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Level 34
Joined: 3/14/2019
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Posted: 3/12/2020 at 9:53 AM
Post #1
hi, i am just requesting an Enhanced Aurleon Essence because i am poor and want to get some quality breeding going on...
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 3/12/2020 at 10:34 AM
Post #2
Begging isn't well seen here and against the termes of service. If you cant afford it yet it just mean that you nead a little bit more time to understand how things work around here.
I suggest you to look in the guide section for tips on how to make gold quickly. The type of essence you are looking for is usualy priced between 200 and 500 k in the broaker, it may seem like alot but with the right technic and a bit of exlporing you could get between 50 and 150k a day.
a few links to help you figure things out :
new player guide
how to make gold
i would also like to point out that there are others way to get a preaty pet, dying or buying projects/ themmed pets are a cheeper way to get some pets who dont have 'mudy' coloration.
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 3/12/2020 at 11:34 AM
Post #3
If your poor852 126 5( win gold.
Participate in fests dk not use gold, use fest tokens) and sell stuff you dont need on the broker. Fest stuff goes for a lot, especially at the beginning and near the near nd. Jsut gotta timeout right and I ice well.
Her ultimate to the lost grove in the storyline and gokul find plenty of nice chests.
Participate in site events.
Sell on the broker. I once sold some gear and got 30k per for lost grove stuff.
Nurture, get scales, and then buy from fo scale shop. People always want pet dyes and amnesia shelters.
If you happen to have an exceptional test or infertility kit, make eit a profitable buisness. I had a free one going once and for just a few clicks per let I got a nice little sum of gold.
Missions. Easiest grind wih most profit.
Sell themes or 6} or something. Low traitpurebreds with bad colors dont go well at all. Just plan accordingly cuz pet sellijgbisnt a good profit.
If you have a diamonds, sell for gold. 2k a dia is a good price.
And dont splurge on pets. Trist me, you cna always make or breed your own. Even with a stbalehand, I'm probably wasting a lot of gold wih pets I dont need. Release the really meh ones that you dont like and wont sell and you'll save some gold.
Some avi items all well to. I once sold a cute lass dress for 250k in the middle of the week of loce, and which was w event you could get it in.
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