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Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
Threads: 347
Posts: 17,586
Posted: 3/9/2019 at 8:00 AM
Post #1
Guess who's back! at least a little bit more....
First off to those I have RP'd with for a long time, sorry i fell off the face of Sylestia, it was not intentional, I completely underestimated the requirements of my occupation. SO for that i'm SORRY >.< i feel bad for not notifying you of my absence.
Now onto the Fun stuff ^^
Because I have been gone for a while I want to get my narrating skills back up to speed, so I thought why not do a really big nice World creation/ Manipulation/ Free for all RP. if you were ever in any of my Iota series of RP games it will be similar but hopefully much better and last longer this time.
Floating, thats at least what it fells like, Floating in a void of color. However something is odd, you cannot seem to remember what it was you were doing last... in fact you cant remember anything more than your name and who you are. but it seems peaceful as a murmer of a voice breaks the air......
" Hello, I know nothing may seem clear, but you have been chosen to help restore our world...... we will talk more once you are awake..."
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
Threads: 347
Posts: 17,586
Posted: 3/9/2019 at 8:00 AM
Post #2
1. I am the narrator, I have final say on outcomes.... though if its logical I can be persuaded
2.You are in charge of keeping track of your own inventory and what not on your Sign up form
- I will have a paper copy but I may not always be able to share it with you-
3. Your Character can Start with only two genes or mutations, if you are editing your sylesti I'll give a little more leway as to adding things, because it takes a lot of effort to edit.
4. In other please let me know if you plan on doing any edits like above to your pet, if Yes then put Editable, if No then put SY Only
5. Only chose one color of the map to start that is there for your reference of travel and climate zones(see in tools below)
6. Don't be OP, the narrator does not look kindly on cheaters
7.Outcome are based on story line and at random depending on the direction, so please don't be upset if something does not go the way you want it to, tis a challenge ;)
8.If you need help please Ping here and not in the RP thread for flow reasons
9.If you have Ideas also post those in here and not the RP itself
10. Your player form will be designed like a quote, so please try to keep up with your original post so that it will stay as updated as it needs to be for you and other players you may be interacting with
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 12/9/2019 at 8:41 AM.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
Threads: 347
Posts: 17,586
Posted: 3/9/2019 at 8:00 AM
Post #3
Editing Programs
FireAlpaca / Media Bang Pro
-Free to use and download-
I use this one if you have seen any of my edits and it works super well!
Example -
-Free to use and download-
I have used this one before too, not as smooth as fieralpaca, but better for editing colors and already existing textures.
Example -
Sythur is always in some state of agitation, and will prefer to avoid combat entirely, either by speaking with the other party, or sneaking around them. She far prefers travelling at twilight. Befriending others is not her strong suite.
Skills: ( add these as you play)
Her bones are far weaker than most other sylesti, can't fight in close quarters, blinded in one eye, doesn't have a sense of humour, hates enclosed spaces
Twilight, walking in silence with companions, fog, snow, the ocean
Daytime, loud sylesti, high temperatures, forests, intense light
Peveki is a sylesti full of energy. He like to being acompained, even if is in silence. His sense of tense situations is horrible, so if a sylesti want him miles away, that sylesti has to tell him; he is very clueless, after all. He like play with other creatures, or talk, or just be close enought to feel that he is not alone. He loves made friends - even if he is the only one who feel the frienship growing up -. He is afraid of fights, and just start to fight when someone give the first step (or run away, if he could).
Skills: Only if being playful counts.
Flaws: He is terryfied of fighting, when a creature want to fight against him he only can react when his rival attacks him (before that, he tries to convince the other creature to not fight), here he have two options: Fight or flight - this is his prefer option -.
- Make friends
- Be accompanied by others
- Anything with he can play
- Run
- Fruits
In-game name:
Oblivion (goes by Vion [Vie - on])
Starting Color / Location:
Green, near the coast
Very outgoing and friendly, she can be somewhat dependent. She likes to find one other she can trust and depend on, not liking being alone. She is fiercely loyal and likes to find the best in others, disliking when she has to hurt or be mean to someone. She is very carefree and go with the flow, not liking bounderes and restrictions being imposed upon her. She dislikes being along for long periods of time though she does like the occasional alone walk or being by herself in a place she is comfortable in.
Skills: ( add these as you play)
Too trusting, clingy, gets nervous when alone for long periods of time, manipulated easily
friends, music, walks, rain, nighttime
being alone, loud noises, flashing lights, hurting others
Editable ((once I get a better working laptop))
(hope I did this right)
In Game name
Novocain *nova for short*
Starting Color / Location:
(I can't see the map so purple I guess)
Very much a snappy person he get's angry easily and has a tendency to lash out.He's not prime puffador cuddliness and prefers to be by his lonesome.
~Very prone to burst of anger~
~Not very emotional ~
~Pushy people~
SY only
Personality: Very huffy and impatient, he's hard to get along with and doesn't stop to notice details that often, but when he does, he's particularly observant. He's got eagle sharp vision, and his color vision isn't too bad. He's quick and energetic, and is more accustomed to snow and ice. He's loud and complains frequently and constantly if he isn't interested in a task or is uncomfortable, and he's picky about his food some days. He's a big eater and if he doesn't eat every so often he gets cranky.
Skills: ( add these as you play)
Flaws: Mild limp on back left paw(might edit in a scar later), scared of the ocean
Likes: Napping, reflective anything, himself, snowstorms, reading(though nobody can tell), and lounging
Dislikes: The ocean, anyone who points out his limp(he gets around fine), anyone touching him/his mane, being told what to do
Other: Editable
Also was guessing that tail muts are alright, if not I can change it
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 12/9/2019 at 8:37 AM.
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