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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Sonic the hedgehog the lost clans
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Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/12/2014
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Posted: 10/24/2019 at 1:03 AM Post #1
Another RPG why not. this idea popped into my head and I thought I'd try it out.

We all know that Knuckles is the last of the Echidna's and his tribe was to guard the master emerald. What if the master and chaos emeralds were not the only ancient relics capable of harnessing great power. What if there were other clans of animals that guarded their own ancient relics and talismans, and what happens when Eggman finds out that there are other powers out there? Powers that were hidden after an ancient war. Do the members of those clans still exist or do those ancient treasures lie unguarded? What happens when Eggman happens upon ancient scrolls telling of that ancient forgotten battle? He'll go after the relics of course, but he may find more than he bargained for. What about Sonic and the gang? Will he be willing to brave his greatest fear to find the last strongholds of the lost clans, will they be able to make the allies needed to avoid another war? With G.U.N.S. tendency to want to be in the middle of it all it could prove to be quite the powder keg. What will Sonic and his friends chose?, Reveal what they find to the world, or risk G.U.N.S. wrath by trying to hide the truth about the lost clans. Only one thing is certain its going to be quite the wild ride.

1. No harming or killing others characters without permission.
2. No gory or inappropriate stuff. (Remember there are kids on this site or kids who may end up reading this stuff on parents or older siblings computers)
3. Max post of 5 times a day. (I am a busy Mom and cant be on 24/7 to humor those who can. I have lost too many RPGs that way.)
4. Respect the sylestia posting rules please.
5 No one is invincible.
6. You may start with up to 3 characters either Cannon or FC any unclaimed Cannon characters will be free for all to use until actually claimed.
7. Due to number 6 please pay attention to the posts. We don't need unclaimed cannons in three places at once.
8. No arguing in the RPG. If you have a disagreement about the thread PM me and I will try to help you work things out. If the argument is about something else please take it someplace else.
9. Have fun.
10. If you chose to do a lost clan feel free to use extinct (or thought to be extinct species), or species that are not usually featured in the sonic franchise. (Also I obviously do not own Sonic I am merely playing with their Characters. I do however own my FCs and the general plot of the RPG)

Cannon Characters
Cream, and Cheese

FC Forms

Here is my character

Name: Sharky

Species: Sea otter

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Appearance: His fur shade is a kind of dusty black. His eyes are dark brown. He wears a navy blue pirate hat with a yellow feather and a harvest gold vest. He has a white shark shaped clan birth mark on his right paw usually hidden under brown gloves. He wears an old carved wooden locket around his neck.

Personality: Friendly and outgoing. He loves to sing and play music. His favorite instruments are the sailors Accordion and harmonica, though he can also play the fiddle, flute and ocarina. He can be very kind. He is very curious and adventurous. He has a quick wit, but his sense of humor sometimes lends him to use puns and bad jokes. Those who meet him would not place him as a warrior. His usually jovial nature belies a fierce warriors side that few ever get to see. A side that can be strong, sometimes stern, protective and courageous. He tends to talk and act much like a pirate though he has never actually stolen anything in his life. He is a little quirky, but has a great heart, and in his own quiet gentle way can be surprisingly stubborn.

Abilities: He is very agile and an excellent swimmer. Like all sea otters his thick fur makes it so he can float on the water with little effort. He can hold his breath for long periods of time. His clan the Sharkfin clan practice their own unique type of Ninjitsu which he is very skilled at. He is the guardian of his clan's relic which allows him to control water. He can use multiple kinds of weapons, although Hand to hand combat is his best style. He can speak multiple languages due to his travelling.

Weaknesses/Fears: While known for diving off of high cliffs into the sea he is actually terrified of heights or being on an airplane. His musicians ears are sensitive to certain high pitched noises.

Background: He was born to the Sharkfin clan of sea otters. When warriors come of age it is tradition to give them a clan name usually after some kind of predatory fish (Often some form of shark. Although other fish have been used.) Each guardian of their generation is chosen by the sea itself and granted the clan's talisman the heart of oceans. A blue heart shaped stone whose colors swirl like the sea itself. Only the Chosen guardian can wield its power. Like most of his clan Sharky was trained from his earliest days in the clans fighting style. When he came of age at 15 he took the warrior's trial and was chosen as his clans guardian warrior. He is the son of Mako and Manta, the older brother of Whitetip, Blacktip, and Annie (Not yet old enough for her clan name). He is the former student of Barracuda. He is best friends with Ray. His Rival is named Snapper. Other clan members are Hammerhead the clan chief, Dogfish, Sandtiger, Kitefin, Marlin, and Sandbar.

No I will not be using all of the listed clan members. I only list them because I may have them make Cameo appearances from time to time. If anyone wishes to use one of these characters feel free to ask.
Edited By Galaxea on 10/24/2019 at 6:18 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/30/2016
Threads: 91
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Posted: 10/24/2019 at 8:40 AM Post #2
This idea. I like it.
Count me in! I'll be Knux for now, maybe jump in with a couple FC's later. We'll see because I just started two other RP's.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/12/2014
Threads: 138
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Posted: 10/24/2019 at 6:12 PM Post #3
Sounds good to me. With the fall fest starting I probably wont start this RPG until after the weekend. You can add FCs or claim a cannon Character at any time though.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/12/2014
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Posted: 1/31/2020 at 8:22 PM Post #4
Just an interest check. Are you guys still interested or know anyone who might be?
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/30/2016
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Posted: 1/31/2020 at 8:31 PM Post #5
I'm still interested!

Pinging a couple of my pals for interest...
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/12/2014
Threads: 138
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Posted: 1/31/2020 at 8:34 PM Post #6
Cool, thanks. I will give it a day or so to see if we get any pings before moving forward. I should be able to post more frequently after all the fests. Spring fest should not be for awhile yet so we have some time to relax and I have more time to tend to my RPGs.
Edited By Galaxea on 1/31/2020 at 8:35 PM.
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 1/31/2020 at 8:58 PM Post #7
I'm not as active anymore. Trying to pass highschool with a slightly better score is now more top priority as well as fanfic

If you ever need an Amy thouh I'm still up. I jsut slacked don sonic a good bit lately.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/12/2014
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Posted: 1/31/2020 at 9:07 PM Post #8
That's fine I can save Amy for you and once you've finished the semester you can jump in. Amy's ability to seemingly follow Sonic everywhere and pop up unexpectedly works well for that.
Level 74
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Posted: 1/31/2020 at 9:38 PM Post #9
Me *is bored while waiting for my friends to start their lion dancing* *pops in Amy for no apparent reason, then poofs her the moment the event starts* yeup that's why I like using her.

Although I seem to play her like she's my OC Hanako Kado******a.huh...I suck at bubbly pink characters :P
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 2/1/2020 at 9:54 AM Post #10
Name: Terrin
Species: Silverbird
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: Silver/ grey back fathers with a light orange chest. His eyes are dark as a thundercloud. Often he wears a sky blue vest with a lighting mark on it. Terrin has a birthmark shaped like a thundercloud on his shoulder which he hides with the vest.
Personality: Terrin is self-sufficiant, loyal to his friends, mistrusting, cunning but can be tricked with enough effort, and is sensitive to storms. He is a leader among his group of friends, stubborn, and will protect his friends with his life if it comes to that.
Abilities: Terrin can sense storms especially thunderstorms, can fly relativly well, pratices a sort of sencing so he is decent when fighting with a sword.
Weaknesses/Fears: Oddly enough Terrin is terrified of thunderstorms since he was struck by lighting when he was out flying and got lost. Terrin distrusts almost everyone so trust is a huge issue with him.
Backround: Terrin never really knew his flock/clan since he tried to fly and got taken by the storm. After being carried several miles by the storm he landed on a ship bound for Westoplis. On the ship he met Kit, who he considers a younger sister, and her mentor Lena (will not be played). Terrin was trained alongside Kit and eventually they left Lena's training after learning the truth about who Lena worked for.

Name: Kit
Species: Bengal cat
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Appearance: (not my picture)
Personality: Kit is sweet, kind, loyal, clever, can look at the big picture, wise. Kit is willing to make friends but will not let them get close to her without an extremly good reason.
Abilities: Because of how she was trained by her mentor she is extremly agile, can use multipul weapons (her favorite is a spear), is decent at hand to hand combat, can climb trees, and knows how to move with stealth.
Weaknesses/Fears: Kit is terrified of being abandoned.
Edited By Starpup5 on 2/1/2020 at 10:55 AM.
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