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Forum Index > General Discussion > Suggestions For The Game
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Level 60
Joined: 2/12/2020
Threads: 31
Posts: 40
Posted: 2/29/2020 at 4:23 PM Post #1
Ok, so why cant the game be where it has a place for a list of all the pets for sale?! Like a den or an auction box where you can go and see( ALL PETS) that are up for sale instead of going to peoples pages (JUST TO VIEW WHAT THEY ARE SELLING) Make it where its just pets for sale and have the option to view pet (OR BUY PET) Then have the gold be collected in the message box saying "Collect Gold" "Collect Gems" Exc.? It would make the selling part less annoying and more enjoyable and much more quicker to earn gold
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 2/29/2020 at 5:22 PM Post #2
first, this is a suggestion, which belongs in the Suggestion Box forum, rather than general discussion
Or in the Q&A

in answer, to see pets that are for sale, you can click the "Social" tab and select "Advanced Search"- if you go to the "search pets" section, you can search all pets that are for sale. We have some guide posts here which break down how to use AS for things like searching sale pets

However, I can definitely understand a desire for a dedicated 'pet auction house' kind of thing (and also the desire to have the ability to set sylesti to have a diamond price, since at the moment if you're selling a pet for diamonds you have to use the extremely tedious currency exchange method to get the diamonds from one player to the other)

If you are specifically trying to sell pets and want to make sure people see them, then there's the Pet Marketplace forum where you can make a thread to advertise them
Edited By Scathreoite on 2/29/2020 at 5:23 PM.
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