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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Riders, a Dragon Roleplay
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Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/30/2016
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Posted: 10/17/2019 at 2:14 PM Post #1
Leviathaneia is a settlement located near the base of The Claws, a vast mountain range notroius for the dragons that dwell there. A long time ago, a few of these creatures bonded with a group of settlers, and since then, dragons and the citizens of Leviathaneia coexisted peacefully, with the dragons acting as transports on ocassion and the citizens giving the reptiles their space. However, the dragons have seemed restless lately, and several deaths have been atributed to them. Turmoil is in the air, and it's up to the settlement's resident dragon tamers to find the source.

Basic Dragon Classes:
Western- Four legged, typically winged dragons (the exceptions being Terrestrial dragons)

Eastern- Four or more legs, serpantine body, no wings yet usually capable or flight.

Serpentine- No limbs, typically incapable of flight and almost exclusively aquatic. A few Air dragons are exceptions this.

Wyvern- Four limbs, with wings sprouting from the front two limbs. May walk on hind legs or on all fours.

Bipedal- Four limbs, always walk on hind legs. May or may not have wings.

Dragon Elements-
Fire- Your classic fire-dreathing dragon. Most common element.

Water- Blasts water at foes, expert swimmers but clumsy flyers (if they can fly at all). Some are entirely aquatic and even have gills, while others are only semiaquatic. If there's water nearby, you'll likely find one of these.

Air- Smallest, but also the best flyers. They usually have big personalities, making them quite the popular choice. Blasts powerful gusts of wind. Second most common element. Sometimes called "Gusts".

Terrestrial- Typically flightless, yet sturdy and agile, making them better than horses for riding over land. They typically fight tooth and claw, though a few rare individuals are geokenetic. Third most common element. Often called "Earth dragons".

Light- Rare dragons that attack and heal with light. They are usually only trianed by experianced tamers due to the complexity of their abilities.

Shadow- Rare nocturnal dragons that can manipulate darkness into lances that impale their prey. Occasionally tamed due to their apperant intelligence, but only by the most daring trainers due to their brutality. Avoid in the wild at all costs.
(No more of these, please. They're supposed to be rare.)

Toxin- Smaller dragons with glowing scales that exhale a certian gas. Depending on the individual, it can put living things to sleep or poison them. In the case of the latter, prolonged and repeative exposure may even cause death. They are very rarely trained. Also known as "Strangles"

Hybrid Elements:
Ice (Water/Air)- Blasts beams of chilled air, durable fliers and decent swimmers. Usually found at high altitudes and in polar regions.

Lightning (Light/Air)- Rarely seen dragons that can produce an electrical charge. They typically chase storm fronts. Sometimes known as "Shocks" or "Sparks".
(No more of these please.)

Acidic (Toxin/Fire)- They spit a highly corrosive substance, and as a result are rarely tamed. Always keep a 15 yard distance from these. Second most common hybrid.

Sand (Terrestrial/Air)- Small, weak scavengers that are often found in groups, hiding in sandy areas such as deserts or beaches using camoflague. Fight tooth and claw. Most common hybrid. Great around children, though. Sometimes called "Dust Guppies".

-No godmobbing or Over-powered play
-Keep it Pg-13
-Include a fruit in other.
-Use proper spelling and grammer as best as you can.
-No overly depressed charathers.
-No more than one dragon per rider.
-No more than three charathers per person aside from NPCs.

Age (No less than 16):
Bio (optional):

Dragon's name:

Goldennautilus, (Axel and Frostbite- Ice)
Dragongem23, (Aether and Katrina- Lightning)
Dragonsrcool54, (Kidlat- Lightning)
Cian, (Azer and Umiel- Shadow)
Sabira, (Reena and Luft- Air; Laramie and Hester- Shadow)
Canawlia, (Pheonix and Arcelo- Air)
Wolf23430, (Quincy and Rei- Water)
Scoutwolf, (Asher and Terra- Terrestrial; Terris and Leora- Air)
Edited By Goldennautilus on 11/4/2019 at 8:53 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/30/2016
Threads: 91
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Posted: 10/17/2019 at 11:45 PM Post #2
Name: Axel Fletcher
Age: 17
Gender: Male
(Not my Image)

Personality: Axel has a laid-back attitude and gets along easily with others. He's great at thinking ahead and has great leadership skills, but prefers to only step up if nobody else will. He also avoids conflicts and arguements whenever possible, considering the latter a waste of time. He's been called apathetic because of this, but if one were to give him a few minutes, they'd find a smart and friendly young man.
Bio (optional): Nah.
Skills: I'll get back to this.
-Indecisive at times, Pliable, often has weak oppinions.
-Is probably incapable of heavy lifting.
-Scared of wild turkey, goose, and cockatoo.
Weapon?: Crossbow.
Other: It's my form, I don't need to put in a fruit.

Dragon's name: Frostbite
Gender: Female
Element: Ice
(Not my Image)

Personality: Frostbite is bold, cocky, and a bit reckless, willing to take on foes bigger than her without hesitation. Axel occasionally finds himself acting as her voice of reason in these cases. She has a bit of a sarcastic attitude, but Axel doesn't seem to mind much.
Other: No.
Edited By Goldennautilus on 11/3/2019 at 11:27 PM.
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 10/18/2019 at 6:41 AM Post #3

You mind if I have just a wild dragon? I would like to see how that would work in the RP.
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 10/18/2019 at 9:13 AM Post #4

Very blond hair and bright blue eyes.His skin is littered with freckles that are lighter against his olive skin.He has a few scars on his hands from dealing with Katrina but otherwise he looks okay.He sometimes wears armor made from scales catrina sheds,so when she does conduct lightning it doesn't really hurt him.When not riding her he'll be wearing black boots,a loose white shirt and some bellbottom pants.His hands sometimes are wrapped with white or blue fabric.
Very much the opposite of his dragon,he's patient and very kind.He kinda has slight trust issues like his dragon but it doesn't affect him as much as her.
Bio (optional):
He comes from a line of Air Dragon riders...mainly.His grandma was the first lightning rider in his family and he's determined to have a bond with his dragon much like she did with her dragon;Thor.She wasn't around when he was younger sadly and neither was his mother.People assume she ran off with her dragon or something,which makes his father fearful of his dragon.He ignores them tho.
He's very good at acrobatics,it's something his family teachers all the kids.Even on his dragon.
He's better than most at swordplay but prefers hand to hand combat
His main fighting technique is hand to hand combat.
He has a sword,that was his mothers.It's a silver almost white broadsword with a dark steel hilt embedded with bright blue stones.He doesn't know where it came from,and he's 50% sure it might be magical or something(If allowed it is...)
Dragon's name:
Katrina (If anyone get's this DRAGONLANCE FANS UNITE)
A very vibrant blue and white dragon,veins of white streak thru the blue on her,more noticeable on her wings.She has large jagged horns that rise from her head and will sometimes work like rods to help conduct the electricity that comes from her long claws.She has some spikes that break off of her tail and her underbelly is a darker blue.
Very very snappy.She'll argue when she can.But won't refuse to NOT do things cause she's a very very prideful dragon.
She has a tendency to throw banana's mostly but sometimes harder fruits at dragons who piss her off.nging myself to fill this out later

Very blond hair and bright blue eyes.His skin is littered with freckles that are lighter against his olive skin.He has a few scars on his hands from dealing with Katrina but otherwise he looks okay.He sometimes wears armor made from scales catrina sheds,so when she does conduct lightning it doesn't really hurt him.When not riding her he'll be wearing black boots,a loose white shirt and some bellbottom pants.His hands sometimes are wrapped with white or blue fabric.
Very much the opposite of his dragon,he's patient and very kind.He kinda has slight trust issues like his dragon but it doesn't affect him as much as her.
Bio (optional):
He comes from a line of Air Dragon riders...mainly.His grandma was the first lightning rider in his family and he's determined to have a bond with his dragon much like she did with her dragon;Thor.She wasn't around when he was younger sadly and neither was his mother.People assume she ran off with her dragon or something,which makes his father fearful of his dragon.He ignores them tho.
He's very good at acrobatics,it's something his family teachers all the kids.Even on his dragon.
He's better than most at swordplay but prefers hand to hand combat
His main fighting technique is hand to hand combat.
He has a sword,that was his mothers.It's a silver almost white broadsword with a dark steel hilt embedded with bright blue stones.He doesn't know where it came from,and he's 50% sure it might be magical or something(If allowed it is...)
Dragon's name:
Katrina (If anyone get's this DRAGONLANCE FANS UNITE)
A very vibrant blue and white dragon,veins of white streak thru the blue on her,more noticeable on her wings.She has large jagged horns that rise from her head and will sometimes work like rods to help conduct the electricity that comes from her long claws.She has some spikes that break off of her tail and her underbelly is a darker blue.
Very very snappy.She'll argue when she can.But won't refuse to NOT do things cause she's a very very prideful dragon.
She has a tendency to throw banana's mostly but sometimes harder fruits at dragons who piss her off.
nging myself to fill this out later

Very blond hair and bright blue eyes.His skin is littered with freckles that are lighter against his olive skin.He has a few scars on his hands from dealing with Katrina but otherwise he looks okay.He sometimes wears armor made from scales catrina sheds,so when she does conduct lightning it doesn't really hurt him.When not riding her he'll be wearing black boots,a loose white shirt and some bellbottom pants.His hands sometimes are wrapped with white or blue fabric.
Very much the opposite of his dragon,he's patient and very kind.He kinda has slight trust issues like his dragon but it doesn't affect him as much as her.
Bio (optional):
He comes from a line of Air Dragon riders...mainly.His grandma was the first lightning rider in his family and he's determined to have a bond with his dragon much like she did with her dragon;Thor.She wasn't around when he was younger sadly and neither was his mother.People assume she ran off with her dragon or something,which makes his father fearful of his dragon.He ignores them tho.
He's very good at acrobatics,it's something his family teachers all the kids.Even on his dragon.
He's better than most at swordplay but prefers hand to hand combat
His main fighting technique is hand to hand combat.
He has a sword,that was his mothers.It's a silver almost white broadsword with a dark steel hilt embedded with bright blue stones.He doesn't know where it came from,and he's 50% sure it might be magical or something(If allowed it is...)
Dragon's name:
Katrina (If anyone get's this DRAGONLANCE FANS UNITE)
A very vibrant blue and white dragon,veins of white streak thru the blue on her,more noticeable on her wings.She has large jagged horns that rise from her head and will sometimes work like rods to help conduct the electricity that comes from her long claws.She has some spikes that break off of her tail and her underbelly is a darker blue.
Very very snappy.She'll argue when she can.But won't refuse to NOT do things cause she's a very very prideful dragon.
She has a tendency to throw banana's mostly but sometimes harder fruits at dragons who piss her off.
Edited By Dragongem23 on 10/21/2019 at 10:28 AM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/30/2016
Threads: 91
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Posted: 10/18/2019 at 9:24 AM Post #5
Sure thing!
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 10/18/2019 at 10:17 AM Post #6
Yay! Ill make it later.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 10/18/2019 at 11:28 AM Post #7
Phoenicia (Phoenix) Xiang



5 feet tall like me, long black hair with one silver streak in it, grey-blue eyes, I shall find a picture later

Phoenix is highly introverted and suspicious of people she has just met, but is very devoted to her close friends and will do just about anything for them. She will either become your good friend, or not at all. She tries to fit in and not be noticed, but hates being left out of anything she wants to be part of. She is rather pessimistic and sometimes acts depressed, especially if she feels lonely or sad. She tends to lose her temper and say things she might regret if someone insults her or her friends, and holds grudges. Phoenix also loves to explore, but is very cautious and will usually back out of anything where she might get hurt, physically or emotionally. The only exception to this is if her intuition believes it to be the right thing to do, or if she has a passion for what she is doing. Normally, she finds it comfortable to plan ahead and take things one step at a time, and not do anything until she is sure of the consequences. Phoenix can be sarcastic and headstrong if she wishes. She is also quick-witted and street smart, but often people do not realize this unless they know her well, as she is rather secretive and shy to people she is not close to. But around the people she is comfortable with, she is sweet, smart, and extremely funny. She doesn't really care for getting sympathy and will not hide behind anyone.

Bio (optional)
Uh... Nay

Like, strengths? I'll add them later.

Dragonfruit is great.
... I swear I wrote that without thinking about what the RP was about...


Dragon's name



Silver with occasional black scales in between and aerodynamic (does that apply to dragons or just objects?), undersides of wings are white, cobalt blue eyes.

Somewhat unfriendly towards strangers and unforgiving if you wrong him, he hates being told what to do by someone else and is more likely to bite your fingers off than do what you ask. He has a tough exterior when you first meet him and is difficult to trick. However, if you really gain his trust, he will always put you before himself. He is very independent and usually refuses help from anyone, and has a difficult time taking criticism. He likes to take risks and often ignores everyone else if he has his mind set on something. While he may seem cold on the outside, he is really a big softie.

Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 10/18/2019 at 11:44 AM Post #8
I can't decide...I want to chuck a light dragon for one character that I like to use for this stuff but on the other hand I want to make this renagrade/vigilant duder that has a soft side that no one knows about....
Level 18
Joined: 8/23/2018
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Posted: 10/18/2019 at 11:58 AM Post #9

Reena Polkrum







Reena has been known for her sharp flying and even sharper tongue. She is fairly friendly towards others and has a habit of teasing those who lose a race to her playfully. She has a short temper, and when she gets upset her dragon gets angry- Nobody likes it when her dragon gets angry. In Reena's free time she enjoys reading, drawing, or socializing.


Luft was given to her as an egg when she turned twelve, he was a gift from her father. Luft was found in a toppled nest, and he was the only egg intact, surprisingly he was due to hatch in the next two days. Reena is now one of the fastest racers, she idolizes a racer who only visited her city once, when she was ten, she got her race goggles autographed by him, they still fit.


> As previously said Reena is one of the best racers/fliers on the island/continent.
> She's good at suiting up/getting her gear on her dragon as fast as possible.
> Reena can calm almost any dragon that is spooked, but in some situations, she might need help.
> She can eat almost anything while talking about almost any subject without a care in the world.
> Reena can and will fight anybody, she needs to be babysat for that reason though.


Theme: Two Feet - I Feel Like I'm Drowning

Dragon's name:








Luft is a quiet dragon that is very protective of Reena. If anyone messes with her, they mess with him. He's a bed hog, so Reena either has to push him off of her bed or sleep on top of him. Luft loves racing and will almost always urge Reena to race him or take him out for practice.


Fastest dragon on the island



Laramie Osmoor







Laramie is a tough older man. He's a loner and lives deep in the forest with his dragon; he only visits the town to trade or buy essentials. Laramie loves children but as of now, he doesn't have the time or materials to care for one, let alone a dragon.


He found Hester as a hatchling next to her mother's dying body. He mentally promised to take care of the young Shadow dragon. That was twenty years ago now and the risks of a shadow dragon are small potatoes towards him because he's had one for two decades now.


> His connection with Hester is so strong he can tell what she's going to do next, the same thing happens with Hester knowing him just as well.
> Laramie can bore anybody about his tales of a young man, some of them are actually interesting... sometimes.
> He's able to be quiet and still enough he either looks dead or in the right clothes no one can notice his presence.
> Camouflage.
> He's kind of a wise man of the city.



Dragon's name:








Hester is very manipulative and will try and get anyone to do what she wants, most of the time it gives her interesting results. She is quiet and hates being bothered during nap-time and will do anything to continue. Hester loves trinkets or small things to play with, she especially finds cats interesting.


Edited By Sabira on 10/21/2019 at 5:56 PM.
Level 18
Joined: 8/30/2018
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Posted: 10/18/2019 at 12:01 PM Post #10
Is this a semi literate or literate rp and how many sentences do you need at least, how often do you need to be on. if i need to leave the rp how do i do that?
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