practice often, but has come up with many ways to preserve her soul while still doing good for the benefit of others.







(Image not mine)

(But grumpier)

All regular SeaWing abilities, plus being animus

Background w/ Aniums Abilities:
Knowing that Aniums dragons are not taken lightly, Whirlpool has kept his powers neat and ordeal, but is not as strict as a IceWing might be.

Is a prince of the SeaWing kingdom.







(Image not mine)

She is not able to manipulate plants, like is rumored, but has exceptional experience with gardening.

Background w/ Aniums Abilities:
Maple discovered her abilities when she was just messing around. She was holding a bowl full of fruit and said, "I wish these could just fly into my mouth!" Lo and behold, she got her wish. Just imagine how that went down. Just.... Just.... Come on, Maple.






5 (Has not yet gone through metamorphosis, so ignore the wings on the below picture.)

Description (Or image if preferred):

(Again, the above picture but without the wings.)

Normal SilkWing abilities. (Is not a Flamesilk)

Background w/ Aniums Abilities:
Comet doesn't have the largest experience with his Aniums Abilities. His first, and so far only, enchantment was when he was four, and was practicing with tapestry weaving. He was getting bored, and like the smart little ****** bag he is, commanded the silk to just weave faster. It did. And he was scared. And he ran away. He probably burned the weaving too.

Edited By Ithyr on 11/21/2018 at 12:53 PM.
Level 18
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Posted: 11/20/2018 at 1:24 PM Post #4
Name: sskal (Ice scales)
Species: Icewing
Gender: Female
Age: Fourty
She looks some what like this but with lighter turquoise scales.
Abilities: sskal has ice cold scales, if you touch her you could get frost bite.
She's been an outcast back home and finds this new land comforting.
Other: sskal is the mean one)

Name: Vespa
Species: Hivewing
Gender: Male
Age: Seven
(He's a very small boi)
Abilities: Vespa has burning acid in his tail, he sometimes uses it to carve into his cave's walls, saying he wants to make art. He's Animus.
Back ground: All he's known is the hole he lives in and minor glimpses of the blue sky
Other: Vespa can get salty.
Queen wasp
(these images aren't mine)

Name: Harasa (Bumble)
Gender: Female
Species: Hivewing
Age: Seven
She looks like this but she's not screaming.
Abilities: She has poison covered fangs. She's animus as well as Vespa.
Background: Harasa found out she earned these as just a little hatchling. She made a book her mother was reading fly into a wall.
Other: She's very naive.

Name: Motyl
Gender: Male
Species: Silkwing
Abilities: Motyl is a fire silk, this is strong. You might want to put gloves on to handle this stuff.
Other: Gay pride, baby! Whoo!
Edited By Sabira on 11/22/2018 at 8:45 AM.
Level 35
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Posted: 11/20/2018 at 2:34 PM Post #5
Level 18
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Posted: 11/20/2018 at 2:35 PM Post #6
yeet skeet, thank you.
Level 35
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/20/2018 at 2:36 PM Post #7
yeetus skeetus
Level 35
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 11/20/2018 at 2:45 PM Post #8
(Interest ping? Sorry to bother, I just saw that you were all in the Age of Night roleplay and was wondering if you would be interested in this.)
Level 62
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Posted: 11/20/2018 at 3:19 PM Post #9
Name: Dandelion
Gender: Female
Species: Leafwing
Age: six
Description: looks like a normal Leafwing with yellow scales on the underbelly and the border of the wings
Abilities: can control plants
Background: discovered her animus abilities while playing with her friends, she was the queen of the tribe and told the others what to do. Unfortunately, the friends actually had to do this and told her about this. Dandelion was shocked, but wasnt very scared to use them. She still isnt, and usually comes up with creative ways to use her powers. Her mother and father have tried to control her powers, but they have given up once they realized that Dandelion didnt want to use her power to hurt her.
Other: queen wasp
Edited By Freki on 11/20/2018 at 3:24 PM.
Level 35
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 8/20/2018
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Posted: 11/20/2018 at 3:23 PM Post #10
Hey, sorry, I forgot to mention earlier that the animus dragons besides the three mentors are all dragonets. Sorry if you were making this for a bit, but it's now in the Basic Plot section. (Second post)
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