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Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 2/7/2020 at 1:05 PM Post #1
So I have a huge problem of just.. not finishing or even bothering to share most of the things I write. Anxiety's been the metaphorical monkey on my back for years and I'd love to try to start conquering it in regards to the things I enjoy doing. Most things posted here for now are super old and abandoned since I haven't written anything serious outside of roleplaying for a few years now. life keeps getting the way help

Feel free to offer me critique, doesn't really matter much for older things (I promise I write way better now!), but I'll try to update this thread with stuff when the mood hits me to write or I have something cool to add to the pile.
Edited By Xedite on 2/7/2020 at 9:08 PM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 2/7/2020 at 1:06 PM Post #2
Verge was a half-thought out sci-fi novel idea I spent a lot of time working on for about a year or so back in 2015-2016 while I was deployed.
I got about 6 or so chapters worked through in various unfinished stages of editing, but only putting up the first for pg-13 reasons.
Story structure ended up not working out well for me but from what I remember the plot of it was meant to be about two aliens in disguise that were sent to Earth to prepare their species to invade and actually end up recruited to defend humanity from their own kind. Lot of Men in Black meets Starship Troopers vibes. May come back to it since I'm still very attached to the universe and characters, but enough's been changed about it and them to require me starting from the ground up again.

A man tapped boredly at a dim screen, thumbing through page after page of flickering red text. His shimmering, plated armor shifted with his slightest of motions and faint red LEDs along his arms flashed with each tap of the plasma-lit surveillance panel in front of himself. He fought back a creeping yawn with a grunt of irritation and growing impatience. This was taking too long, he thought. Far too long.
12 hours. He reminded himself. He had only been on the surface for 12 hours. The strange, solo sun of this planet made it difficult for his mind to accept the minimal passage of time, so he turned his focus elsewhere. These connections took time to establish. They always took this long to establish. Besides, he had waited far longer for more inane and meaningless events before. He had enough patience, he reminded himself. At least, he hoped so.
As he continued to think it over, he felt that very same patience unravelling as his mind struggled to accept yet another one of his own, half-thought flimsy excuses. This meeting had been already planned in advance. Far in advance, he sharply reminded himself. It had been at least 4 years now, by his roughest of estimates. He had been so caught up in his last mission it really was hard to tell what was what anymore. Either way, his companion was late. He knew that much for sure.
The man sighed and leaned back in his chair, eyeing the screen in front of himself as he boredly flipped between shipboard and outer cameras, looking for any signs of where he might have ended up. He verified his coordinates with the set he had previously sent and propped his chin up on the palm of an black armored hand, thumbing through message after message and every email he had barely touched within the last few weeks.
There had to be something, people usually just didn't disappear without a word. Especially not someone like him. He grimaced at the sheer number of messages he had gotten in the past week alone from the man, resolving to make some sort of conscious effort to read them instead of forwarding it to his personal digital assistant who always sent a brief, automated reply to these little things neither of them could be actually bothered with.
The man sighed and closed out a half-typed email dishearteningly. Even if he did bother to reply, what was even the statistical chance of it reaching him in time? As he mulled over the numbers in his head, a blaring noise of a distress signal rang out from his headset, shaking his attention back into the real world. He jumped up, reached over to his desk, and scrambled to slide the ringing device across his face, tapping at its side as it powered fully on and a glowing, red set of lens clicked over his eyes.
"Inspector #AZ-068 speaking. State name, location, and current situation." The man forced himself to stay calm, one half of his mind frantically racing to remember the protocol for distress calls while the other tried to recount the warnings he had been given about the local populace the instant he had first stepped foot on the surface. His train of thought came to a screeching halt as he heard the sound of cold laughter on the other end.
"Dang, man.." A rough, weary-sounding voice followed, still chuckling halfway under his breath. "You're real uptight."
"Who is this?" The man repeated forcefully as he focused on tracing the source of the call through another open window displayed on his visor's lenses.
"Inspector #AX-056, or just X for short. Quick question for you, kid.. You know how to make a 3 way call from jail on one of these things? Gonna be a few people back on Proxima that are gonna be houndin' my tail about this one."
The man just slowly shook his head in disbelief. Arrested? What idiot of an Inspector would go and get himself arrested on a foreign planet? Let alone some place like this ? This had to be some sort of mistake.
"Jail? You were arrested? Under what grounds?" He tried to contain his irritation, repeating his thought out loud. Clearly his partner was clueless of the implications this would have. No one was supposed to know they were here. Especially not anyone with public law enforcement. He swallowed hard, his thoughts racing as he weighed his options and locked onto the man's coordinates. With any luck, the police hadn't caught on to them.
"Trespassing. Breaking and entering. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Not the first time I've been caught either."
"Not the first time?" He choked up for a brief moment, clenching his fists to quell his rising anger. He then let it go with a sigh, struggling to recover his previously cool composure. Not the time, he reminded himself. He scribbled down the man's location after entering them into a GPS built into his armor.
"I have your coordinates and I'm on my way. We'll need to talk more about this later. This is a grave matter of our security and I would like to see it fully resolved before the Council hears any word on this. Submit yourself to the local authorities for now if you already haven't done so and please follow protocol #574. Reveal no further information about yourself and resist any attempts of interrogation that may be perform-."
"Don't sweat it. Just make sure you have bail money ready." X chuckled again. "My end's already been covered."
Edited By Xedite on 2/7/2020 at 7:12 PM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 2/7/2020 at 1:06 PM Post #3
Not sure what I wrote this for, just found it way buried in my writing folder. Some sort of intro to something that never went any further. ~2013, very old

A knife drawn. A scream. Darkness.

It happened so fast. I don't remember much.

When I awoke, brightness. An airiness even, yet the air was charged with an electric tension.

Barely coherent, powerful words assailed my mind, overloading my senses and left me gasping for air that did not come.

Darkness again. A black out, my mind finally registered. It was only when I awoke to sunlight that I grasped the reality of my situation. I was kneeling over my own corpse.

I had just died..

Or rather my assigned human had. It's hard to tell the difference and often, I seem to forget it entirely. It's a strange feeling to lose yourself in your mind's conjured delusions.

And as an guardian angel, it's just plain unprofessional.
Edited By Xedite on 2/7/2020 at 6:47 PM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
Threads: 54
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Posted: 2/7/2020 at 1:06 PM Post #4
This one kinda makes me sad knowing I've lost the rest of it, but I tried to write a story based nuzlocke series following the mishaps of a former Rocket grunt trying to stick it to Red for a randomized game of Pokemon Crystal. Had about 4 chapters written before the nuzlocke failed at Whitney and it never got finished. I'm not a huge fan of the writing of this since I always thought it was a little weak, but I did write this back in ~2012 so it's crazy old.


Ya know, there was a time I didn't understand how a Pokemon could be considered a "lifelong partner."

I still don't.

You see, in my profession, it was considered to be pretty stupid to get attached to something that never lasted more than a good month or two. It was dangerous work and all of us came before some dumb animals. After all, that's what the boss said. All they were good for making us rich, he said. And we knew. It was something we ALL understood.

...But I can't help but think that, maybe.. Maybe he was wrong, all of us.. Wrong. Maybe it could have been different. Maybe things would have gone differently if it had been. Maybe would have been closer to our Pokemon... Friends even.

But it's too late.. Two years too late now.

I guess that's why I've been considering taking the Gym Challenge. I feel like I have something to prove to myself. Yet.. I feel like it's based on something more. A sense of frustration and a longing for vengeance.

I suppose that's what a hurt sense of pride feels like to someone that's always blindly followed others to their own demise. Someone that's been so sickeningly compliant for most of their lives.

Two years ago, we felt the sharp taste of rebellion and we were utterly decimated by it. An entire empire forged over years blown away in just a few months..
By a child, nonetheless. We were forced to disband as our boss left and the police knocked down our doors. Our livelihoods crumbled and many of us fell into financial ruin, were arrested, or both.

And me? I went to live with my grandmother in Johto, who reluctantly took me in after figuring out what I actually was doing with my life. In exchange, she asked her good friend, Professor Elm, to keep a good eye on me. I've been working as a lab
assistant since to keep under the nose of Kanto's Police Force. Not exactly something I'm happy with.

..Tomorrow will be the day I get my first Pokemon in two years. I guess I'll find out what I'm supposed to be doing then.

Edited By Xedite on 3/17/2020 at 8:59 AM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
Threads: 54
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Posted: 2/7/2020 at 6:57 PM Post #5
What was once Verge's 'origin' universe has an ongoing.. thing that is part worldbuilding project, part Discord based tabletop roleplaying game, and part collaborative writing effort. It's definitely its own separate 'canon' at this point as the universe itself has been building up since late 2012 among various retcons, reboots, group pass-arounds, and even an old friend's attempt at converting it into a webseries. I use it a lot for straight writing and worldbuilding practice.

The first version of this universe went by the name Lumine, so on the off chance anyone recognizes me from another site: hi yes it is still going lmao

I might post some fun posts out of context posts under this later for giggles since I write way too much as DM sometimes.

Big badding:

Irene grimaced at the sound of roving, robotic reenforcements and the sight of the Aether chains over the chamber room. This was.. problematic. They couldn't afford to stall here any longer.

Lux held up a hand, setting it on the door frame. "Allow me, Captain."

Irene seemed confused, but watched with a bit of surprise as the chains of light guarding the chamber room doors seemed to.. splinter wildly and vanish into the air in sparkling rays at his touch, dispelled back into the ether.

The door swung open afterwards, lighting with orange and teal lines, exposing the chamber room.

The room itself had the vibe anyone would expect at any other throne room ruled by a underground, mad cybernetic king.

The chamber room itself was as dimly lit as the rest of the planet, but the gem-ladden and golden patterned tapestries that adorned the rest of the halls here had not been spared here. Many were splattered with dried black ooze or riddled with bullet holes. Broken cores, metallic parts, and shredded armor pieces littered the room. Tell tale signs of an earlier confrontation.
A large machine sat near the end of the rune, cable, and LED lined corridor, the hundreds of consoles and monitors throughout the room blanked with an occasional flicker of orange noise. The Council body itself was as imposing as ever, an angelic monolith whose many faces seemed to watch every angle of approach in the room where the eyes of the hundreds of enslaved, orange-eyed Overseers didn't seem to catch with their facemasks buried in their consoles. Their twin tails were plugged into the many computer consoles through the room, occasional sparks rolling off their bodies as their electricity itself seemed to be shunted to their mechanical overlord.
It was an awful sight, a true sign of the Archseer's delusion of control. Not even those so among his former file and rank, so untouchable, seemed free from his mental grasp.

It didn't take long for the man himself to project himself out from one of the monitors, cloaked in a black Sira'hen robe. A glittering array of digital jewels clung over his painted facemask and slit, suspicious, orange eyes. A sword of glowing Aether energy was sheathed by his side, the only real material part of the very corrupted Overseer, his form and electricity flickering in time with the pulses of current through the machine he now-permanently resided. His eyes were fixated on Darin and Yolvet with a bit of a smirk on his face.
"I know why you all are here. The law.. Enforcer.." His eyes burned harder onto Darin. "Matters not to me." The flickering, holographic projection stepped closer with slow, echoing steps of his claws on the polished, metallic floors. Flickers of light trailed off his every step as he drew his sword, teasing the shining tip of it slightly along his claws. "For I embody the law itself. I will cleanse the evils and sins of this world one mind at a time. My justice and judgement will be exacted and executed mercilessly. Those with foul intentions will not escape my blade. Our people will have their peace under a glorious rebirth. My reign is absolute. I will not allow any of you to stand in my way now."

Space politics:

Irene stopped at the Admiral's door, looking it over for a few moments before making a cautious knock on it. It near instantly slid open afterwards, catching her off guard as she looked over the sight of a spry, older man running a hand through his greyed beard as he conversed with a group of three Io in ceremonial dress. He beckoned Irene in as she saluted him and patted the back of a chair as a cue to take a seat.
Irene gave him a silent nod as she looked over the now-staring Io. The eldest of the group seemed very ornately dressed with a barely concealed silver glow off its hide. And judging by their showy manner of dress, it was clearly someone of importance. The two behind it held their fins up slightly in interest and judging by their worn armor and weapons over their spiny backs, these two were some sort of armed bodyguards. She took a seat, sighing somewhat under her breath as they seemed to relax significantly, reseating themselves just as she did.
"I apologize if I've been keeping you waiting, sir. I understand that your schedule must be very hectic in light of recent.. events."

"No, no, it's excellent timing, Commodore, you're just the person I needed to see. Get yourself comfortable and don't you go minding these three. They're allies. I was just discussing some arrangements with Exarch Alkana here." Admiral Hewett gave Irene a disarming smile as he slid her a mug, motioning her to help herself from the pitcher of sweet tea from the tray of refreshments next to his desk.

"Arrangements, sir?"
Irene rose an eyebrow, not quite trusting his tone of voice as she took the mug, turning it over slightly in her hands as she attempted to focus. Southern hospitality be damned, it was suspicious enough to see a group of Io walking so freely around here.

"Getting ahead of yourself a bit there, Commodore. We were just getting into all that before you walked on in. I'm sure you already know the hubbub the ol' bird's gotten himself and all of the Federation roped into. And if you didn't, sure think you'd have better things to do than go turning guns on him."

"So you've already seen the footage then?" She pursed her lips somewhat, glancing over at the elder Io that seemed to be eyeing her over intently. She could almost feel this one's eyes burning into her very soul.
Was she just imagining it?

"Sure wouldn't have had the proper grounds to dismiss the accusations against you if I hadn't. Gotta do some work around here." He pulled up a holoscreen in front of her, thumbing through a few screenshots gleaned out of the garbled security footage. "Now our guest here took a long look over it too. All this jumping around Adonai's been doing caught the Vis Tempora's attention long before it became our issue to sort out. Real powerful stuff he's got, I'll say."

Irene gave him a look of confusion as she caved to temptation finally and poured herself a bit of sweet tea.

"Take it you're not too familiar with them then." Admiral Hewett thumbed through a file on the screen idly as he reached over and began pouring himself his own glass of tea. He offered some to the Io who all stared at him blankly for a moment before he realized his mistake and shrugged.

Irene gestured for him to wait a second as she was struggling to down her drink, reflexively wincing at the overwhelming taste of sugar. God, how did Americans still even stomach this trash?

"No, sir, I am. Luxari Vanlith, a member of their order is under my command. He's given me the run down, more or less. My confusion just comes from trying to understand why they are involved in the first place with something like this. Murder isn't exactly their.. primary concern, from what I understand anyways."

The Exarch nodded in agreement to Irene before speaking English in a thick Ionian accent. "Ordinarily, no. What other species do is of little priority to our people. But we have had great concern about this man's tampering. His abuse of the Aether in such an unnatural form will undoubtedly cause further cascading effects outward to the rest of the universe. Left unchecked, in this time of increasing instability, his powers could potentially cause grave damages to its inhabitants. We cannot allow such a thing to occur under our watch and intend on dedicating our full forces on ensuring his capture comes to pass. We do not simply have any room left for failure or incompetence when it comes to such threats after the past actions of the Daarizi."

Irene frowned. "..I see. So you intend to take this matter out of the hands of the Federation then?"

"Yes. My knights are more than capable of handling a mortal man. We will see to it that he is dealt with properly. Any further involvement will not be advised or necessary on the Federation's part."
The Ionian folded her clawed hands in her lap, raising fins slightly as she emphasized her point.
"I see." Irene repeated hollowly, turning back to the Fleet Admiral with an indignant expression growing on her face. "And you're fine with this, sir?"

"When it comes to Aether and any crimes with it, Commodore, we've always trusted the Ionians to know how to handle these things. They may as well be the experts on it as far as humanity's concerned. No point in shaking the boat and getting in their way now."

Irene tensed at the affront. "Do you fully intend to end our search and prosecution of him while people are actively being killed? Is justice a dead concept to you?"

"Now now, Commodore, simmer down. Remember who you're speaking with. I don't intend to sit back and let there be a bloodbath around our facilities. These fine people have all the means at their disposal to track him down expeditiously and shut down his powers so he can't go ripping holes in space or hurting anyone again, but in the meantime, I'll be having forces keep eyes on the people we reckon he might go on and target next. This is where you come in. I'll be needing the Lunar command to put out a helping hand with this one with the forces you all can spare."

"Sir, I mean absolutely no disrespect, but while we were previously sparing personnel to headquarters and the Saturn command, we were attacked by space pirates. We lost quite a few personnel in attempting to apprehend and prevent the escape of the suspects. I have reason to believe it was directly coordinated by an outside entity probing our defenses and some suspects involved in the attack still remain at large. Sparing any other personnel not only dampens our defensive and tactical capabilities, but it also leaves us, as a collective organization, unable to assist any that may request our help during this time. This is completely unacceptable."
Irene set her mug down, sternly meeting the Fleet Admiral's eyes.

He didn't seem the slightest bit deterred by this and just shook his head. "I don't enjoying doing these things either, but we absolutely cannot risk losing any other personnel to security breaches or targeted assassinations. I'm sorry, Miss Korsak, but sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do around here."

Irene stewed in her anger for a moment before exhaling a short breath and folding her tensing hands in her lap. "Understood, sir."
I'll see what can be done, sir. Do you need me for anything else at this time then?"

"Well, I reckon you're only a line away, I'll drop you a call if the game plan changes or something else comes our way. Just.. try to keep yourself out of trouble in the future, Commodore. We can't afford to lose you either. Think of the example you're setting."

"I will."
Irene bit her tongue back and stood up, dismissing herself as soon the Fleet Admiral had finished speaking.
She was almost grinding her teeth in barely suppressed rage at this point. Like hell she would. Sit on her hands and let someone else handle it? While more people died by the hands of a man scorned?
Hahaha. Now where had she heard that one before?

Something had snapped in her at this point. Oh no. This was definitely personal now. Adonai had crossed that line as soon as he betrayed her and tried to frame her for murder. She'd help Hewett out, alright, but she'd be more than happy to eat a demotion just to handle things the way things were meant to be handled. She'd take this right into her own hands, orders be damned.
She almost spat into her comm brace as she pinged the ship on her way back outside.

"Axis. You had better gotten some lead on Adonai's movements by now."
Edited By Xedite on 2/7/2020 at 8:49 PM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
Threads: 54
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Posted: 3/17/2020 at 8:53 AM Post #6
Actually found a few other parts (apparently the part I posted originally is chapter 2(!), so I've gone ahead and relocated it to this post) of the Pokemon Nuzlocke fic in one of my old Google drives digging through them this morning, not sure where the rest of it is, but I'm pretty happy to see some more of my old, edgy writing. :^)

Maybe I'll rewrite it some day with a better main character. At least it's good for a laugh now.

Let's get a little thing straight about me. I hate mornings. I don't even think my own grandmother has much of a understanding towards my 'inexplicable' hate of waking, but it's actually rather simple to explain.

My grandmother owns several Rattata, 3 to be exact, given to her by a dear friend. Not only are they a jab at my 'interests', but they are allowed to roam the house. Oh, and they will CHEW. They will CHEW on absolutely ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I own.

Now I may be overreacting some, but on a good day, I'll wake up quick enough to catch the little pests in the act. But today, I managed to get in enough sleep for them to chew up my new Pokegear and a good chunk of my hair. And the best part is that my sweet, little grandmother just shook her head and laughed.

"Oh, Jenna. They only do it out of love. You know that. And you should know BETTER than to leave something so dangerous in their reach! You could have gotten them hurt. Why don't you have ANY consideration for anyone BUT yourself for once?"

I groaned and made my way to the door. I had heard this conversation on repeat for the LAST time.

"Don't you walk out on me when I'm talking to you, young lady!" was all I heard as I shut the door in her face.

After rushing the sodden remains of my precious Pokegear to the repair shop, I trudged my way into Professor Elm's lab, hoping for something to happen that would lighten my mood.

My hopes were misplaced.

"Jenna, you're late again." Elm frowned up at me from his desk as I stepped through the door.

"So what. I had things to do. I'm here now. Isn't that all that matters?"

"Well, your "things to do" are getting in the way of your job. If you were anyone else's kid, I would have shown you the door already." He loudly rapped a pen against the rough edge of his desk, almost as if he was trying to prove to everyone in the entire town how 'irritated' he was.

"So." I sighed heavily. Another conversation I'd rehearsed far too many times with him. "What's that job you wanted me to do anyways?"

The professor sighed, knowing all too well the futility of trying to change the topic back. "Well, we should be getting on it. I need you to do is pick up something from my colleague, Mr. Pokemon. He said that he had something very intriguing to give me and you know how excitable I get about these sorts of things." He pushed his glasses up a bit and leaned back in his swivel chair. "Look, all you need to do is deliver it here, unharmed."

"Easy enough. Don't see why you said it was so important yesterday." I shrugged, turning towards the door. Of course, I knew what was coming. For my sake, it was probably best to play coy. If I showed how nervous I was, it would lead towards another bad situation. Something my morning didn't need another of.

"Jenna. Hold on. You know there are dangerous, wild Pokemon past Cherrygrove. You're going to need a Pokemon for your own protection. You didn't forget that I said I'd lend you one, did you?" Elm stood up, retrieving some Pokeballs from his desk. He gently set them on the table before motioning towards me. "Go on. Pick one."

I flinched and slowly made my way over. I had the thoughts of my last 'partner' on my mind. It was a Meowth, a small one with a fluffy head. It was the closest thing I had to a friend.. That is, until it ran off. I assumed that it knew what was happening. Maybe it was just using me too, but the thought of it has never left my mind. I knew I wasn't ready for another Pokemon. Yet, I finally brought myself to pick up the nearest one.

Maybe the even the professor knew how hard it was for me. He had stayed silent the entire time as I stood there and even as I head out the door for Cherrygrove Town.

It was going to be a rough day.


"Go, whatever you are." I huffed, sending out my Pokemon. I had managed to cross the forested path to Cherrygrove without any birds or rats trying to scuffle with me, but I figured it had been locked away long enough.

I'll admit I was kind of curious too, but I wish I HADN'T been.

I was greeted by a oh-to-familiar flash of red light and a small, star-shaped Pokemon. It blinked twice, rubbed its hands over its ears and turned to me with a yawn. I instantly cringed at the sight of the tiny Clefairy.

Mt. Moon. I had done a mission there once. Some kind of fossil heist, I think. But the one thing I do remember from that Zubat-infested hell were the Clefairy. Not only were they obnoxiously loud at night, with their moon chanting and grating songs, but they also had a nasty habit of stealing everyone's things. Almost as if they were trying to protect the place from us. I guess it makes sense, they probably were.

"This has got to be a joke." I muttered to myself, just loud enough for the creature to hear. "I get stuck with a Clefairy. I thought I was going to get something cool like a Charmander. Wouldn't that have been nice."

The Pokemon frowned slightly and tugged on my pant leg.

"Cleffa." The Cleffa muttered, trying its best to shake its head.

"Hell's wrong with you, pinky?" I grimaced at the sight of it as I looked down. "Can't even say your name right?"

It flattened its ears with a wince, almost as if I had slapped it.


"Yeah, whatever, Clefairy.. Guess I should give you a nickname if you hate me calling you Clefairy then. Let's see."

"Cleffa!" It perked up, yanked hard on my pant leg, and pointed up at the sky.

"What's wrong? Never seen the sun before? Don't blame you. Bet the professor never lets you out of your Pokeball. Gives me an idea though, how do you feel about the name Sol."

"Cle..fa." The Cleffa nodded and hurried its waddling, trying to clumsily pace itself with my brisk steps.

"Try to keep up. We have a ways to go and I'm not carrying you."

It took us a good ten minutes to find the house, no help to Clefairy. I wonder who first thought it was a good idea to live in the middle of the woods and not build a solid path. The thing kept falling over every patch of grass and rock in existence. It was, admittedly rather hilarious the first few times, but it started sniffling and throwing a fit as it fell farther and farther behind. I eventually stopped when it refused to move from the patch of gravel it fell into.

"Come on. Get up. We're almost there."

When I got only sniveling as a response, I stepped towards it and roughly grabbed it by the ear.

"You know." I held the Pokeball to Sol's face. "I could always put you back."

The Cleffa strained out a muffled cry and brushed some blood stained twigs from its face. It was only then I noticed it was getting hurt from all the battling we had been doing. It was enough to make me cave in to its demands.

"Fine." I loosened my grip on its ear and pushed it against my chest as I stood back up. "I'll drag you if you start complaining now."

It was far too ecstatic about that. As cute as the thing is, it sickens me.

I was 'happy' once I could set the squirming thing down inside. But my good mood didn't last long enough. Not long after I got the thing I came for, I think it was some sort of egg, I had a Pokedex shoved in my hands by Professor Oak. He demanded I fill it up completely.

This is why I hate this job.
Edited By Xedite on 3/17/2020 at 8:57 AM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 6/1/2020 at 5:48 AM Post #7
For the avatar contest

The Butterfly Prince

They say after the last frost that the fairies come out once again to play. It was an event I waited for great anticipation for year after year.
I had longed to see a fairy since I was but a mere child, imagining being carried off in the wind on sheer dragonfly wings. They always seemed to have the most carefree lifestyles, ones I envied and longed for, weary of my confined daily life.
I often trekked out to a pondside grove just near my village, tossing stones into the lake and fiddling with overgrown reeds and wild grasses. My trips were, more often than not, fruitless ventures and even my parents had begun to worry about my long absences, berating me for wasting so much of my time outdoors and neglecting my studies.
But each time, my heart ached more and more, wanting to be home again in the glades and free of their ever strict eyes.

That dusk I set off again with a meticulously packed bag in hand and enough supplies to last me several days. I intended to spend the frosty night at the grove, wanting to catch the gathering of fey finally for myself once and for all.
When I arrived, I found the grove yet again empty and pitched a tent, preparing to brace myself for the bitter cold of night.

I'm not sure exactly when I awoke, but swaddled in a fur blanket, the gentle touch of dawn and sparkling morning dew over my hair had roused me from slumber.
In the clearing, my heart fluttered for just a moment as I caught sight of a cloven-hooved man with large, turquoise butterfly wings and elven ears. His robes were grass green, almost seemingly sewn from the grass and young spring leaves themselves.
His eyes gleamed blue like the ocean waves and he couldn't help but spare me a passing smile from where he rested in the grass, his fingers pressed through the dirt.
Several much younger, smaller fey seemed to be dancing about the meadow, paying me no mind, but I was cautious as I approached the resting man.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my eyes drifting down to the soil he seemed to be tending. He motioned me down with a finger and to my surprise, I caught sight of young flower buds rising from the dirt before my eyes.
He let his magic tinge the earth long enough to pick a bright yellow lily he slipped into my long hair, just past one of my ears.

"We are the tenders of spring." He said in a voice that seemed to flow like river water. "And from my hands, blooms I bring."
I sheepishly returned the smile, deciding to sit with the man a while as he worked, watching through the morning as slowly but surely the grove was cleared of the winter's frost and the flowers of spring had arrived once again.

I had thanked him for his efforts and time, satisfied with finally witnessing the change over of the seasons and went to leave, just to be caught by the hand and brought into a soft kiss.
I stepped back in surprise, feeling a slight flicker of golden magic flick over my shoulder blades, craning my head around in time watch two dragonfly wings form from the spring enchantment.
"Do not fear, I have seen into your soul. If you accept it, this will make you whole.
If it is among the fey you wish to play, you will find your home here."
I gave him a nod and held his hand in my own, watching the sun rise in the morning sky and briefly wondering how it would feel to fly.
Edited By Xedite on 6/1/2020 at 8:57 AM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 6/1/2020 at 7:11 PM Post #8
Going to start writing to music prompts to get me writing more and to see where I can go with them. :>
I'll start with this one.
(Note to self, write some dark stuff for once ya coward)

Will post results. If anyone has a song they want me to write something for, feel free to comment with it. ^^
Edited By Xedite on 6/1/2020 at 7:17 PM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 6/2/2020 at 10:52 PM Post #9
My messed up brain wanted me to write about true crime stuff and obsessive stalker serial killers, so that's fine. I need to practice descriptive writing anyways
I'm totally not making my trauma nightmare themes into bad murderfics again
I'll just play on the safe side and tag this so no one squeamish jumps down my throat. >_>

TW: Criminal violence, crazy stabby stalker dude, dark stuff yo

"Tell me.."
With a tug of her straw blonde hair, he pulled the wide-eyed woman closer to the cold knife in his shaking hand. The ragged, sobbing breaths on the woman's breath ignited his fury like an matchstick to kindling and like the most feral of animals, he was on her in a second. The woman's arms were bound to the dull apartment wall with his clutching grip and a slip of the knife into one of her wrists.
She muffled a squeak of pain through a clenched jaw as the snake of a man pulled himself unsettlingly closer to her face, almost seeming to hiss his next words.

"Who is he, Kara? I would love to meet him. It's so rude to invite guests here without so much of a notice, you know."
He met her eyes, driving the knife down further and forcing it downwards, letting the familiar red river drip down the gash.

"S-Shut up." She tried to knee him in the chest, trying to push all her strength through her left arm to writhe back into some futile sense of freedom. She wouldn't let herself die here, not after everything she had already fought so hard for.

He laughed at her attempts at struggle, drawing the knife further and wedging it between bone, dropping his grip on the blade only as she gave a hard sob of pain like that of some sort of wounded doe.
"..Especially as he sounds so important to you."

"Shut up, SHUT UP." Kara squealed out between a sob, clutching her bloody arm in her other hand. The shock of blood loss was setting in and she found herself growing light and dizzy on her feet. "..I.. won't. I ..can't.."

"Oh, come on now, Kara. You know you're running out of time."

(I'll add more to this later once I get a direction going, mayhaps :>)
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
Threads: 54
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Posted: 6/30/2020 at 2:56 PM Post #10
Had a weird dream that seemed like good writing material. Putting it here so I come back to it.

Alt history Vietnam war era where felons were drafted to fight it, lost, and returned to a country that hated them
Follows the story of a soldier who ended up going back to prison after the war for murdering his wife, visited by a middle school girl who wanted to do sketch art of the felons
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