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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Dragon Uprising
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Joined: 3/15/2019
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Posted: 10/27/2019 at 9:01 AM Post #1
-Dragon Uprising-

If you wish to join click here!

Falconetti and I will be guiding the roleplay, speaking on the behalf of the empire, as well as playing our own characters.

This roleplay was made by Fluffn (me) and Falconetti. Please don't steal our idea.

A conquering empire has swept through the continent you call home, the city you start in, Khurazir, just another one out of the many that fell to the superior forces.

Khurazir is run by one of the empire's administrators who rules unfairly, letting the people live without much food or money. You are tired of these conditions and chose to fight the empire.

-Khurazir Information-

A small city in the desert, recently taken over by the empire. A river runs through the middle of the city that makes life here possible. It is very isolated; if you wanted to leave the town you would have to trek through miles of desert wasteland. Ruled over by an unjust empire administer and her battalion of guards who force cruel taxes on the people of Khurazir and hands out meager rations.


*Dragons only
*No Power playing
*No Mary Sues/ Gary Stus (No perfect characters)
*I have the right to reject your character
*Don't control other peoples characters
*Hate the OC not the player
*Limit two characters per player
*Any powers your dragon has must have some sort of draw-back the more powerful the bigger the draw-back
*If you want to leave the roleplay kill your character and say you left
*This is not a sunshine rainbows roleplay. It will get dark!

*No god-mode
*No sudden dodging
*ATTEMPT the attack don't just say you did it
*Don't kill other peoples characters unless you have permission from them
*You HAVE to take damage sometime!

-Ping List-


Author: Serenitea
Time Posted: 12/14/2019 at 11:05 AM
Character update + New Character!


Name: Cesura /suh-zyur-uh/ (means silence or grand pause)

Gender: Female.

Age: Young adult.

Size: Large for her age but not by much.

Sexuality: Straight (open for relationships)

Dark red top-scales and black belly scales. Dark grey circular, ram-like horns. Small goat-like ears. Small dark grey spikes at the end of her tail used as a whip. Dark grey spikes running from behind her horns to her tail. A red talon print on her chest that seems to be tribal paint. (it doesn't come off because it's enchanted) Wears satchels and pouches to carry items with her. A sleek but not skinny build like that of a big cat. Walks like a big cat as well.

-Cunning and quick-witted.
-Stays calm in even the tensest situations.
-Very patient.
-Hates the cold.
-Empathy and remorse mean nothing to her; she isn't afraid to kill.

-Very stealthy, even for her size.
-Fast on her feet.
-Sharp teeth and claws.
-Can make potions and elixirs with the right ingredients.

Bad at:
-Hand-to-hand combat.
-Showing empathy.
-Showing remorse.

-An aspiring spellcaster can use magic.
-Can breathe fire.

Power Drawbacks: Using magic drains her energy leading to exhaustion.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling: Cesura was born and hatched in the desert where she was taken in by a cult that has a stronghold out in the desert. They mostly keep to themselves and was raised in their ways. She was taught to believe and worship in Sithis (the god of death they believe in)

As the empire came raiding they slaughtered many in the stronghold. The few dragons that survived fled into the desert or into Khurazir, where she made her home. She chose to fight the Empire for killing the make-shift family she had.

Theme song:

Other: Pale White Horse - Oh Hellos

Code: 778345


Name: Kaharua /cah-are-ua/ (Means amber or... something...)

Gender: Female

Age: young adult (older than Cesura)

Size: slightly smaller than average

Sexuality: straight

White tribal paint-looking talon print on the inside of her wing (enchanted). Snake-like fangs that can fold into her mouth.

-Smart and observant.
-Cool and collected.
-Sometimes a little wild.
-Easily excited.
-Not afraid to kill but still sympathetic.

-Very stealthy.
-Very sharp teeth.
-Good climber.

Bad at:
-Flying for long periods of time.
-Combat with weapons.
-Combat with magic.
-Magic in general.

-Her fangs can inject mind-bending venom into foes (it harms the mind (neurotoxin)). It is extremely potent and the antidote is her blood.

Power Drawbacks:
-She has a limited amount of venom.
-She can't breathe fire.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling: Kaharua grew up much like Cesura did. She became an older sister figure for Cesura. She was abandoned by her family because they couldn't take care of her and she doesn't remember much about her real family. Nightshade eventually took her in, become an adoptive mother for her.

When the empire raided the stronghold at which they lived she had tried to fight back but to no avail. She had watched many dragons die that day, but the worst for her was when she watched an empire solder end Nightshade. So she fled through the tunnels under the stronghold along with a few others.

Theme song: Where is Your Rider - Oh Hellos


Code: 778345

Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 10/17/2019 at 1:44 PM
Name: Elenor (El-an-or)

Gender: Female

Age: Early Adulthood

Size: Smaller than average dragons, but not necessarily weaker

Sexuality: Hasn't developed one yet but could in RP as she is still working on basic socialising

Appearance: Dark blue, almost black, scales with purplish underscales and wing webbing. Silvery blue eyes, talons, spikes, teeth, horns and bony fins. Quite small but not weak, aiding her dexterity and speed. Long, slashing talons; tail edged with serrated spikes; bony fins that run down her back. Lynx-like build and movement. Swept back quad horns; long pointed ears; frills along her jaw; crocodile-like head.

Personality: Quiet. Observant. She would rather wait on the sidelines than bask in glory. She is socially awkward, not understanding how to talk to others because she never learned how to. She doesn't want people to know that, though, fearing they'll use it against her. Calculating and cunning - always picking up and storing information that might be used against others later. Always unconciously assessing people, even friends. Hardly ever gives up, always striving to complete the 'mission', or task, at hand - no matter the cost. If she's ever in a group, she picks someone that appears to be the leader and protects them with her life, due to her past training.

Abilities: Highly trained fighter with exceptionally good senses

Bad at: Most forms of socialising and speaking her mind

Powers: She breathes out a misty, silvery gas that can later be set on fire for explosive consequences with as little as a spark. Can heal quicker than normal

Power Drawbacks: Her breath is limited and she has to expend energy to replenish it. Healing quickly requires lots of energy too so doesn't happen if she's tired or hungry.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling: She doesn't flaunt her skills because it could compromise the success of a mission. She gained her fighting prowess after going through harsh training since newly hatching to be a mindless, efficient bodyguard. She defected from this and was tossed to the streets, finding that others did not reward and appreciate her killing people for them, like was the norm in her training years. Spent most of her time trying to learn how to behave like a normal dragon, though failing.

She rebels against the empire because she'd spent most of her life crushed by those training her and then was discarded like she was nothing - now she sees others being treated the same way.

Theme song: Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes

Code: 778345


Name: Kai'hel (Ky-hal)

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

Size: Above average

Sexuality: straight


Personality: Despite his appearance he's actually friendly, and will stick up for those who can't fight for themselves. Those who can defend themselves he respects. However when it comes to the Empire he is full of uncharacteristic hatred. He is cool, calm and collected, and will stop at nothing to get rid of the Empire. Believes that things can't get any worse, and sees things optimistically.

Abilities: Insider knowledge of the Empire; various skills picked up from being a soldier e.g. weapon and armour maintenance;

Bad at: He finds it hard to fly as his ridged wings are tough and inflexible and his wing muscles are underdeveloped for his size. Colour-blind.

Powers: If he looks into the eyes of another dragon he can paralyse them until he breaks the stare, no matter the distance so long as both dragons look directly into the other's eyes.

Power Drawbacks: It makes it hard for him to move and of course makes it impossible to watch his back or defend himself. Also means he can't look another friendly dragon in the eye, and he is incredibly colour-blind. His white eyes are slightly disturbing, too.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling: He used to be a soldier in the Empire, but when he refused to harm defenceless civilians he was exiled from the Empire's forces. He had no way to get back to his own city and family with his wings being so weak and it being impossible to walk through the desert. Instead, he was left on the streets of Khurazir with the brand of the Empire on him, bringing him no end of hatred from the people of Khurazir.

Theme song: Who We Are - Imagine Dragons

Other: Boop

Code: 778345

Author: Blacklightmessenger
Time Posted: 10/17/2019 at 3:43 PM



Non-binary (Born Female)


Young adult (around twenty)


Below average (around the size of a Mini Cooper)


Pan-sexual (more attracted to females.)


(Wears a blindfold over their eyes due to their sensitivity to light.)


Aloisia is a tough young dragon, they are known for a sharp tongue and an even sharper glare. They're very secretive and hate being prodded with questions. Aloisia is very patient with other dragons but will snap if pushed hard enough. When they do snap they will get violent and the dragon who made them angry will leave with a few parts of them missing. Sometimes they will catch herself in the middle of they're rage and will pull away and apologize profusely or walk away- depending on the dragon. Though when they're around close friends and family they'are a very kind and open dragon. Aloisia may tease those close to her playfully and will mess with them in a friendly matter.


> Aloisia is pretty strong for size due to their involvement in street fighting.
> Aloisia an easily dodge blows with ease because of their small size.
> They can unhinge her jaw and swallow something their size if not a little bigger.
> Aloisia's teeth and fangs are razor-sharp and catch like knives against flesh, ripping and mangling the flesh when they bite/scratch.
> Night vision.


> Aloisia needs to eat a lot because of their metabolism.
> If Aloisia moves too much she'll start to get ill for some odd reason.
> Their claws and teeth are very brittle.
> If not careful they'll have to get their jaw pushed back into place.
> Their eyes are very sensitive to bright lights.


> They can spit globs of glowing acid.
> Can glow in the dark on command.

Power Drawbacks:

> Both can take a lot out of her.
> They can get acid burn in their throat.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling:

As I've previously said, they do street fighting. They were raised here and were raised to fight for what they believe in. Aloisia has seen the pain and suffering their people are going through and will do anything to stop it. They will die for the good of their people.

Theme song:

grandson - Maria


Their significant other is open, please ask before you have a character crush on them.



Author: Kiwi14
Time Posted: 10/17/2019 at 4:40 PM
Name: Vernik (Means Believer)

Gender: Male

Age: Young adult

Size: A lot bigger then the average size

Sexuality: Gay (Homosexual)

(The dragon on the left) Has lots of scares too.

Personality: Cold and closed off. Hates other dragons other then his sister. Once you get to know him you realize he was broken at a young age a story he will not share.

Abilities: Great fighter. Can fly long distances without getting tired. Hiding emotions.

Bad at: keeping his cool. Telling others how me feels

Powers: Black fire breathe and shadow teleportation

Power Drawbacks: Gets tired when he teleports

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling: Was separated from his sister at a young age. Abused and tortured. Still has scars to show for what happened.

Theme song: Believer by imagine dragons

Other: Wanted for reasons unknown (Only he knows why)

Code: 778345


Name: Lazi (Means Lies)

Gender: Female

Age: Young adult

Size: Smaller then average dragons

Sexuality: Pan

(The dragon on the right)

Personality: A friendly dragon. Trusts people easily and very easy to fool. Will protect and support her brother Falco forever. Likes to stay behind the scenes and hates to show off. Mae her mad and you would wish you where dead.

Abilities: Very good climber and flyer

Bad at: Fighting. Controlling her emotions

Powers: White fire breathe and Transcendent Angel Physiology

Power Drawbacks: For the second one does not understand it enough to use it properly and t drains her badly.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling: Was separated from her brother when she was a very young. Finally found him again and never wants to happen to anyone else.

Theme song: Camila Cabello - Liar

Other: Wanted too... because of her powers

Code: 778345

Author: Crystalfreeze
Time Posted: 10/17/2019 at 8:36 PM
Name: Heartsease [hrts-z]

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

Size: Smaller then Average

Sexuality: Straight


Personality: He tries to always be optimistic. He tends to be overly trusting and overly protective of others even if someone doesn't want him to be. He only fights when he needs to. He likes to acted gullible even though he is very smart and even if he really understands someone. He just likes to see how everyone else will react. Though he is kind of gullible towards people he trusts.

Abilities: Hiding, acting gullible, being happy, listening to others, observing others and triggering others intentionally and unintentionally.

Bad at: Acting tough, being mean to others and being stern. He isn't to good at fighting physically.

Powers: He can prompt plants to grow at a very fast rate. His scales can change in color and pattern.

Power Drawbacks: He looses his ability to see when ever he uses his ability. Depending on how big a plant(s) get is what will result in how long he can't see. From 30 seconds - 12 hours(this is the longest it has lasted). He can stay on his original color, but when changing the color it works mostly with his emotions and will not always stay on the color he wants.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling: When Heartsease was younger, his older brother by a few years went and joined a small rebellion to acted against the Empire. His brother died and because of his brothers actions, his family was attacked by the Empire in the attempt to kill them. Heartsease was able to escape, but he is not sure if his family is still alive or not. He has been on the run since and is now residing in Khurazir.

Theme song: (I am not sure yet.)

Other: He is about 1/4th the size smaller than most dragons. Heartsease is not his true name, he changed it as he was on the run and he keeps his true name a closely hidden secret. He really likes baby dragons and younger dragons cause he thinks that they are cute.

Code: 778345

Author: Weaveroflies
Time Posted: 10/20/2019 at 10:06 PM
Irylin (I-rel-ian)


Young Adult

Average; Maybe a inch or two taller


Black impala horns that are on the short side that only go back slightly before they curve up. White scales that have a slight ice-blue tinge. White mane with streaks of light cyan that starts in between his horns and ends between his shoulder-blades. Black eyes and claws. Wings that sprout from his back. Pale, light blue wings look like that of a bees with small white dots. Elegant, but muscled frame; appears to fly well but evidently knows how to fight.

Kind & Open
Friendly/Good at Talking

Good With Words/Persuasive
Knows How To Fight Well
Good stamina
Resistance to the cold

Bad at:
Easy to see at night (white scales)
Sight blurs at the edges when he gets hot
Hates feeling cold; rather scared of it
Needs to drink more water than most

Creating things related to the cold and manipulating it

Power Drawbacks:
If he isnt focused enough, emotionally out of control, or attempting to do use his power in too large of a way, he begins to freeze over. This ranges from a thin layer of ice forming over him to getting turned into an ice statue, but there are many in betweens.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling:
Irylin was born into a family of merchants. He grew up around other dragons, and learned how to bargain and sell goods.

The family was planning to travel a dangerous route known for bandits, so they hired a mercenary to protect them, Sera. He was interested in the mercenary, wondered why she had so many scars but were still so confident, so Sera laughed and showed him how to fight. He was hooked. She ended up staying with the family after they decided they wanted a guard when they were traveling around, so she taught him.

He left for a quick trip over the mountains to form a deal with a massive player in the silk industry, but got lost in the mountains and lost consciousness in the snowy mountains. When he woke up, he always had a cold feeling inside of him, so he decided that the winter decided to leave him with his life. Most of his ice powers come from that.

He planned on returning to his family who were stopping to sell merchandise in Khurazir when the empire took over. They were killed in the chaos as the empire took over, which he concluded after asking around, hearing about how the empire took over, and not being able to find his family. He rebels to take revenge.

Theme song:
Never Going Back

I might add more later

>No feeling in one of his left claws


Author: Larkian
Time Posted: 10/21/2019 at 11:33 PM
Arcelo (AHR-suh-loh)
(A character in one of my stories, he's actually a bird lol and don't ask about the name, I just threw it together so many years ago in, like, 6th grade xD)


Young adult

Somewhat below average

Straight, open.

Silver scales, horns, and claws with cobalt blue eyes, undersides of wings are almost white. Spikes run from top of the head to tail tip, growing longer, thinner and sharper near the end. Smallish and more compact, with a more agile rather than muscular build.

May seem cold at first if he doesn't know you, he is untrusting and tends to give vague answers if he doesn't know you well. He prefers flying solo (pardon the pun) and likes to only have to take care and rely on himself. He prefers revenge over forgiveness, especially if you insult/hurt him or his friends. He generally does not show affection outright, but you will know if he cares about you. He may seem uncaring, but he's just afraid to care about anyone for fear he'll lose them like he lost his family. Before this, he was much sweeter and open.

He is very agile and fast in the air, he is difficult to catch. It's hard to trick him into doing anything because he's so suspicious of everything.

Bad at
He is terrible at conversation, the opposite of charismatic, and he tends to drive everyone away with his general untrustingness and lack of humor. Brute strength is not his forte so in a battle he is more likely to trick the opponent into flying into a wall rather than engaging in hand-to-hand combat.

He can make himself somewhat intangible, almost like water, you will have to have quite a solid grip on him to pin him down or he will slip out of your grasp easily.

Power Drawbacks
His mind is not clear when he is doing this as if in a dream, and the more frequently he does it, the more difficult it is for him to return to normal and the longer it takes him to get his grip on reality back.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling
His entire family (mother, father, and younger sister) was killed when the empire swept through. He was especially protective of his sister and eternally wishes he had stayed (and died) with them and hates himself for fleeing, much like survivor's guilt. Now the only thing he lives for is avenging his family.

Theme song,
Flight of the Silverbird by TSFH
Or maybe Cannon in D Minor or Bravestone or Star Sky I can't decide, all of Thomas Bergersen's songs are so great *sobs*



Author: Cian
Time Posted: 11/9/2019 at 3:24 PM
Name: Skaaul (pronounced Sky-howl)

Gender: Male

Age: Young adult

Size: Slightly larger then average

Sexuality: bisexual


when using his armor

Personality: Bossy and a bit over confidant, he tend to come off has uncaring and brutaly honest to others, even heartles at time but he is actions tell another story. He push others away to keep hismelf from being hurt again, but still hope to find someone who will be able to tolerate his temper.

Abilities: (what are they good at?)

- very confident and rarely hesitate to do anything
- smart and use to live on his own already
- very strong and with a powerfull bite force
- cooking / signing, tho he rarely do show those caapacity unless asked, he pride himself to be capable of doing so

Bad at:

- bossy and a bit overconfident
- can come off as uncaring and brutaly honest to others
- a fire hazard, especialy in try areas
- can become moody when stuck in his armor for too long


golden flame : self explanatory, they are not realy stronger to a normal fire but act as a second skin if they get on his scales.

flame armor : When his scales and skin are compleatly overrided by his golden flame it will form an armor, turning him in a literal walking/flying ball of fire, water however is not very apreciated at those time. The flame armor is very finicky and cannot be turn off at will during the day. He can regulate the heat of his armor to some extent but the coldest he can got is still capable to burn in case of direct contact.

Lava surge : It have somthing to do with heat... the knowledge of this skill was infortunately lost a long time ago, maby it will be discover again in a moment of nead.

Power Drawbacks: (all powers have a cost!)

His power is mostly passive and so are his drawbacks. He cannot remove his armor at all when the sun is shining due to the powerfull link between the artefact and the golden orb in the sky. On top of being stuck as a living fire hazard, water become an acid to him, whatever part of his body it get on will sustain serious damages even if it will not be necesserly visible until the flames are gone.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling:

He was born as the chosen heir of the golden flame and became a Flamme bearer, a long time ago it was a big deal within his clan but today, it have slowly lost any real signification. The knowledge of how to correctly use the power of the golden fire to protect his clan vnish when, five generations ago, the last chosen one fell before his time, taking the secret with him. Nowday, the odd colored fire was used as a mean to show status and his bearer, a glorified steppin stool.

The last straw for him was when his own parents were trying to force him to take a mate comming from the empire. This also came with the implication that he would become the toy of the empire, forced to accomplish their bidding without a word, they would own him and use his flamme as an instrument of fear. He had been raised to be a protector, then an object, he refused to go any lower, he refused to become a monster with no moral.

Theme song: Starset - Trials

Other: (anything else you want to add about them?)

He know how to cook and sing, tho he rarely do show those capacity unless asked, he pride himself to be capable of doing so.

Code: 778345
Edited By Fluffn on 12/17/2019 at 6:10 PM.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
Joined: 11/13/2018
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Posted: 10/27/2019 at 12:49 PM Post #2
Khurazir. The desert city. It has been known to dragons over the ages by many names, but now its former glory dwindles. It used to be a wealthy merchant city, its citizens happy and thriving. Now the shred of a market it has left, as well as the river that runs through it, is all that allows its people to survive.

For some of you, you have lived here for most of your lives. Others may be just getting used to the bleak future of the people of Khurazir. But no-one, no matter where, hasn't felt the presence of the Empire. Towns, cities and lands still fall now to their armies.

But right now that isn't your concern. Right now, you are part of the Khurazir people. Your future is in the talons of the Empire and its Khurazir administrator who controls the heavy taxes and the sparse rations... unless you choose to change that.

Your story begins here.
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 10/27/2019 at 6:07 PM Post #3
Cesura stretches and yawns wide, her wings fanning out from her body. She was laying on the roof of a tan and red building soaking up the sun rays. Some may avoid the desert sun, but she loved it. She shifted herself onto her back and closed her eyes... only to be rudely interrupted by the tolls of a bell in the center of town. Today was ration day. She stood up and leaped off the roof with feline grace, spreading her wings into flight, heading to where the bell rung.
Level 60
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Posted: 10/28/2019 at 10:40 AM Post #4
Lazi yawned as she slowly opened her eyes, shielding her eyes from the sun with her talon as her eyes got used to the harsh heat. She sat up slowly and crawled out of her hiding place, once again glad for her small size. She walked around, waiting until she heard the faint ring of a bell, the ration bell. She smiled faintly and headed towards the bell, her tail twitching excitedly at the thought of food.
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Posted: 10/28/2019 at 11:00 AM Post #5
Cesura landed heavily outside of the markets. She would walk from here. She pulled in her wings silently as she strode to the announcement area she stood in the back of the crowd, not wanting to delve into its mass. She waited for the food to be passed out. And waited... and waited some more. They weren't calling names or passing out food. The administrator was preparing to speak instead.
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Posted: 10/28/2019 at 11:13 AM Post #6
Lazi walked until she found the place the rations would be handed out, pausing as she realized the rations would not be handed out yet. She looked at the giant crowd of dragons and thought better then to join them. She circled the crowd and finally spotted a dragon that had not joined the giant crowd and awkwardly went to stand beside them.
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Posted: 10/28/2019 at 11:33 AM Post #7
Cesura was approached by another dragon. She said nothing but merely looked over to them before turning her head back to the administrator.
Level 60
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Posted: 10/28/2019 at 12:21 PM Post #8
Lazi waited too, feeling bored, when where they going to get their rations, it felt like it was never going to happen. She sighed and sat down, waiting for the administer to start their stupid speach.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 10/28/2019 at 12:32 PM Post #9
Elenor dug the sand away from the entrance to her little cave, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Her ears twitched as she listened to the river and the sounds of the city high above.

She heard the ration bells as she patted the sand back into place. She couldn't get into the sky fast enough - she had needed to do a bit of healing lately and was absolutely starving.

Landing in the square, she hoped that she wasn't late. When you were late, you were at the end of the line. And the end of the line meant less, if any, rations. But no one was collecting anything - the dragons collected in the square all simply stood, waiting in the harsh sun.

She ducked to the side in the shade of a building, her ears perked up and her eyes alert as she watched what was happening. Nothing, at the moment. Her stomach rumbled in protest.
Edited By Falconetti on 10/28/2019 at 12:33 PM.
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 10/28/2019 at 12:40 PM Post #10
Rations were taking forever today. Cesura sighed and Sat down whispering "Sithis preserve..." She began looking through her pouches around her waist and chest, the warm leather straps rubbing against her scales as she pulled some of them into view.
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