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Level 75
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Posted: 11/12/2019 at 12:49 AM Post #1
Okk, so I had an idea to create a comic based off the storyline of Sylestia. Note the 'based off'. If you ever read the Legend of Zelda manga, and you noticed its not exactly the same as the game it's based off of, this is basically that. I have plans to draw this, but for now I just want to plan it all out and write it down.

That being said, this is not related the Colress's Sylestia Graphic Novel!

Now, why I'm posting this here is because I'm actually looking for players who want to be involved in the making of this. Not just help create sylesti designs or plot ideas (though those are important too), but to actually be inside the story. For example, my friend irl wants to be a ryori that taunts the main character when they step inside Umbra Forest. You can be a fairy or elf or sylesti or whatever, just anything that is reasonable.

So here's a a sample form or whatever
Username: Imorphemi
Skills: Drawing, maybe writing haha
What you want to do: Designer of sylesties/character
And add this if you want to be a character in a story. Only one character allowed! You can team up with others to create like a family or something
Character: Hope (provide a picture or description of your character in the story)
Character Race: Elf (can be any species that has appeared in the game, like trolls)
Occupation: Sylesti Breeder (this has to be actually true. If you are not a breeder of any project, you are not allowed to be a breeder in this. Same with everything else. This is not limited to good guys; You can also be a Nightfall Bandit)
Encountered in: Ethernia (Again, this is immensely flexible. You can even be living a cave in Trollsblight Caverns)
Sylesti partner (optional): Nightshade (preferably a sylesti you own, otherwise include a picture. Include a link to the pet)
Other notes:
Edited By Imorphemi on 11/12/2019 at 12:51 AM.
Level 75
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Joined: 3/1/2018
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Posted: 11/12/2019 at 12:49 AM Post #2
This is the summary of the story. Will be updating

Aelyi was a survivor from a small town that the Nightfall Bandits raided. Normally, this wouldn't be much of a problem, except that it was an autumn night.

Now, ryories are a pretty harmless bunch, most of the time. There's been reports and annoyances that they mess things up a lot and sometimes go overboard with the pranks, but again, nothing too serious.

Unfortunately, the ryories pranked the whole town the same night as the nightfall bandits raided it. They cast a small confusion spell that made the residents of the town a little dizzy. Again, would've been all right any other night, but not this one.

The bandits set fire to the town, and the townspeople were having an extremely hard time preventing it. In a single night, the whole place burned to the ground.

Aeyli survived, hiding under some sheets of metal and assorted shields while her young zolnixi cast Ice Barrier, protecting them from the fire.

When she woke up, she found nothing and no one. The air smelled of smoke and decay. She sat down and cried, wondering what to do. That's when she met Jinxie, a fairy who helped her, as she knew the entirety of Viridian Meadows. Jinxie comforted her and convinced her to go to Esior's Haven, a town that, as the name suggests, was a haven to many travelers. She might as well settle down there. Aeyli agreed.

Her father and mother has taught her a bit on Sylesti magic, although she isn't still too clear on how it works. She knows that Sylesties are attuned to one of the gods just after they are born. Even the sylesties themselves know this, and it's usually traditional to attune them according to their personality and/or traits.

Aeyli's zolnixi currently only knew Frost, which also casts Ice Barrier.

Aeyli travels to Esior's Fields just as the sun begins to set. She decides to stay at the nearby windmill. Unfortunately, a wounded Dreadnaught was also inside. Injured from a battle against Esior's Haven's guards, he was hiding and resting until he was alright. When Aeyli came in, he figured that she was just an easy target, but her nixi managed to get a good hit to his wound, killing him. Sheriff Thyrm finds her and asks her to help. He tells her that they've been trying to track Dreadnaught for a few days now, and on the last attack he was injured and retreated somewhere, and Aeyli accidentally finished him off in the windmill. He notes that she looks like she's ready to fight, and invites her to join him against the battle of the bandits. Just then, an archer from EH runs over checking on them. She brings them back to Esior's Haven, where Aeyli finally gets some sleep.

The next day, she was awoken by screams and crashes, and she and her sylesti barely escapes their falling inn with the help of Jinxie. She finds a cave troll terrorizing the residents of the Haven. Sheriff Thyrm was on the ground, knocked out, while the other members of the police were trying hard to ward it off. Finally, Deputy Schmidt's Aurleon sent off explosive fireball and the troll retreated. Unfortunately, the explosion sent another building crashing down. Deputy Schmidt catches sight of Aeyli and calls her over. Aeyli asks why the troll was doing here, but he doesn't know. Aeyli scowls and decides to go after the troll. Deputy Schmidt hastily hands her a map and she follows the troll

She battled a zolnixi who ambushed her. After a small but fleeting battle, with some help from Jinxie, Aeyli and her pet managed to knock it out, and realized that the zolnixi's side was badly injured. They thought it might have been the nightfall bandits, and Aeyli heals him with a potion she kept from her town. The zolnixi begins following her, and she decides to adopt him.

They find the Trollsblight Caverns. Aeyli quietly advances inside, and immediately gets scared by a Draeyl and runs away. She runs until she she finds a fork in the tunnels. The left passage way has some faint roaring echoing through it, while the right has nothing. Aeyli creeps towards the right passageway and finds a couple of bandits trying to steal an egg from a sylvorpa. Aeyli battles them off, and they scurry back into the darkness. She returns the egg to the sylvorpa, who performs Beam on them, healing them of their injuries, and then retreats into a nearby underground stream with the egg.

Aeyli continues deeper into the caves, and stumbles upon a large cavern. She was on a ledge leading down to a giant cave. A stench fills the air, and she climbs down to find a troll lying on the ground, dead. Suddenly, she hears breathing behind her. She turns to find the troll glaring at her. It unleashes a mournful roar in her face and swings at her with the branch it was holding. Aeyli manages to roll out of the way as her zolnixi casts Frost, freezing the troll in place. Jinxie flies up and demands them to stop. She communicates with the troll, and flies down to the dead troll. She creates a small shimmering rock (orb from the mossy staff) and gives it to the troll. The troll's expression softens and he turns away from the to bury the other troll. Jinxie explains to Aeyli, and they borrow a wood plank from the troll to ride through the underground river and out. The walls are beautiful, glowing with biolumiescent moss and the sylvorpa from earlier swim up next to them.

They head back to the haven, where they are requested to see Sheriff Thyrm immediately. Jinxie and Aeyli explains to Sheriff Thyrm about the troll. He congratulates him and Aeyli wonders if it was Dreadnaught who caused this. Sheriff Thyrm tells her that James Thallion, known as Lord Talon, is the bandit leader.

Someone comes up with news that the Fairies need help at Fungus Grove.
Level 75
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Joined: 3/1/2018
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Posted: 11/12/2019 at 12:49 AM Post #3
Current Characters
Aeyli - Protagonist of the story

Her Zolnixi

These designs are not final

Hey yo, wondering why that outfit is like that? well, i created that design before the wardrobe revamp and seems as if they haven't deleted the old code yet! yee
Edited By Imorphemi on 11/12/2019 at 1:03 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 11/12/2019 at 12:50 AM Post #4
Level 75
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Posted: 11/12/2019 at 12:50 AM Post #5
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Posted: 11/12/2019 at 12:50 AM Post #6
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