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Level 35
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Posted: 1/28/2013 at 6:56 PM
Post #1
Anyone else find the underlying theme of the story hilarious when compared to the main gameplay? The story, in general, is that life is sacred and you shouldn't steal from people, etc. However, the majority of our time, we spend wandering about until we bump into a fight or a plot element. And, if we see an animal, which the story presents as special and having feelings, we attack it with fireball or what-have-you until it is unconscious or throw a net over it to drug it to sleep. It just makes me giggle a little.
Level 70
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Posted: 1/28/2013 at 7:07 PM
Post #2
Same thing with Pokemon; don't get me started about the controversial topic about meat foodstuffs in there orz.
I sometimes think of it and kinda pay it no mind; I'm still trying to wonder where and what magical fire/air/earth/light comes out of what part of our makes less sense in my mind than how Pokemon worked. 8D;;
And then you have Mushrooms that are alive and evil killing you, and yet we're trying to save a shroom forest that has nothing but mushrooms for structures. And then there's spiders that just wanna eat your brains off as much as the shrooms wanna punch your guts out...and the undead zombies that are smart enough to use weapons against you.
AND all of these monsters arrange organized mission raids on specific areas. Conspiracy theories? Enemy mafia? Who knows. ovo
Level 35
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Posted: 1/29/2013 at 8:24 PM
Post #3
What's in revival potions? I'm going to guess that medicine is made of crushed dead mushroom people. That would explain why the potions all get stronger the closer you are to the shrine. ;P
Where does the elements come out of? I never thought about that. The first attack you get as a water elemental is a bolt of ice. Does the creature cough it up? Wouldn't all the ice shards hurt coming up? (Or worse, fire balls...oww.)
I find the zombies that hold arms in their hands to be the most concerning. Is it their arm? Is it another zombie's arm? Is it their last victim's arm?
When you lose a battle in Pokemon, it can be handwaved that you faint (out of surprise?) and the other trainer or a passerby will drag you to a pokecenter. In this game, if you lose, you just get ejected from the fight. Those monsters trying to kill you or the criminals you are beating up never seem to be interested in fighting you without pets.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/29/2013 at 9:29 PM
Post #4
I always thought that elements were created by magic that the creatures learned how to use.
Or something like that. For the Draeyls with fire or ice, I always imagined them just breathing fire or ice just like how the dragons do it in Skyrim.
Even though I absolutely love this game (so I usually don't really think to much about things), I often times and stop and think about the decisions I make. xD
I found it amusing how when I saw a female Vulnyx hatchling out in Faerina's Shrine and adopted it, my character apparently thought it was a good idea to put the poor thing in the backpack. As soon as this happened, I felt bad for the Sylesti, as I imagined it being trapped in a place with no light and very little room (due to all of the potions, essences (how would that even look like? Would it be in a jar?), and the other knick-knacks I recovered from my journey.) XD
Also, satchels in your backpack.
Bag within a bag? Bagception, bro. xD
Also, who is the feces cleaner in the Stables? SOMEONE has to do it... and with all of those creatures...
Unless they were potty trained or something. xD
Also, a thought... Can Sylestis speak like humans? Or do they just make sounds and noises just like any other animal?
...I like to think my Sylestis can talk. :I
Edited By 590 on 1/29/2013 at 10:41 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 1/29/2013 at 10:05 PM
Post #5
I don't even know where to begin lol. I'll try to answer as many questions as I can! So here are the questions I remember reading and can answer:
Where does magic come from?
Sylesties have a very strong bond with the world and are able to basically control matter around them. Some Sylesties can do different things with this magic based upon one of the elements. How this magic is used varies depending on species. Sylesties basically concentrate and mold energy (mana) into various things (say, a bolt of ice), and then can control it (aka hurl it towards an enemy).
What are the elements?
The elements derive from the 6 gods: Raith, Faerina, Malgorus, Wruen, Vaeluna, and Saphryn. Not much is known about the gods and most consider it just basically lore and stories. But lore says that they created this world in harmony and throughout the history of Sylestia, nature has been in near perfect balance.
Myconids are basically just humanoid mushrooms. They are an 'intelligent' race and typically mind their own business. Perhaps something is invoking or encouraging them to attack.
Vorkids are natural 'creatures' of the world, but not usually on the surface. They are found hidden deep inside caves and in the underworld. They are not Sylesties as they are not sentient. They are basically just giant bugs. However, this doesn't mean that someone or something can't control or influence them.
Potions, Elixirs, and Draughts
They are a combination of mana and ingredients crafted by skilled potion makers.
Who maintains a Stable?
I've always assumed it's part of the money you pay to purchase and feed Sylesties. But hey, it's your Stable, you're in charge!
Level 60
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Posted: 2/18/2013 at 4:36 PM
Post #6
I found it funny that the word garden was use for that rotting mess that was on the explore page of the Margatena garden. I mean that can't be called a garden!
Level 75
The Whimsical
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Posted: 2/23/2013 at 1:16 PM
Post #7
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 6:05:41am
I don't even know where to begin lol. I'll try to answer as many questions as I can! So here are the questions I remember reading and can answer:
Where does magic come from?
Sylesties have a very strong bond with the world and are able to basically control matter around them. Some Sylesties can do different things with this magic based upon one of the elements. How this magic is used varies depending on species. Sylesties basically concentrate and mold energy (mana) into various things (say, a bolt of ice), and then can control it (aka hurl it towards an enemy).
What are the elements?
The elements derive from the 6 gods: Raith, Faerina, Malgorus, Wruen, Vaeluna, and Saphryn. Not much is known about the gods and most consider it just basically lore and stories. But lore says that they created this world in harmony and throughout the history of Sylestia, nature has been in near perfect balance.
Myconids are basically just humanoid mushrooms. They are an 'intelligent' race and typically mind their own business. Perhaps something is invoking or encouraging them to attack.
Vorkids are natural 'creatures' of the world, but not usually on the surface. They are found hidden deep inside caves and in the underworld. They are not Sylesties as they are not sentient. They are basically just giant bugs. However, this doesn't mean that someone or something can't control or influence them.
Potions, Elixirs, and Draughts
They are a combination of mana and ingredients crafted by skilled potion makers.
Who maintains a Stable?
I've always assumed it's part of the money you pay to purchase and feed Sylesties. But hey, it's your Stable, you're in charge!
Thanks that helps a lot.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 2/23/2013 at 4:28 PM
Post #8
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 6:05:41am
I found it funny that the word garden was use for that rotting mess that was on the explore page of the Margatena garden. I mean that can't be called a garden!
Before the Undead, it was a beautiful and peaceful place where all of the Kingdom's soldiers and elders were laid to rest.
Level 56
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Posted: 2/23/2013 at 4:37 PM
Post #9
This thread's name describes it all! It's SO funny!
Level 60
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Posted: 3/23/2013 at 6:11 AM
Post #10
Just a question
How does King Desius look? On the picture it seems he got a dog head Is that right
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