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Forum Index > Breeding Discussion > Lampyridae's Project Center
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Level 70
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/5/2019
Threads: 22
Posts: 328
Posted: 10/28/2019 at 8:37 PM Post #1
What is this?
We're quite lax with projects, but sometimes we come up with something silly we want to do. Just a storage and archive for us, you're welcome to take a look around and see if you find anything you like! Rejects will always be put up for sale!
There will almost always be hatchlings, boops would be appreciated! The more you boop, the faster we get to see what mutations they have!

Current Projects
Project: Trophy Bird
An attempt to breed a 5vis, maybe even 6vis from two 6c G1 Aurleons. Hallows Aurleon Father and a cold-range mother produce a variety of earthy tones. Rejected offspring will be sold for 2k each, fertile and unattuned.

Gene One: (NF) Blended Spots------------------------------Gene One: (NF) Blended Spots
Gene Two: (NG) Magpie--------------------------------------------Gene Two: (ND) Turtle Dove
Gene Three: (NA) Advanced Runes------------------------Gene Three: (ND) Galaxy Sprite
Mutation One: (ND) Paradise Tail--------------------------------Mutation One: (NA) Peacock
Mutation Two: (NF) Streamers----------------------------------Mutation Two: (NF) Streamers
Mutation Three: (NH) Ice Helmet--------------------------Mutation Three: (ND) Terror Beak
Projected Goal

Gene One: (FF) Blended Spots
Gene Two: (DG) Turtle Dove
Gene Three: (AD) Advanced Runes
Mutation One: (AD) Peacock
Mutation Two: (FF) Streamers
Mutation Three: (DH) Terror Beak

Project: Trophy Moth
An attempt to breed a 5vis, maybe even 6vis from two 6c G1 Lunemaras. Legendary Lost Grove mother and an ordinary legendary father. Rejected offspring will be sold for (TBD) each (minor wild stats and eventually fully dyed), fertile and unattuned. We are seeking to have this dyed, and they will only be bred on request until then.
Unnamed MaleUnnamed Female

Gene One: (NC) June---------------------------------------------------Gene One: (ND) Silky
Gene Two: (NF) Breeze--------------------------------------------Gene Two: (NG) Leopard
Gene Three: (NA) Grub---------------------------------------------Gene Three: (NG) Floral
Mutation One: (ND) Branch Antennae----------Mutation One: (ND) Branch Antennae
Mutation Two: (NH) Forest Spirit Arms-----------Mutation Two: (NB) Floral Garland
Mutation Three: (NG) Mantis Wings------------------Mutation Three: (NE) Fairy Wings

Projected Goal
(Please note: This is simply a placeholder until we can decide on a definite design. Feel free to submit your designs using this gene-set.)

Gene One: (CD) June
Gene Two: (FG) Breeze
Gene Three: (AG) Floral
Mutation One: (DD) Branch Antennae
Mutation Two: (BH) Floral Garland
Mutation Three: (EG) Fairy Wings

Completed Projects
None yet!
Edited By Lampyridae on 1/8/2020 at 9:13 PM.
Level 70
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/5/2019
Threads: 22
Posts: 328
Posted: 10/28/2019 at 8:38 PM Post #2
Discounts (Message me first and I'll set it up for you):
Account under 31d: 1 free pet from the sales board, 75% off on other pets on the sales board
Account under 60d: Half price on pets from the sales board
Birthday (if you can send me a screenshot with the date and time and birthday message): 90% off pet from the sales board
Friend: 25% discount on any pet from the sales board

Note: 0vis offspring will be released at some point after 42 days. Please lay claims, if you would like, before then.
Trophy Bird
Pricing: 2000g Each
Edited By Lampyridae on 5/6/2020 at 12:27 PM.
Level 70
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/5/2019
Threads: 22
Posts: 328
Posted: 10/28/2019 at 8:38 PM Post #3
Trophy Bird
Edited By Lampyridae on 4/25/2020 at 10:26 PM.
Level 70
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/5/2019
Threads: 22
Posts: 328
Posted: 10/28/2019 at 8:38 PM Post #4
Stats and Progress
Trophy Bird
Total Offspring: 51
Highest Trait Points: 10, 10, 10, 10
Most Genes Visible: 4, 4 G1, G2, G3, M2 4 G1, G2, G3, M1 4 G1, G2, M1, M2
Male Offspring: 16
Female Offspring: 35
Edited By Lampyridae on 5/6/2020 at 12:27 PM.
Level 70
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/5/2019
Threads: 22
Posts: 328
Posted: 10/28/2019 at 8:38 PM Post #5
Individual Personal Dye Projects
Yes, we too sometimes decide to completely redye sylesties. None of these will be part of a breeding project as of now, hence why they sit down here. Though we're not trying to beg, we're open to any dye donations!
Edit: To clarify some confusion, we apologize. Some of these dyed pets are not for sale. Generally if they have boosted stats, I intend to keep them myself. However, if you really like the design, ping me and you can have the rights to make a breeding/dye project of your own using this design, as long as you credit me as the designer in posts and when asked, and message me if you intend to sell pets of this design. Please do not sell the design to others, I will count that as theft.

Completed Dye Projects
Solar Spectral Ny'vene
Permission to Use Granted To: ArrancarWyvern
Dyes: 7/7
C1: FFE29E (1 dye used)
C2: CEE8F2 (2 dyes used)
M1: D4AF37 (1 dye used)
M3: 87CEEB (3 dyes used)

Nocturnal Spectral Ny'vene
Permission to Use Granted To: ArrancarWyvern, Jemadar
Dyes: 8/8
EC: 50118F (1 dye used)
C3: 2C0C61 (6 dyes used)
G2: D613D6 (1 dye used)

Stormchaser Ryori
Dyes: 4/4
EC: A1A1A1 (1 dye used)
C1: 140F11 (1 dye used)
C2: C7E9FF (1 dye used)
C3: A1A1A1 (1 dye used)

Bold Fortune Lupora
Dyes: 5/4
G1: E5C727 (1 dye used)
M3: E5C727 (2 dyes used)
A1: 145C1E (1 dye used)
A2: 437030 (1 dye used)

Edited By Lampyridae on 3/22/2020 at 5:09 PM.
Level 75
Collector of Souls
Joined: 5/14/2019
Threads: 351
Posts: 3,716
Posted: 12/29/2019 at 2:14 PM Post #6
can i get 1 nocturnal male and 1solar female spectral ny'vene
Level 70
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/5/2019
Threads: 22
Posts: 328
Posted: 1/6/2020 at 8:49 PM Post #7
I'm really sorry, but I was only able to get enough essences for one rep of each design and stated at the top of the post that these were not part of projects, and I would like to keep the original two. However, if another spectral design comes along in a later year, I may take up trying to make those projects. If you wouldn't mind them being nonthemed due to clashing themes, I'll get you an egg when Fall Fest (or just the Spectral theme) rolls back around. If you do mind, I grant you, GalaxyWyvern83, rights to use my Solar Spectral design for yourself (please notify and credit me if you make it a 4vis project)

and Nocturnal Spectral designs.
Edited By Lampyridae on 1/26/2020 at 3:58 PM.
Level 75
Collector of Souls
Joined: 5/14/2019
Threads: 351
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Posted: 1/6/2020 at 8:54 PM Post #8
Can I get permission to do the nocturnal 1 too
Level 70
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/5/2019
Threads: 22
Posts: 328
Posted: 1/6/2020 at 9:09 PM Post #9
I grant you permission to do the Nocturnal Spectral design as well. Could you please message me if you intend to sell the offspring, and credit me as designer in any sales post/advertisement?
Level 75
Collector of Souls
Joined: 5/14/2019
Threads: 351
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Posted: 1/6/2020 at 9:13 PM Post #10
Of course I will credit you and thank you for granting me permission to do both
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