So, when you nurture the sylesties in the hatchery, there is a chance you can get an essence of any(right?) sylesti off of an egg.
Is there like an amount of times you have to nurter the eggs to obtain the essence? Or something to do with the scales? Again, just curious.
Level 75
The Artistic
Joined: 1/28/2014
Threads: 313
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Posted: 10/12/2019 at 4:24 PM
Post #2
The drop of an essence from nurturing (or fighting) is all random chance. However, Somneli has been doing research on what the drop rate actually is for essences from nurturing. To see her research thread, you can click here ^.^
The drop of an essence from nurturing (or fighting) is all random chance. However, Somneli has been doing research on what the drop rate actually is for essences from nurturing. To see her research thread, you can click here ^.^
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