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Forum Index > General Discussion > Candy Heart Set drops: what did you get?
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Level 70
Fancy Pants
Joined: 8/2/2018
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Posted: 2/14/2019 at 9:09 PM Post #1
I don't see one of these threads, and wanted to keep track of what I've gotten so far. Anyone feel free to post or brag if you'd like!

My Candy Heart Set Drops: (more or less in order)

Garments of Eros (Tenderheart) x2
Cupid's Gallant Armor (Heavenly) x3
Staff of Eros (Tenderheart) x3
Lovely Ribbon (Tenderheart)
Lovely Branch Staff (Heavenly) x4
Cupid's Gallant Wings (Tenderheart) x2
Laurel Wreath of Eros (Heavenly)
[Lovely Vines (Heavenly)] x2
Cupid's Gallant Harp (Tenderheart) x2
Cupid's Gallant Locks (Heavenly) x6
[Lovely Robes (Heavenly)] x3
[Lovely Robes (Tenderheart)]
[Cupid's Gallant Sword (Tenderheart)] x2
[Cupid's Gallant Bow (Heavenly)] x2
[Laurel Wreath of Eros (Heavenly)]
[Cupid's Gallant Sword (Heavenly)]
[Lovely Vines (Tenderheart)] x2
[Wings of Eros (Heavenly)] x3
[Staff of Eros (Heavenly)]
[Cupid's Gallant Locks (Tenderheart)]
[Cupid's Gallant Quiver (Heavenly)]
[Garments of Eros (Heavenly)] x2
[Lovely Robes (Heavenly)] x2
[Lovely Branch Staff (Tenderheart)] x2
[Cupid's Gallant Sword (Tenderheart)]
[Cupid's Gallant Wings (Heavenly)]
[Cupid's Gallant Halo (Tenderheart)] x2
[Lovely Ribbon (Heavenly)] x2
[Lovely Robes] x2 (recolor, yay!)
[Cupid's Gallant Armor (Tenderheart)]
[Cupid's Gallant Harp (Heavenly)] x3
set 55: [Lovely Leaf Spriteling (Gracey)]
[Cupid's Gallant Quiver (Tenderheart)]
[Laurel Wreath of Eros (Tenderheart)]

65 sets opened, all avi items x'D I'll be keeping a running tally here if anyone is interested

Avi items I haven't gotten yet:

Tenderheart: Eros Wings
Edited By Bunne on 2/25/2019 at 12:26 AM.
Level 75
Joined: 12/1/2018
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Posts: 16
Posted: 2/14/2019 at 9:30 PM Post #2
uuh let's see...
as of Feb 14th

Lovely vines (sold)
Cupid's armor (tenderheart)(sold)
2-vis rikki
Lovely robes (heavenly)
Cupid's Gallant wings (heavenly)
Cupid's gallant Halo (Heavenly)
as of Feb 15th:
Cupid's locks (tenderheart) (in broker)
Lovely Ribbon (heavenly)

Feb 16th

laurel wreath of eros (tenderheart) (in broker)
Lovely vines (again)
Cupids halo (heavenly) ((again)) (sold)
heavenly Halo (yet again) (gave away)
Heavenly Eros wings
Rikki egg voucher (gave to Bunne cuz wow 29+ sets and no rikki for them!)
Cupid's halo (tenderheart) (in broker)

Feb 18th:

Heavenly ribbon (tenderheart) (in broker)
Heavenly ribbon (tenderheart) again! (gave away)
Heavenly ribbon (heavenly) again (sold)

Feb 19th:

Heavenly ribbon (heavenly) yet again!! (given away)

Feb 20th:
Cupid's Gallent Bow (Tenderheart) was gifted this by Aerimistress a couple of days ago, so traded this one
Staff of Eros (tenderheart)


Note: a mix of coming in late, leaving earlier, and not being able to summon as many nameds even when playing, means that for the last several days i'm not getting even remotely the same number of hearts as i was at first.

Feb 21st
Cupid's Gallant Armor (heavenly) something not a repeat! Horraaay!
Cupid's bow (heavenly)....i'd just traded my tenderheart bow for a heavenly one yesterday.... (given to someone since they turned out to already have the thing i traded the heart for, and they sent another heart)
Cupid's halo (heavenly) yet again!!! (put on broker)


Feb 22nd

Cupid's bow (tenderheart) my word, again?! (chucked into broker)
Cupid's Gallant Sword (tenderheart) except i got this via a trade a couple days ago XD (given away)
Wings of Eros (heavenly) already traded for these. {i] (chucks in broker)


Feb 23rd

Cupid's robes (tenderheart)


Feb 24th

Cupid's harp (tenderheart)
Wings of Eros (Heavenly) seriously??! (tossed into the broker)
Gallant Harp (tenderheart)
Lovely Branch Staff (tenderheart)
Cupid's Gallant Armor (heavenly) again? (tosses into broker)

for my last set........
Lovely bramch staff (tenderheart) aaawh man....:( (tosses into broker)

*when i get new stuff, i'll just add it to this post instead of spamming the forum
Edited By Zandragon on 2/24/2019 at 10:50 PM.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Joined: 10/12/2018
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Posted: 2/14/2019 at 10:38 PM Post #3
Hmm, well what I got so far...

Cupid's Gallant Wings (Tenderheart)
Lovely Robes (Tenderheart)
Lovely Ribbon (Heavenly)
Cupid's Gallant Armor (Heavenly) x3 kept 1, sold 1, 1 on broker
Cupid's Gallant Harp (Heavenly)

Feb 15
Wings of Eros (Heavenly)
Staff of Eros (Heavenly) sold
Lovely Ribbon (Heavenly) sold

Feb 16
Garments of Eros (Tenderheart) sold

Ah, I stopped keeping track. I know I've opened about 35 sets now and about my 27th one was a rikki. ^-^

Not in any particular order. ^-^ Now if I can just get the halo and wings in heavenly I'll be set for my outfit! My outfit is complete!
Edited By Aerimistress on 2/21/2019 at 6:58 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/17/2018
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Posted: 2/14/2019 at 11:06 PM Post #4
Wings of Eros (Heavenly)
Lovely Vines (Tenderheart)
Cupid's Gallant Harp (Tenderheart)
Cupid's Gallant Locks (Heavenly)
Lovely Robes (Heavenly)
Cupid's Gallant Armor (Heavenly)
Cupid's Gallant Sword (Heavenly)
2v Heavenly Ferriki
Staff of Eros (Tenderheart)
Staff of Eros (Tenderheart) -again
Lovely Vines (Heavenly)
Laurel Wreath of Eros (Tenderheart)
Staff of Eros (Heavenly)
Edited By Fastnatalie1 on 2/24/2019 at 6:20 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
Threads: 142
Posts: 16,053
Posted: 2/21/2019 at 6:28 PM Post #5
i don't have them in order of day or anything but there you go :

Pets :
Heavenly Ferrikki

Cupid's Gallant Bow (Heavenly)
Cupid's Gallant Harp (Heavenly)
Cupid's Gallant sword (tenderheart)
Lovely Branch Staff (Heavenly)

Cupid's Gallant Armor (tenderheart)

Head :
Lovely Ribbon (Tenderheart)
Lovely Ribbon (Heavenly)
laurel wreath of eros (tenderheart)
laurel wreath of eros (Heavenly)

Cupid's Gallant Wings (Tenderheart)
Wings of Eros (Heavenly) x2

Cupid's Gallant quiver (Heavenly)
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