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Forum Index > General Discussion > Adventures with Dumb Party Setups
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Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 1/9/2016
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Posted: 11/28/2018 at 7:24 PM Post #1
Average fight records, for the curious~.


Nobody asked for this, but my triple light party is VERY EXCITING and oh my gosh mender fights are impossible. xD

It took me 578 turns to beat two Nightfall Menders with this party. xD

I gained about 3% ranking progress on my 1-attacks during this process. Wasn't tracking the 2- and 3-attacks as closely, but also some pretty substantial progress there, too, I'm sure.


I ran into another two-mender fight just now, and it seems that I've discovered a fairly effective strategy. I beat this one in a "mere" 100 turns. ^.^

I ended up using only the first two pets in my party for healing, and let the other save up mana for Finishing Blows whenever the menders' healing buffs ended. Obviously it's still slower than a high-damage-output team... but it is much faster than the 578 turns from before. ;P

(...For comparison, this same team took down an ent in ~157(?) turns earlier. So, menders are pretty tough stuff ;P)


-That battlemage/mender/brigand combination that shows up when you're trying to rescue egglings for that one task is possible. If I have enough mana, I can one-shot the battlemage with finishing blows, and that helps a lot.

-Triple mender fight is basically impossible at this point. xD


...Never mind. Ents are scary, too. ._.

It took me 170 turns to beat this last one, and Soot nearly died multiple times (poor boy :c). Poppy did, too, once I switched them out to give poor Soot a break. But I did manage it ^.^;; though I was feeling so nervous the whole time... thank goodness for Restoration, or I totally would've died. ._.



I managed to grind a little over 10% expertise on the 1-attacks and probably more than 8% on the 3-attacks...? (Wasn't tracking that one as closely.)

I mostly used the 1-attacks, until a pet dipped below 70% health. Then that pet was quickly triple-restored. Rinse and repeat.

2-attacks didn't get much use due to the higher mana cost, so there's nothing substantial to report there. Mostly it was used when someone needed healing but Restoration was still on cool-down.

Blazer actually hit 100% a couple hundred turns earlier... but then I was having a lot of trouble ending the fight, for some reason... >.> So he ended up with about 1.5% wasted expertise. But, ah, well. What can you do, right? :')

(Watch me someday use this tactic to get a whole 100% in one battle ;P how long would that even take? like, eons? xD)


Ahh yes, the most formidable of enemies... the epic Shadow Draeyl!

I'm not kidding, once I discovered that it was a shadow kid, I got really excited and decided to use it for grinding expertise, like I did with menders. But then... I had no idea how to finish it... xD

Eventual strategy:
-Krin gave me the tip that I could block when it used Vampiric Strike (used at full mana) to help reduce the healing it got.
-It used Mend every 50 turns for 29,614(?) health... not much I could do about that.
-The main problem was dealing damage while keeping enough mana to heal. So I started using Finishing Blows with two pets, while leaving one pet that had enough mana to use Divine Balance, just in case.
-It was a long, slow process... but! Every time it used Mend, its total health was just a liiitle bit lower~. Once I got it under the 50% mark post-Mend, I knew I could make it! It was just a matter of time~.

Expertise increase for Restoration: ~89% --> 98.29%
Expertise increase for Beam: <40%(??) --> 48.95%
Fairy Light and Divine Balance: I... didn't look at their starting values haha


We beat Oakstout at 365 turns... but I had to use a lot of healing items, including the exceptionals from the advent calendar, which I didn't want to have to do. >.>


2/16/19, mark the date. We beat Eleane for the first time. :D

416 turns, three blue revives used, but man, did that feel good~ :D


Lesson learned: When fighting a vanished Eleane, I /must/ block with the middle and attack vicars with the other two. (Except when one of the other two is getting attacked.) Otherwise, I just won't have enough mana to sustain the fight. >.<

Second Eleane fight: 396 turns, three blue revives. We're improving, slightly ^w^


So, fighting Eleane really turns out to be a matter of managing mana.

For this reason, a well-timed Restoration /can/ be more effective than a lot of planned-out Divine Balances.

That's not to say Divine Balance isn't useful. :P It's saved us many many times. /But/, Restoration takes much less mana and does a lot of easy healing, so it's worth it.

(And, having to click on the 3-attack is actually less annoying when all three pets have to do it at the same time. Really bothers me to use Restoration with my earth-light-air party. But not with triple light. *shrug*)


1-attacks: ~1.5% --> 78.48%/80.21%
2-attacks: ~1.5% --> 78.10%/79.83%

I really screwed up. I accidentally killed one of the menders before I intended to. >.> buuut I did encounter a themed vul in literally the next fight, so that's... something, I guess?
Edited By Somneli on 8/7/2019 at 3:49 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 12/3/2018 at 4:00 PM Post #2
Som, this sounds like a nightmare. XD Why are you torturing yourself like this?
I thought it was bad that I go around with a full shadow team.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 12/3/2018 at 4:47 PM Post #3
I'm hoping they'll be really great once their proficiencies start ranking up ;w;

...Aside from that, I bought a whole bunch of semi-super lups from Xav a while back and wanted to try out some new parties with them (since before I'd pretty much exclusively used earth-light-air). I started with some decent typical things, with water or shadow tanks, fire instead of air, two DPS kids instead of a healer...

...and then I decided to try some more "out there" setups, and now here we are. xD
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/17/2015
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Posted: 12/7/2018 at 3:45 AM Post #4
Triple light...sooo slow.... (but never gets ko'ed!)

That's certainly one way to grind proficiency somn! :P
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 12/7/2018 at 8:03 AM Post #5
Oh, no. They definitely get KO'd sometimes. :')

Usually it's when I'm fighting an ent. The ent'll stun poor Soot, and /then/ take a giant swing at him... when Soot is able to block, it's not that big a deal, but when he's stunned, it's pretty much instadeath. >.>

And then without 1/3 of the healing support, the rest of the party crumbles pretty fast after that. :')
Level 75
Luck of the Draw
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Posted: 12/10/2018 at 7:25 PM Post #6
I'm training up a triple-water team. And it's actually...not too bad? :P
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 12/10/2018 at 8:20 PM Post #7
Ohh, that sounds interesting for sure o:

If you want to post some misadventures on this thread, feel free to do so~
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/16/2018 at 3:06 PM Post #8
Yeah, water is a great element, and is quite versatile! It is specially good against elite/named! I've had a lot of success with a water tank previously. The only problem is that I find water is slow. I have to think about every attack and place shields in the right place, etc. With other elements there is a lot of 11111 spamming. :P
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 1/9/2016
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Posted: 12/17/2018 at 7:29 AM Post #9
(hope you don't mind being pinged >.< sorry if you didn't want to be...)

I used to feel the same way with light's Restoration, haha - both light and water have those moves where you have to click on the pets, and it feels like it disrupts the flow of the battle :\ Though with a triple light party, if I use all Restorations at the same time, it doesn't feel as disruptive haha.

I have a few teams with water in them, but I don't really use them much. I may have to look into it more in the future :P
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 10/12/2018
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Posted: 2/18/2019 at 7:24 PM Post #10
I tried double shadow-fire once...this is my best leveling set-up but do Not take it into the LG. I had a 65-50-50 and....they got crushed by a couple of menders
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