Forum Index > General Discussion > What's the best Sylestias for fighti...
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Level 63
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Posted: 3/22/2020 at 7:32 PM
Post #1
I haven't been on in a while so I pretty much forgot everything about battling and which pets to use so may someone help me?
Level 75
High Druid
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Posted: 3/22/2020 at 8:52 PM
Post #2
There are no 'best' Syesti, however Fabled species usually have better statistics. If you look at the specie's page on the generator, it will show everything about this.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 3/23/2020 at 9:30 AM
Post #3
Since it is possible to breed for stats or to enhence statistics, all speacies have the same chance to be good or bad. Wild pets in general, fabled or not, dont realy have that great of base stats unless they are comming from the lost grove.
Luckly at your level you dont nead to buy max stats for your adventure as they can be very pricy to new players (around 200k each for the cheepest ones). Make sure you set your proefiency and equipement the right way for your element and it should be good enough. If you have issue with knowing what goes with what when it come to equipement, here is a guide that explain everything in depth.
If you realy want some better stats however, look for fabled exclusive or offspring of an exclusive themme, they have higher chance to have been fully boosted, just take a look at their stats before buying. Tagged may be expencive but pb are usualy alot lower in price, as long as their stats is above 47-50 they should be enough to help out your team but you will nead to train them. ^-^
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