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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > World of many universes [Signups]
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Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 9/13/2017
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Posted: 12/6/2018 at 4:26 PM Post #1
The multiverse. Plane of existence that holds countless universes and timelines. Occasionally, however, two universes crash into eachother, called a bi-universal collision. Both are damaged, but in the end, the two universes join into one, many survive and continue alongside eachother peacefully. But one day...

There was a universe, one where everyone kept peace, and there was no fighting at all. But some unknown force caused multiple universes to collide into this peaceful one in the worst bi-universal collision of all time. Thousands upon thousands crashed into this one universe. Many lives were being ended quicker than any gods could react, so the best they could do is create a special massive planet which could house the survivors.

Many lives were took, and many were put into a coma. In order to try and make it up to the lifeforms, all the gods from all the universes came together to create the best world they could give, and made sure to give every lost life a memorial.

It's been 10 years since that disaster. Some have moved on, but some are still traumatized and lost. Everyone remembers their life before it and during it, and are trying to live this piece of their life after the disaster. Some people have decided to try and search for the force which caused the disaster, and stop it if it's still around. What will you do, though?

Welcome to this RP! It's been a long wait! The RP is up, but before we get to the rules and description, I feel like I need to clear something up:

If your familiar with "|Worlds Collide|", then I am not ripping it off. In fact, the idea came from me first, and then after a conversation with it's creator, it seemed like they were willing to allow me to create this one.

Anyway, in this RP, you can be any character from any game or TV show or movie or whatever, canon or OC. Just so long as you don't do something like "Oh their from my hero academia" and then make them just some random guy who doesn't even fit into the universe. You have to make it related to the show/game and in the bounds of it as well.

Without further ado, let's get on with the rules!

1.) No OP characters. Yeah, some media can have *powerful* characters, but a well written one would have ups and downs, not just ups.

2.) In cases like pokemon or other things like it, you are allowed to have fakemon.

3.) Please try and use canon characters if you can! That's the entire point of the RP! Just because I allow OCs, it's because some people would feel awkward portraying someone else's characters and are worried they'd suck at it, but if you can roleplay as one, please do!

4.) I'd prefer it be something that isn't about a real person. After all, your allowed to go crazy and use some interesting, powerful characters, so why not do so?

5.) Don't be disrespectful and rude out of RP. It'll just get you removed from the roleplay.

6.) If you repeatedly don't follow these rules, you'll be banned from this and my other RP's, especially the OORP harassment.

7.) HaVe FuN oR bAn!1!1!!!1

8.) Not really a rule, but whatever age your character canonically is, you can keep them like that, so you don't have to age up your characters.

Signup form:

Age [if unknown then guess]:
Likes and dislikes:
Backstory [Of course the event may effect this]:

And you can add other things necessary, if needed, like powers/species/other stuff that may be universe specific.

Alright, have fun!
Edited By Aurusei on 12/16/2018 at 2:43 PM.
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 9/13/2017
Threads: 101
Posts: 1,387
Posted: 12/6/2018 at 5:02 PM Post #2
Sumie Umeki
Carefree, curious, isn't very cautious, Free-spirited, kind but shy, somewhat stubborn
Likes and dislikes:
She likes stars, plushies, The color blue, and her close friends, and dislikes clouds, needles, spiders, and being distracted

Backstory [Of course the event may effect this]:
She had been living a normal enough life, and she was quick to notice something wasn't right the day of the disaster, as she was looking out her telescope, and notices strange things happening in the sky above. She survived because her father shielded her with his body when the anomalies got really bad.
Ultimate Astronomer
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 9/13/2017
Threads: 101
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Posted: 12/6/2018 at 5:16 PM Post #3
Interest ping
Level 58
Fancy Pants
Joined: 12/18/2017
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Posted: 12/6/2018 at 5:45 PM Post #4
Personality:shy and reserved
Likes and Dislikes:people, Other Animatronics,
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 9/13/2017
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Posted: 12/6/2018 at 5:56 PM Post #5
You need an appearance, but if you don't have a good image i could draw you one
Level 34
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/10/2018
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Posted: 12/6/2018 at 6:03 PM Post #6
Can I join, Auru?
Level 34
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/6/2018 at 6:12 PM Post #7
(Forgot to ping)
Level 19
Fancy Pants
Joined: 4/8/2018
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Posted: 12/6/2018 at 6:19 PM Post #8
Remus Lupin
Age [if unknown then guess]:

Lyall Lupin (father) | Hope Lupin (mother) | Nymphadora Tonks (wife) | Edward Lupin (son)
Relationship:(Dating? Married? Has a crush?)


Likes and dislikes:


Werewolf Form

Backstory [Of course the event may effect this]:

Harry Potter
Cannon or oc?:
Wand-Cypress and unicorn hair, ten and a quarter inches, pliable

Age [if unknown then guess]:


Relationship:(Dating? Married? Has a crush?)



Likes and dislikes:


Backstory [Of course the event may effect this]:

Inheritance Cycle
Cannon or oc?:


Age [if unknown then guess]:

Bonded Dragon

Relationship:(Dating? Married? Has a crush?)



Likes and dislikes:


Backstory [Of course the event may effect this]:

Inheritance Cycle
Cannon or oc?:

Work In Progress
Also I might decide to change characters completely and if I do I apologize but my brain is very finicky today.
Edited By Dracontamer on 12/6/2018 at 11:31 PM.
Level 63
Joined: 6/2/2017
Threads: 164
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Posted: 12/6/2018 at 7:06 PM Post #9
Mind if I copy and paste in my Worlds Collide Form? It has everything almost all done.

My whole childhood adsgdhlal

Sophie Elizabeth Foster
The name Sophie means "wisdom," "wise," and "pretty." Her middle name, Elizabeth, means "oath of God," and "God is satisfaction." Her last name, Foster, means "one who keeps the forest."



Elf [Genetically Modified in Elf Species too, the 'Moonlark']

"The elves once lived in harmony with the humans, but they are taught that humans wanted to rule the world instead of sharing it with all the intelligent species. Humans made disastrous weapons that they didn't know how to control, and the elves decided it would be best to sever connections with the humans completely. After the elves left, humans started making myths about them. Atlantis, unicorns, and pointy ears all came as the humans eventually started to forget about the elves, but the people who did remember the elves told these stories which became the myths.
There is a small Elvin group called the Black Swan. The Black Swan knew that the Elvin way was not working, and implemented change. They created Sophie Foster, a girl of both worlds. She had seen the flaws in the human world, but when she moved to the Lost Cities, she saw the flaws in the elf world, too. As she finds out more about herself and the Black Swan, she and her friends start to see that what they originally had seen as perfect was not perfect at all.
Elvin food is all vegetarian since none of the Elves believe in eating other living creatures (they are actually quite disgusted at the idea of it). Much of the food is prepared by the Gnomes, however Elves are known to do some baking. Sophie describes all of the food as being more delicious than anything humans have created."
The ears of elves don't become pointy until they are extremly old, though they still retain a young appearance even then. They have a special drink call Youth, it's a daily drink that elves have that cleans their bodies of any chemicals and keeps them healthy. It is known to be like water.

What Fictional World Are You From
Elvin Cities
Keeper of the Lost Citites

Author Of Said Work Of Fiction
Shannon Messenger

Sophie is described as being very beautiful, much like all the other elves. She has wavy blond hair flowing just past her shoulders. Her eyes are a warm brown with small flecks of gold, which is extremely unique in a world where every elf has an eye color in a shade of blue. As of Exile, she has a star-shaped scar on the back of her hand. In the human world, she often wore dull colors such as black, brown and grey to avoid attention; however, Fitz was able to identify her as an elf, partly because she is so naturally beautiful. In the Elvin world, however, she has no choice but to wear their colorful clothing to enhance her already stunning appearance and occasionally enjoys it. Sophie often dislikes fancy gowns, tiaras, extravagant skirts, makeup, shopping, and similar items. She dislikes wearing fancy gowns because of the many overly girly aspects of the dresses, unlike Biana. After she manifests as an Enhancer, she is encouraged to wear fancier clothes to steer attention away from her gloves and to her appearance.

"Sophie's favorite color is teal. Sophie is first depicted as a lonely and shy girl, as she was a 12-year-old among high school seniors. She was an outcast because she was very quiet but incredibly intelligent, and was often called a know-it-all due to this intelligence. Her outstanding grades and photographic memory frequently annoyed and aroused the jealousy of her human peers. Because of this, she often wore dull colors, like black or grey. Attention still makes her uncomfortable.
Sophie had a hard time accepting the fact that she was an elf, though this did not deter her curiosity. Sophie often doubts herself and sometimes needs reassurance to boost her self-confidence. She has a habit of tugging out loose eyelashes when she is nervous. She usually cries when she's frustrated and needs to express her feelings (most of the time crying on her friends' shoulders). Her family is very supportive and understands her feelings. Despite this, she is also headstrong and brave. Even if something seems dangerous, she always wants to help, especially when her friends and family are involved. For instance, when Keefe joined the Neverseen, she tried everything she could to get him back, straining her friendship with Fitz.
Sophie's most prominent trait is her protectiveness and willingness to help her friends, even if it harms herself. This is shown when she nearly faded away while light-leaping without a nexus, by wrapping all of her concentration around Dex, who she thought was unconscious when she escaped the Neverseen in the first book.
Sophie is also very determined, refusing to give up despite any situation. A prime example would be during her capture in the first book, where she did not give up hope trying to contact Fitz."

There's a lot, but in this rp, after the disaster, she'll be put in a special coma. She'll wake up when the rp starts.

-Her family (basically all friends in this category)
-Feeling welcome or having somewhere she belongs
-Animals (specifically her pet imp Iggy)

-Putting those she loves in harms way
-People getting hurt when they don't deserve it
-Wearing overly frilly or fancy clothes

There are a bunch in the book but she'll start afresh here.
Family | She was raised with Humans, But her adoptive Family and blood family are elves, though she was a test tube baby
Friends | Open
Love Interest | Open
Enemies | She tries not to make any unecessary ones

Special Skills/Talents/Powers
Sophie has had the ability to read minds since the age of five. Her talent was activated by the Mr. Forkle (The leader of the Black Swan) when she was unconscious, on the day she hit her head. Sophie struggles to remember what happened to her that day because Mr. Forkle erased that memory from her head. She is considered to be the most powerful Telepath since she could communicate telepathically halfway across the world while being severely injured. Sophie can also read the minds of animals, which has never been done before and use her abilities to pinpoint others' locations. Her Foxfire instructor is Tiergan and before that, Mr. Forkle mentally trained her. Sophie is portrayed as indestructible and has such an unbreakable mind that even some of the most powerful and well-trained telepaths were unable to penetrate into her mind. Only Mr. Forkle and Fitzroy Avery Vacker, whom she allows into her mind subconsciously, are able to read her thoughts. Fitz enters an unknown code that lets him into Sophie's mind.

Sophie is a Polyglot. A Polyglot can speak different languages just by hearing them and mimic different accents and voices precisely, which can be helpful in some ways. Alden informs her being a Polyglot will help her in Multi-special studies, which she is taught at Foxfire. She struggles with mimicking, though something that is important in her Linguistics class, and after what Keefe had to do to take the cache (though he didn't intend to hurt her), she decides that she will refuse to mimic. Her instructor is Lady Cadence. Sophie discovered she was a Polyglot in Book 1. She and Dex were escaping their kidnappers in France, and she spoke to someone in French without realizing it.

Sophie has this ability as a result of the Black Swan tweaking her genes. Sophie discovered this ability when Dex told her she made their kidnappers fall to the ground in extreme pain. She can harness her emotions by imagining them as thick strings and keep them tied in a sort of knot beneath her ribs. Depending on whether they are positive or negative, she can either inflict incredible pain or soothe another being. Normally, Inflictors can only inflict negative emotions, but as another side effect of the tweaks made to her DNA (based on alicorn DNA, this is proven to affect this ability because in exile Silveny the alicorn can inflict positive emotions as well and helps Sophie with her bad dreams), she can inflict positive emotions as well. She can bring people's minds back from a mental break by inflicting her positive emotions inside their head. She uses this ability several times throughout her adventures in the Lost Cities, for varying purposes. Her instructor is Councillor Bronte, who was the only Inflictor in the elvin world before Sophie.

Photographic Memory
Sophie also has a photographic memory, which helped her achieve greatly in her human schools. When Sophie sees something, she can remember it in her mind exactly how she saw it, detail for detail. She uses her photographic memory for the memory log Alden gave her, which keeps track of different moments for her to reference. She projects her memory onto the pages and often finds hidden messages in them when she looks closely at them. This helps her a lot in classes such as The Universe(she has remembered all the stars places in the sky and names). It also allowed her to retain information the Black Swan planted in her head while she was living in the human world. She sometimes finds this annoying, but in the end, it is usually helpful. Her friend, Keefe Sencen also has this "ability."

The following Abilities
in this Roleplay

Acquired from the similarities to Alicorns in her genes, Sophie can teleport with her mind, like her Alicorn friend, Silveny. Since Sophie has Alicorn genes, she has brown eyes just like the species. Sophie is the only elf who can teleport. However, Greyfell and Silveny, the Alicorns, can also use this ability. When teleporting, Sophie has to get enough momentum by falling in order to enter the 'void'. Sophie also cannot teleport through anything solid (underground (Exile), buildings, or into the Sanctuary, which is located in a mountain range). Jumping off of cliffs or high places is usually how Sophie enters the so-called void.

Sophie has the ability to enhance or improve someone's energy and special ability just by touching them. Her body builds up energy in her fingertips and releases it through physical contact. She also gives a slight boost to anyone standing near her, but it is nowhere near as powerful as the enhancement she provides by touch. This requires her to wear gloves whenever in public, so she doesn't accidentally boost someone's energy when making physical contact. However in flash back tinker (who works with the black swan) makes her an invention that she places onto her finger nails that blocks her enhancing and can undo and redo this effect by taping her fingers. Mr. Forkle tells her that there is no way for her to turn it off at any time (naturally aka without inventions), making it a real threat to herself, as an enemy could take advantage of her by touching her fingertips and receiving a strong boost of power to fight her with.but she takes the risk anyway for it has many pros as well, This ability was not a result of her genetic modification, and it is stated that Mr. Forkle "paused" when he discovered she would have this ability. Sophie may have never manifested this ability if Mr. Forkle hadn't triggered it in Lodestar.

I haven't read the books since I was in sophomore year but honestly it'll be fun. So I might 4get some details haha

Quote From Your Character
"'Okay,' she agreed. If he refused to be serious, then so would she. 'Fine, I'm an elf. Am I supposed to help Frodo destroy the ring and save Middle-Earth? Or do I have to make toys in the North Pole?'"
"'Sometimes I get sick of being strong.'"

Summary Of The Story They Come From
Umm this is a lot so be careful
Edited By Shayni on 12/7/2018 at 5:55 PM.
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 9/13/2017
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Posted: 12/6/2018 at 7:38 PM Post #10
Please do join! :)
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