Forum Index > General Discussion > Help, am confused
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Level 33
Joined: 3/5/2020
Threads: 2
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Posted: 3/17/2020 at 8:15 PM
Post #1
So Ive noticed several symbols under each sylesti in a stable, as well as ones on their profile.
I do know some, like the test tubes means theyve been genetically tested, but I am so confused about the others. Please help!
Level 75
The Artistic
Joined: 1/28/2014
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Posted: 3/17/2020 at 8:41 PM
Post #2
Symbols and their meanings:
Under the pet in the stable:
Skull and crossbones: pet has fainted and needs revived
Crossed swords: Current party pet
Satchel: this pet is on a mission
Plus sign: this pet has proficiency points that need allocated
Shield: if it is blank it has not been attuned to an element yet; not blank: shows which element a pet has been attuned to
Egg: female has been bred recently and is on cooldown (don't believe it ever lights up on males. someone correct me if I'm wrong?)
Coin: this pet is for sale
Heart: this pet is set for public breeding
On the pet's profile:
Science kit: pet has been genetically tested
Bottle: this pet has been mutated
Colourful bottle: this pet has been dyed
Red circle with a line through it, XP in the middle: this pet is no longer gaining experience (reversible)
Pink circle with a line through it, heart in the middle: this pet is infertile and cannot breed (irreversible)
I think those are all the symbols XD If I missed any, feel free to ask about specific ones. Most of these symbols can also be seen on advanced search and have the same meanings. If you're on a computer, you can hover over them to get more information usually. ^.^
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 3/17/2020 at 8:56 PM
Post #3
(please excuse the size of some of these, I can't really do anything about the size- the size of those ones is controlled with <> tags in the stables/pet profiles, which don't work in the forums.)
/ = whether a pet is unconscious or not
/ = if a pet is on the party or not
/ = if a pet is on a mission or not
/ = if a pet has unspent proficiency points or not
= pet element assignment (no element / air / earth / fire / water / light / shadow)
/ = if a pet is on breeding cooldown or not
/ = if a pet is for sale or not
/ = if a pet is set up for breeding or not
on profiles:
= gen1 themed pet
= purebred theme pet
= genetically tested
= have had philter of unlearning used on them (do not gain exp)
Under the pet in the stable:
Skull and crossbones: pet has fainted and needs revived
Crossed swords: Current party pet
Satchel: this pet is on a mission
Plus sign: this pet has proficiency points that need allocated
Shield: if it is blank it has not been attuned to an element yet; not blank: shows which element a pet has been attuned to
Egg: female has been bred recently and is on cooldown (don't believe it ever lights up on males. someone correct me if I'm wrong?)
Coin: this pet is for sale
Heart: this pet is set for public breeding
On the pet's profile:
Science kit: pet has been genetically tested
Bottle: this pet has been mutated
Colourful bottle: this pet has been dyed
Red circle with a line through it, XP in the middle: this pet is no longer gaining experience (reversible)
Pink circle with a line through it, heart in the middle: this pet is infertile and cannot breed (irreversible)
I think those are all the symbols XD If I missed any, feel free to ask about specific ones. Most of these symbols can also be seen on advanced search and have the same meanings. If you're on a computer, you can hover over them to get more information usually. ^.^
(please excuse the size of some of these, I can't really do anything about the size- the size of those ones is controlled with <> tags in the stables/pet profiles, which don't work in the forums.)
/ = whether a pet is unconscious or not
/ = if a pet is on the party or not
/ = if a pet is on a mission or not
/ = if a pet has unspent proficiency points or not
= pet element assignment (no element / air / earth / fire / water / light / shadow)
/ = if a pet is on breeding cooldown or not
/ = if a pet is for sale or not
/ = if a pet is set up for breeding or not
on profiles:
= gen1 themed pet
= purebred theme pet
= genetically tested
= have had philter of unlearning used on them (do not gain exp)
= has been dyed
= has been mutated
= has been made infertile
Thank you! Not to worry about the pictures, they were actually super helpful, lol :)
Edited By Cool on 3/18/2020 at 9:08 AM.
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