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Forum Index > Item Marketplace > B/T Avatar Items
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Level 75
Maze Runner
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Posted: 9/15/2019 at 6:08 PM Post #1
Updated 8/7 - - Work in Progress List :: Currently only looking to trade items/pets for the listed items. List may be very outdated at the moment.

This is a list I'm putting together of avatar items I'm interested in acquiring. Currently any of them may be used in an offer toward pets I have up for sale. (There are a lot of pets I have up for sale, that aren't listed in my post currently, that I am willing to use in trade.)

I will be putting together a list of extra av items I have for use in trade as well. This list has not been created as of yet, but will go here when it is.

(Helds I'm looking for.)

- Cerios, Crystalline Drake
- Timeworn Glowing Lantern (Dusky)

Forum Items:
- Owl Sprite (Snowy)
- Iris Spriteling (Fabulous Freddy)
- Lily Spriteling (Iridescent Ira)
- Lily Spriteling (Molly Moonglow)
- Oriental Rose Dragon (Beepers)
- Tamed Aeridini (Arcy)

Legendary Items:
- Basket of Vulnyx Cubs (any)
- Kelpari Spriteling (Bleue)
- Ny'vene Hatchling (Cosmo)
- Nyvene Tamer's Spriteling (Kit)
- Feathered Witch's Paradise (Spring Blush)
- Snowdrop Fairy (any)
- Wild Spirit (Abellia, Amara, Nakita)
- Hydrangea Spriteling (any)
- Iris Spriteling (Lacy Linda)
- Lily Spriteling (Fanny Firelily)
- Specter's Steedling (Dead Silence)
- Sylestian Engineer's Ryori (Nightwatch)
- Lovely Leaf Spriteling (Dewy, Nippy)
- Pooka Imp (Lexi, Lupa, Raven)

Epic Items:
- Easter Bulbori (Lily)
- Forest Guardian (any)
- Delicate Butterfly Spriteling (Monarch)
- Playful Butterfly Spriteling (Monarch, Sugar)
- Sleepy Butterfly Spriteling (Midnight)
- Oriental Daisy Dragon (Blossom, Charmed, Winter's Demise)
- Oriental Lily Dragon (any)
- Oriental Rose Dragon (Rose)
- Springtime Kelpari Spriteling (Blossom, Dewdrop, Twilight)
- Springtime Lunemara Spriteling (Twilight)
- Sea Dog (Azure, Dawn's Mist, Deep Sea, Rose)
- Griffi Plushie
- Ice Mage's Familiar (Peppermint Twist)
- Cuddling Zolnixi (Moe and Mei, Zaria and Zim)
- Clover Imp (Esmeralda)

Monthly Items:
- Celestial Sphinx (Violet)
- Ice Mage's Familiar (Lilac, Whiteout)
- Minstel's Songbird (Voilet)
- Iris' Familiar (Prism Bolt)
- Water Lily Spriteling (any)
- Harpy Spriteling (Imperial Hawk, Phoenix)
Edited By Niverus on 8/7/2020 at 4:59 AM.
Level 75
Maze Runner
Joined: 2/11/2018
Threads: 497
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Posted: 9/15/2019 at 6:09 PM Post #2
(Outfits I'm looking for.)

Sapphire Golem Lord Armor

- Nebula Gown (all)
- Peacock Dress

- Day of the Dead Costume (Recolor)
- Cherry Nymph Attire (Recolor)
- Flower Flapper Attire (Recolor)
- Hydrangea Outfit (Sunrose, Traditional)
- Sylestian Engineer (Recolor)
- Irish Clerical Robes (Recolor)

- Sakura Garb (Sunset's Fortune, Winter Sunrise)
- Vernal Wedding Gown (Recolor)
- Cherry Nymph Attire (Blossom, Sapling)
- Flower Flapper Attire (Dewdrop)
- Ghostly Pirate Costume (Sea Algae)
- Sylestian Engineer's Outfit (Badlands)
- Lovely Robes (Charming Rose)

Edited By Niverus on 6/20/2020 at 1:13 AM.
Level 75
Maze Runner
Joined: 2/11/2018
Threads: 497
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Posted: 9/15/2019 at 6:10 PM Post #3
(Heads, Wings, Backs/Backgrounds I'm looking for.)


- Deathly Arch Wizard Cuff
- Fiery Arch Wizard Cuff

- Nebula Crown (all)

- Snowdrop Fairy Crown (recolor)
- Spring Ballgown Band (recolor)
- Hydrangea Hat (Moonlight)
- Day of the Dead Mask (recolor)
- Ghostly Pirate Hat (Candy Corn, Deep Ocean)

- Cherry Nymph Antlers (Honey, Twilight)
- Spring Ballgown Band (Blossom, Twilight)
- Day of the Dead Mask (Traditional)
- Laurel Wreath of Eros (Divine, Lovely)
- Winter Faun's Horns (Flickering Flame)
- Lovely Ribbon (Charming Rose, Spring Dew)


Forum Items:
- Sunburst Nebula Wings
- Heavenly Nebula Wings
- Minstrel's Harp Wings (Rainbow)

Epic Items:

Diamond Items:
- Arcanic Wings


- Gingerbread House Background
- Midsummer's Night Background

- Background (Easter Meadow)
- Wispy Bunny Sprites
- Blazing Sunlight Lion
- Background (Cozy Fireplace)

- Sylestia's 2nd Anniversary Party Banner
- Turkey Feathers
- Butterfly Bandit Cape (Midnight)
- Cherry Nymph Tail (all except honey)
- Floating Lilies (all except sunset)
- Wispy Bunny Sprites (all)
- Ghostly Stag (Bloodmoon, Noxious)
- Demon Channeler's Lurker (Crimson, Felfire, Hallowed)

Edited By Niverus on 4/23/2020 at 10:26 PM.
Level 75
Maze Runner
Joined: 2/11/2018
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Posted: 9/15/2019 at 6:14 PM Post #4
This is where my av trade items will go. Currently I've been too lazy to create such a list, but a portion of my available av items are on the broker. One of these days it is my goal to cease my laziness, but that day is not today.
Edited By Niverus on 4/23/2020 at 9:55 PM.
Level 75
Maze Runner
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Posted: 9/17/2019 at 12:11 AM Post #5
Level 75
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Posted: 9/18/2019 at 8:55 PM Post #6
Level 70
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Posted: 9/28/2019 at 8:05 AM Post #7
How much for the Blazing Starlight Lion? I might be able to buy it with gold but I am a little low
Level 75
Maze Runner
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Posted: 9/28/2019 at 3:52 PM Post #8
As stated in my original post, these are items I am looking for. They're not items I'm selling.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 4/25/2017
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 7:03 AM Post #9
I am interested in your Cherry Nymph attire, how much for both?

Also would love a price on your Harpy Spritelings, Lily Spritelings, and Floating Lilies background. ^^
Edited By Cececat7275 on 10/3/2019 at 7:05 AM.
Level 75
Maze Runner
Joined: 2/11/2018
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 12:09 PM Post #10
These are items I'm looking for, not selling.
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