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Forum Index > General Discussion > Pet personalities
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Level 70
Cutely Creative
Joined: 8/16/2018
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Posted: 2/29/2020 at 5:01 PM Post #1
Hey so for a long time I have given my pets personalities and sizes. I was wondering if there was a set size for Syletis or not. And also how wild other imaginations beside my own imagine their team.

For examplev(both zolnixxi) Anitsa is about the size of a cat and is always in a bag trying to find chocolate or other sweets. While Amythestina is about the size of a normal fox and is a little artist making art out of everything. I have a personality picked for my final spot but she is a kelpi not not made
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 2/29/2020 at 5:14 PM Post #2
you can see the average size and weight for sylesti species in the generator pet info pages (Generator > view list of species > double click on species name)

For instance, bulbori: Avg Height: 1'6'' (0.46m) Avg Weight: 22lbs (9.98kg)
lupora: Avg Height: 3'0'' (0.91m) Avg Weight: 140lbs (63.50kg)
zolnixi: Avg Height: 2'8'' (0.81m) Avg Weight: 110lbs (49.90kg)

(the wildest revelation to me will always be the draeyls- you look at their info and... Avg Height: 5'10'' (1.78m)... Avg Weight: 2400lbs (1,088.63kg)
How do they weigh so much? the only logical conclusion I've been able to come to is "the original art of the female showed her standing on all-fours,,, is this... a quadrupedal-stance measurement?")
Level 70
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/5/2019
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Posted: 3/7/2020 at 6:49 PM Post #3
*slams hands* Scath did basic size time, I will do bad science time.

The generator says that the average size for nixis is 32 inches and 110 pounds (chonkin' foxes). Because bad science, I'm just asking Google cursorily. The smallest fox is the fennec fox, weighing in at an average 2.5 pounds and stands about eight inches high. The largest is the red fox, weighing in at an average 17.95 pounds and standing an average 17 inches high. The average of those extremes (this is bad math you should account for all species) is about 10.23 pounds and 12.5 inches tall.

Which means the size range (based on average, rounded to the nearest percent) is 24%--175% for weight, and 64%--136% for height in foxes.

Apply to nixi: 26.4--192.5 pound range, and 20.48 inches (about 1' 8.5")--43.52 (about 3' 7.5").
The largest domestic cat, the Siberian, weighs a maximum of about 20 pounds and about 25 inches, so you would either have to have a very sturdy bag or a helium-filled nixi. But dwarfism is perfectly valid (this is a fantasy petsite where 60% inbreds can go without crippling health issues, dwarfism doesn't need associated health issues either), it's fine for you to have a tiny nixi!

Fish just come in all sizes, so for your kelp you'd have to combine averages of eels (I think, for the tails) and horses to apply for average ranges.

If we get into insects, particularly hive insects (my beloved lunes, confirmed eusocials) things start getting terrifying. Gender dimorphism starts getting concerning, with most females being definitely larger, and even within the same hive-based species (termites) the laying queen can weigh up to thirty-three times as much and be 10 times the length of a working male (or female) (ants and bees have an exclusively female workforce, I believe, whereas termites have both genders of workers). And, you know, both lune genders are confirmed to be equally hard and dedicated workers. Welp.
(This scares me because lunes are already about three feet tall and 12 pounds, a queen-size would be a Mothra at *inhales* 28' 4' tall and almost 400 pounds. I straight multiplied it because termites can have up to a million workers per nest and only one queen...and one king but he's small too, averages would literally just be a plump worker.) It's those egg-bearing hips, you can look it up if you like. Anyway, thank you Krin I am fearful.
Then again, termite queens can lay about 40k eggs a day, whereas the most prolific lady lune can only manage one every three. *shrugs*

Gen quotes about lune hives: "Lunemaras construct massive colonies along the tree tops. These colonies have been known to be as large as a mile in diameter and contain thousands of Lunemaras all living in harmony." Hives. "Lunemaras that get separated from their colony usually cannot survive on their own." Classic worker behavior, dying alone.

Sorry for the wall of text, very passionate about bad science.
Edited By Lampyridae on 3/7/2020 at 6:52 PM.
Level 58
Fancy Pants
Joined: 12/18/2017
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Posted: 3/11/2020 at 11:13 AM Post #4
i made personalities for my fave pets

i'll post 'em here in a min
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