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Forum Index > General Discussion > ~ Christmas Stocking Stuffer Wishlist Th...
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Level 75
Maze Runner
Joined: 2/11/2018
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 6:25 PM Post #1
Happy Holidays. :)

Update: 1/2/20 :: Stocking Stuffing is now closed. Hope everyone got good stuffs this year. :)

A thread to post what you might like to find hidden in the depths of your Christmas Stocking this year... ;)

I know that there's a wishlist capability within the Stocking Stuffing page now, but since that only allows us to determine what to keep out, and doesn't show anyone what we do like, I thought I'd set up this thread in case anyone would like to use it. I don't recall who set up a similar thread last year (I swear someone did!), but all props to them for doing so. It really helped a lot. I hope this one can do the same for people.

Please feel free to create a post below detailing your Christmas wishlist. I will do my best to keep track of everyone and provide links directly to them (along with their stocking link), so that it will be easier to find anyone whose list you are seeking. :)

Alphabetical Order: (Clicking the name should get you to the person's list, while clicking the stocking link should, appropriately, take you to their stocking page. :) Please let me know if you notice any errors in the list.)
AliceHearts --- stocking link ---

Amarok --- stocking link ---

Ancientelma --- stocking link ---

Bunne --- stocking link ---

Copeh --- stocking link ---

Dragongirleve --- stocking link ---

Earthprotector49 --- stocking link ---

Encryption --- stocking link ---

GalaxyWyvern83 --- stocking link ---

Hoardingcrows --- stocking link ---

Invertedpencil --- stocking link ---

Jemadar --- stocking link ---

Jetstar --- stocking link ---

Kaita --- stocking link ---

Karma --- stocking link ---

K1tten --- stocking link ---

Kinkyprincess --- stocking link ---

Kittenkabootle --- stocking link ---

Kyts --- stocking link ---

LDDarcWolf -- stocking link ---

Lonefox --- stocking link ---

Lunalamoone --- stocking link ---

Mikazukichan --- stocking link ---

Naos --- stocking link ---

Niverus --- stocking link ---

Orcastration --- stocking link ---

Oso9 --- stocking link ---

Pegusesstar --- stocking link ---

Sairento --- stocking link ---

Sakura --- stocking link ---

Shyunicorn --- stocking link ---

Singingkatz --- stocking link ---

Sl33pl3ssnights --- stocking link ---

SpaceElf1 --- stocking link ---

Stormdragon21 --- stocking link ---

TomRiddle --- stocking link ---

Tony Stark --- stocking link ---

Winterbread -- - stocking link ---
Edited By Niverus on 1/2/2020 at 4:18 AM.
Level 74
Grand Protector
Joined: 5/2/2019
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 6:34 PM Post #2
Thank you for doing this.

I would love

Philters of Amnesia
Philters of Trait Disruption (Themed)
Pet dyes
Greater Genetic Mutators.

with the first three being what I most want.

For Avie items, these are the ones I want (Backgrounds only since I love backgrounds and don't have the energy to go through the other categories right now)

Lucky Pot of Gold
Background (STained Glass)
Background (Irish Castle)
Cornucopia Background
Background (Secret Garden)
Background (Volcanic Island)
Floating Candles Background (Blue)
Edited By Jemadar on 12/19/2019 at 5:38 PM.
Level 75
Ghost Writer
Joined: 9/17/2014
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 8:19 PM Post #3
I have a really long list, not because I expect to get all these things but to give friends the greatest amount of information that I can. To be clear, every item is something I would be delighted to receive.


Any Stoneweave Equipment.

Consumables: Prismatic Philters, Philters Of Amnesia, any Pet Dyes, Philters Of Nullification.

Avatar items:

Any of these Wings--Water Pearl; any Nebula; Flowing Spring Ribbon; Butterfly; (recolors of Unicorn, Feathered Witch, Snowdrop Fairy, Oversized Butterfly, Desert Wanderer's, Parrot Tamer's, Sea Dragon, Seductive Demon, Steampunk, Nightmare Lord, Bone Reaper's Cape, Griffi Spirit Tamer's Crystaline, Partridge, Wings Of Eros, Flutter, Majestic Flutter, Heart, Majestic Heart, Glowing Branch, Angelic, Bat, Healing, Mech, Scorpio Claws, Minstrel's Harp, Mechanical, Cloud Explorer's, Summer Lotus);

Any of these Outfits

Any of these Head Items--any hat! Seriously. I love giving hats away, especially to newer players, and I am experiencing a terrible hat shortage. To keep for myself--Tiny Top Hat; Mirrored Sunglasses; Witch Tiara Of Snow; Candy Apple Bandana; Ghostly Tiara Chilly; any Autumn Fairy's Flower Chain; Chocolate Candy Bulbori Circlet; Bell Bow; Arctic Nomad's Circlets (Aurora, Polar Night, & Ember); Pow Wow Feathered Headband; any Nebula Crown.
Edited By SpaceElf1 on 12/17/2019 at 1:44 AM.
Level 75
Collector of Souls
Joined: 5/14/2019
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 8:37 PM Post #4
Stocking Wishlist Consumbles Prismatic Philter, Pet Dyes, Philters of Trait Disruption ( Themed )Avatar Items Any would be great specially if its recolorableEssences Any Type Ny'vene, Zolnixi, Lupora, Ferrikki, Ryori, Qitari
Edited By GalaxyWyvern83 on 12/16/2019 at 8:49 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 4/16/2018
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 9:45 PM Post #5
Biggest wish day of the dead recolour outfit

I would be the happiest Katty kat if i got it xD

Others hm will update later xD

Its later xD

Yellow rikki essences
Mana philters
Dyes, i like dyes xD we need dyes to dye stuffs
hmmmmm null potions, we need these too xD i spent 32k scales buying them for one project xD i imagine there will be futures ones that need this too
gender swappers are gobbled here when projects decide to hatch wrong gender. I know they are doing this purposely <.< if you want a break from breeding hit 200 mana max and you can hatch how you want
disrupters xD i need these badly, need to disrupt stuffs

Hmm will add av items if i get around to looking at cute things i dont own xD
flower flapper attire < i dont know what this is, how much it is or anything i am not asking for it xD but i like it alot, all of them are pretty
other dead of the dead costume, may never own the recolour but the others are super pretty
butterfly bandit hood (recolour, Midnight)
Irish clerical circlet all the colours
runic cemetery background
Edited By Kaita on 12/20/2019 at 10:17 PM.
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 10:17 PM Post #6
My wishlist:
(i'll accept anything honestly tho lol)

Philter of Amnesia
Magic Pies
Avi items
More avi items
Drown me in avi items
thanks y'all
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/13/2018
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Posted: 12/16/2019 at 11:16 PM Post #7
My list. Its also very long :}.
Greater Genetic Mutators
Any non-regular Aurleon, Faelora, and Ryori essences
Enhanced and/or Mystical Lupora essences
Enhanced and/or Mystical Draeyl essences
Enhanced and/or Mystical Zolnixi essences
Nephini essences
Philters of Gender Swapping

Avatar Items
Helds: Night Blossom Staff, Nuzzling Zolnixi, Tamed Aeridini (any), Ny'vene Hatchling (any), Basket of Vulnyx Cubs (any), Springtime Ny'vene Spriteling (Sunset or Twilight), Cuddling Zolnixi (any but Rose & Rivet), Lovely Branch Staff (Charming Rose or Cinderwood), Lupora Pillow Pets (any but Hearth & Timber), Lupora Tamers Pup- Male (any but Eventide & Infernal), Dragon Stalkers Hatchling (Ragefire or Midnight), Crystalline Drake (any), Nuzzling Nephinis (any), Wild Spring Spirit (Abellia, Amara, Yugira, or Tirella),

Outfits: Spring Travelers Garments (Recolorable), Adventurers Fall Outfit, Cozy Autumn Attire (Recolorable), Adventurers Winter Outfit, Casual Winter Outfit, Wolf Hunters Robes (Timber or White), Vaeluna Diviners Robes (Ascended, Hallowed, or Royal),

Heads: Flower Headdress, Iridescent Circlet, Sparkly Flower Hair Clip (Recolorable)
Backs: Nightfall Cloak (Recolorable), Crazed Druids Cloak (Gray Wolf or White Hare), Nephini Buddy

Backgrounds: Aeridini Meadow (Lunar), Moonlit Beach, Sunlit Beach, Shamrock Forest
Edited By Earthprotector49 on 12/18/2019 at 9:31 PM.
Level 75
High Priest
Joined: 8/24/2018
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 5:50 AM Post #8
Anything >.>
Dont bother finding my actual Wishlist please-

Except thats crossed out on my Wishlist-
(Just three/four things dont worry)
Edited By Sairento on 12/17/2019 at 5:52 AM.
Level 70
The Hallowed
Joined: 8/11/2016
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 9:43 AM Post #9
My Wishlist: (In order of importance)
Fire, Light, Water Ryori-on-a-Leash
Bone Reaper's Cape (Frigid)
Prismatic Philters
Pooka's Raven Garb
Pooka's Raven Longhaired Headband
Pooka's Raven Tail
Shadow Stalker (Joy, Whimsy) (Recolor)
Shadow Stalker (Joy, Sadness) (Precolor)
Atlas Moth Outfit (Autumn Frost, Candy Corn, Halloween)
Atlas Moth Wings (Autumn Frost, Candy Corn, Noxious)
Flower Flapper Attire
Sakura Garb
Pet Dyes
Genetic Mutators
Health Philters
Mana Philters
I like/need the rarer avi items released before (and just after) I joined. (Pre Summer Fest 2016) (Will compile a list. Later.)
Edited By Ancientelma on 12/17/2019 at 9:50 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/30/2013
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 2:47 PM Post #10
Heres some recolorable avi items i still want:

Kelpari Rider Garb
Nyvene Tamer outfit
Knight of hearts outfit
Cupids Gallant Armor
Lovely Robes
Garments of Eros
Irish Clerical Robes
Pookas Rabbit Garb
Pookas Raven Garb
Armor of Clover
Butterfly Bandit outfit
Feathered Witch Robes
Oriental Flower robes
Snowdrop Fairy Garments
Spring ballgown
Sakura garb
Fauna caretaker garb
Tidal lord robes
Sea dragon robes
Lava dancer outfit
Savanna hunter garb
Specters armor
Atlas moth outfit
Bone reapers robes
Elegant leaf attire
Forest witch robes
Ghostly pirate costume
Nightmare lords armor
Nutcracker uniform
Reindeer herders outfit
Snow pearl attire
Owl tamers owl-fit
Wolf hunters robes
Lovely kimono
Warm winter outfit
Sakura outfit
Zookeepers outfit
Ghostly regalia
Winter pajamas

Aside from these im also seeking reg disruptors, frosted kitsune luff disruptors, greater mutators, enhanced/majestic essence for rikki, griff, vul, neph, stoneweaver gear for my pets, i think thats enough for ideas lol
Edited By Karma on 12/17/2019 at 2:53 PM.
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