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Level 60
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Posted: 1/30/2013 at 1:17 AM
Post #1
The Facebook! And also a Tumblr!
I figured it would get a little more attention on the site, and asked the kind Krin if I could make a facebook, and thus it is born.
I would be really appreciative if ya'll would like it at the very least, and just sort of get it out there. I plan to update it with news and such, and reminders of events. Or if anyone has suggestions that would be great!
Vella also has made a page for Tumblr!
Right now she and I are the mods, and we are hoping to steer it in a creative direction! Feel free to message one or both of us if you have some ideas you'd like to add.
Edited By 756 on 1/30/2013 at 5:34 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 1/30/2013 at 11:56 AM
Post #2
Thanks so much Lilac for doing that!
Edited By 2 on 1/30/2013 at 11:56 AM.
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 1/30/2013 at 1:45 PM
Post #3
If I had a FB, I would totally Like it, but I hate it
and the only time I made one, it said my PW was
wrong, but it was the same I just had entered the
day before... Made me not waiting to touch it
anymore again... o.e"
*thumb up* Let's hope this get liked lots! I'll try to
see if one of my sis will want to Like it or my mom,
I heard they had FB~ :3
Level 60
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Posted: 1/30/2013 at 3:45 PM
Post #4
Fai: Yeah! I sort of wanted to do it for awhile, but wasn't sure if it was in the works or something.
Sheechwan: Yeah I understand that. When I started my FB they didn't think my name was real so they rejected me! Buuuut being 19 back then and sassy I fought them on it and they eventually let me join... but if I ever get married and change my last name they said I have to show them a copy of my marriage certificate to prove I'm real!
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 1/30/2013 at 3:53 PM
Post #5
Rejected because your name wasn't looking real? o.o"
Well maybe they deleted mine because of my "last name"
which was the first letter of a long "sentence" that was
kind of an "inside" between my friends~ XD
It was like my "nickname", but only the first letter of each~ XD
Think next time, I'll just sign in as Sheena lol~ XP
If I'm not lazy to do it because I don't see why I'll sign, since I
actually never really was on there~ XP
Level 60
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Posted: 1/30/2013 at 4:00 PM
Post #6
It's all good. Just encoraging others to like the page means you've helped! We have 9 likes in less than 12 hours. :3
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 1/30/2013 at 4:15 PM
Post #7
Just mailed my Mom since she's still at work and
I might not see her much in the next days~ P=
Hopefully, she'll accept to Like it, but can't
promise much, but I think I could make one of
my sis do, just by showing how adorable some
pets can be, I'll convince them, it's maybe not in
French, but they'll like it! >:^D
They have to~ XP
EDIT : Now texted one of my sis asking her to "help
me" by Liking the page, now I have to ask my other
sis' number to my mom when possible! >:^D
Hopefully, I'll get my bf to Like it, I think he STILL
have his FB and maybe I can make his Family Like it
too~ <3
(If possible~ XD)
Edited By 161 on 1/30/2013 at 4:20 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/30/2013 at 4:29 PM
Post #8
I made a tumblr too with permission! I -think- I saw you had a tumblr so if you want I can add you as a mod to it. c:
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 1/30/2013 at 4:33 PM
Post #9
Oh my! Make me almost wanting to join Tumblr as well~ o.e
*notes both sites on phone* Who know when it'll be useful!~ >:^O
Level 60
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Posted: 1/30/2013 at 7:49 PM
Post #10
We've reached 14 likes.
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