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Level 75
The Carver
Joined: 3/31/2017
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Posted: 9/16/2019 at 11:56 AM
Post #1
So I'm not a breeder.
I don't do projects. But I follow this simple system;
1 car + 1 car = 45/65 chance of Vis or Car
1 vis + 1 vis = 100% chance vis
^^^ (Explain to my basic system this>>>
So can someone explain what the letters (NE, NK, NC, IL, BB etc) mean? I do mean all of the letters btw. I am completely ignorant. xD ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Level 74
The Tender
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Posted: 9/16/2019 at 1:06 PM
Post #2
If I'm not a complete idiot, they're just trait indicators. N is nothing, Any other letter is a trait. so NE would be carried because there's Nothing, and then only a, well, carried. The letters like IL would mean they have a carried while being a vis, like lets say a Lighira with Bengal (AA) has AC instead, because it has Tiger (CC) as a carried to the Bengal. I hope that's it-
Level 75
The Carver
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Posted: 9/16/2019 at 1:46 PM
Post #3
Okay so, I have this girl right, I want to breed a baby with Wyvren.. Nothing I test breed her with comes up with it, do you know why?
You can, In the breeding page you can include hatchlings and adolescents,
Level 75
The Carver
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Posted: 9/16/2019 at 2:04 PM
Post #6
Oh wait, I meant I wanted to breed that luff with another to get a babe with Wyvren xD
Level 74
The Tender
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Posted: 9/16/2019 at 2:08 PM
Post #7
What's the other luff? If they both have it carried, then there's only a 1/4th chance of them passing it on (according to punnet square logic but this is Sylestia, who knows?) I'd say it's just a low chance, that's why carried breeding projects take so long usually :/ People usually go for about 3 pairs to breed carried traits in.
Edited By Alphalizzyflame on 9/16/2019 at 2:09 PM.
Level 74
The Tender
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Posted: 9/16/2019 at 2:18 PM
Post #8
Oh wAIt- unless you meant just any other luff? That wouldn't work, they both need to have a carried in that slot, specifically wyvern. I can draw up a quick punnet square graph if you need a better explanation? I admit I'm not the best teacher xD
What's the other luff? If they both have it carried, then there's only a 1/4th chance of them passing it on (according to punnet square logic but this is Sylestia, who knows?) I'd say it's just a low chance, that's why carried breeding projects take so long usually :/ People usually go for about 3 pairs to breed carried traits in.
Well I've actually tried it with all of my g2 carried luffs, Its always the other luffs gene that shows up, I was thinking maybe theres a trait dominance system I dont get? And her Wyvren is just like, ineffective?
Level 74
The Tender
Joined: 7/18/2017
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Posted: 9/16/2019 at 2:28 PM
Post #10
Uh, I wouldn't be so sure myself, I'm not that big of a breeder, but possibly? Might just be bad luck. If nothing works, I'd suggest trying to find a pet on advanced search for breeding.
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