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Forum Index > General Discussion > Business (Training your Sylesti).
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Author Thread Post
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/21/2013
Threads: 96
Posts: 850
Posted: 1/31/2013 at 5:55 PM Post #1
Ever have a Sylestia that has great genes that you want to use for battle, but it's to weak and you don't feel like training it until it's the right level? Well allow me to fix that problem for you.

I'm offering to train your Sylesti for you for a price of course, and am willing to offer you one of mine as collateral so that you know I am trust worthy. It will work like this we will both sell our Sylesti to each other for 1 gold my been the collateral, and your being the one that gets trained. Then you sell me mine back for 1 gold, and I sell yours back with the points untouched for the listed price for how many levels up I trained it. The collateral Sylesti will be one with the matching number of genes.

1-5 levels 2000
5-10 3000
10-15 4000
Over 15- 10,000(Time consuming)

I know it sounds usual, but you have nothing to lose if you get a collateral Sylesti in the process, and I get extra spending gold out of it. Plus this service can be useful for Sylesti that you've just generate with essence, and for Sylesti you've just bred. After all if you can use them in battle what the point of having them?

I will only train two Sylesti at a time so if you want one trained it's first come first serve. Then I will train more as soon as at least one has been trained.

Slot 1:

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