I'm gearing up to start selling a bunch of Sylesti but I don't have a sense of the current market values. What is the usual price for the following pet types?
- Dishwasher pet with 4-6 traits
- Nice pet with 2-3 traits
- Nice pet 4-6 traits
- 6 vis non-themed project
- 6 vis themed project
- Breeding prices 1-3 vis
- Breeding prices 4-6 vis
- Themed breeding prices
Level 70
Joined: 6/24/2018
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Posted: 10/19/2019 at 11:38 AM
Post #2
dishwater pet: not worth your time too sell.
nice pet: what defines 'nice?' random breeding is allso prob not worth your time selling
6v themed and nonthemed are worth alot more, but sometimes it depends on design. even 6v themes might not sell well bc the gene combo is ugly.
i looked in breeding discusion and here are some price equations
ebonyflicker, tori, cian, fox, mikazukichan
i dont think i sell 6v but i recentley finished a 4v project and sell them for 50k g, and i have sold a few
breeding: i have an equation. i only put themes for breeding and they are mostly 1-2v sometimes w/ carries, hiddens
5000g base
+500 if female
+500 for vis
+ 250 for hidden or carry
they dont have many breedings, it doesnt make much gold but its better then putting it up for real low. all my breeding pets are vorpa so its prob higher for some specie, tho
Level 74
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Posted: 10/19/2019 at 2:43 PM
Post #3
I sell my 6v nonthemed nixi pair offspring for around 10k (but its low). Themes...it depends in the theme. I'm planning on selling 6v orca quits for 100k since 20k Is what i paid for 1 orca with 2v.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 10/21/2019 at 7:30 PM
Post #4
I would gladly give you a rough estimated price for the themmed and projects.
Unless they are :
- fabled
- tagged with 4 or more tp
- comming from the lost grove
- showing one or many restricted traits
The breeding fee equation that Encription gave you should be more then fair. If they are fabbled you can add another 500g and for any other points on that list, once again, i am willing to give you a more adapted price. ^-^
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