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Forum Index > Groups, Guilds, Clubs, and Services > Project Helpers
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Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
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Posted: 4/15/2020 at 11:23 AM Post #1
This is a group of people ready to help you out with any (Sylesti-related) project! (6vis, max stat, ect.) If you join, you'll recive help on any project!

To join, you must pay a 10,000g fee to the club treasury. This will be used on other projects, or possibly yours. Each project you want help with will cost an aditional 5,000g, but the first one is free. (Note: Doing a project on your own would cost way more)

Eh, who cares, lol

You can also become a helper, which means you will be the one helping out with projects! It won't cost anything to become one either! You will be supplied with the money you need, (After filling out a form for it) so it's pretty much free!

Joining Form:

User ID:
Have you done a project before:
Project(s) you want help on:
Tell us more about your project:
Give a short summary of what you've done so far:
What type of result are you looking for (Show image if needed):

Helper Form:

User ID:
Do you have any experience with this:
Tell us more:
Show a completed project:
Tell us about it:
Edited By Beaubuddyz on 8/9/2020 at 3:22 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
Threads: 157
Posts: 8,664
Posted: 4/15/2020 at 11:23 AM Post #2



Edited By Beaubuddyz on 8/11/2020 at 10:33 AM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
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Posted: 4/15/2020 at 11:23 AM Post #3









Edited By Beaubuddyz on 2/16/2021 at 8:19 AM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
Threads: 157
Posts: 8,664
Posted: 4/15/2020 at 11:23 AM Post #4
Current Projects:

Username: Midnight3062
User ID: 137028
Have you done a project before: no
Project(s) you want help on: 6 Visible
Tell us more about your project: They
Give a short summary of what you've done so far: I have one pair, both with 4 visible and 2 carried each.
What type of result are you looking for (Show image if needed):

Other: This form is a great idea.

Username: Animaspectra
User ID: 126180
Have you done a project before: No..
Project(s) you want help on: Three. (6vis)

Author: Tanawen
Time Posted: 4/20/2020 at 12:44 PM
Username: Ghostignalce

User ID: 131061

Have you done a project before: yes

Project(s) you want help on: Steampunk/ Cutewitch

Tell us more about your project:
Not to long ago I bought Eason. My first Cutewitch.

Purebred Themed Cute Witch Zolnixi
Gene One: (NN) None
Gene Two: (HH) Cute Witch Fire
Gene Three: (NN) None
Mutation One: (HH) Cute Witch Essence
Mutation Two: (NN) None
Mutation Three: (LL) Cute Witch Wings

I really liked the Traits he has and wanted to experiment on some of the Steampunks I have. I really like how it has turned out so far. I don't want the Cute Witch Garb though. Don't really like it.
Please click the Link to see all the Offspring I've done so far

Give a short summary of what you've done so far:
The Image below is pretty much what I'm going for.
But I'm also experimenting with other Nixis as well with the Cutewitch Traits.

What type of result are you looking for (Show image if needed):

Author: Sawbill
Time Posted: 4/27/2020 at 4:13 PM
Username: Sawbill
User ID: 139837
Have you done a project before: No
Project I want help on: Winter Sunset Aurleon
Tell us more about your project: Going for 6V but might max stat
Give a short summary of what you've done so far: Almost ready to breed 3rd gen. 6C.
What type of result are you looking for (Show image if needed):
Other: Helpful forum!

Author: Alstoxen
Time Posted: 6/27/2020 at 2:48 AM
Username: Alstoxen
User ID: 127133
Have you done a project before: no
Project(s) you want help on: Charcoal Sketch Aeridini design by Lhluvsathena i got permission to use the design
Tell us more about your project: has 5 vis and I've already generated the pets but I really don't know what I'm doing and need help to know which pets to breed with because most of the ones I have so far are too closely related to continue
Give a short summary of what you've done so far: got one Aeri with G1 and G2 vis and m2 carried but I don't think I'm going to be able to breed with others I have because of relations
What type of result are you looking for (Show image if needed):

Other: thinking of starting from scratch because at this point I'm just really confused with who to breed with who -w-

Author: Primarina
Time Posted: 8/8/2020 at 3:59 PM
Username: Primarina
User ID: 144242
Have you done a project before: No
Project(s) you want help on: 5 vis Kelpari, non-themed
Tell us more about your project: It's a sorta simple project I started since it's my first one. I'm currently figuring out what to do with the extra males I get from it since I can't really start using them yet.
Give a short summary of what you've done so far: Generated my three starting project pets, and I've since then bred two more pets. I got VERY lucky as both babies ended up with 4 carries (one was even a girl!). I'm pretty early in the project, still.
What type of result are you looking for (Show image if needed):

Other: N/A

Author: Fanta1380
Time Posted: 8/10/2020 at 3:59 PM
Joining Form

Username: Fanta1380
User ID: 134046
Have you done a project before: Yes
Project(s) you want help on: Rolling Thunder Ny'vene (Max Stat), 4v Vivid Bloom Vulnyx, 4v Monarch Owlbear Morkko, 4v Monarch Frostfeather Griffi
Tell us more about your project:

Rolling Thunder Ny'vene (Max Stat)
- This is a max stat project, and I'm also going to do max mana
- There's going to be a normal outcome (max stat with normal ny'vene traits)
- I'm also making a restricted version, that's why I need imperial dragon / frost dragon RTDs. I'll be adding Frost Dragon horns and Imperial Dragon wings to the restricted version.

For all of the other projects mentioned above, I'm just getting the themed to 4v. Nothing special xD

Give a short summary of what you've done so far:
Rolling Thunder Ny'vene (Max Stat)
- Already done around 5 generations of prisma-ing
- Base stats are at around 1200 health, 160 mana, 80 on other stats
- I need: prismatic philters, gender swapping philters, magical pies, health philters, mana philters, pet dyes, nullification philters, imperial dragon RTDs, frost dragon RTDs, gold, and dias~

Vivid Bloom Vulnyx
- Haven't started breeding yet
- Still in hoarding stage
- Have 1, currently in deal that might get me 2 more
- I need: ANY Vivid Bloom Vuls, breedings to VB vuls that are at least 2v, gold for a tab to store project pets (or dias for a stable)

Monarch Owlbear Morkko
- Haven't started breeding yet
- Still in hoarding stage
- Have 1
- I need: ANY Monarch Owlbear Morkks, gold for a tab to store project pets (or dias for a stable)

Monarch Frostfeather Griffi
- Haven't started breeding yet
- Still in hoarding stage
- Have 1
- I need: ANY Monarch Frostfeather Griffis, gold for a tab to store project pets (or dias for a stable)

What type of result are you looking for (Show image if needed):
Rolling Thunder Ny'vene - Normal Version

Rolling Thunder Ny'vene - Restricted Version

Vivid Bloom Vulnyx

Monarch Owlbear Morkko

Monarch Frostfeather Griffi

Helper Form

Username: Fanta1380
User ID: 134046
Do you have any experience with this: Somewhat experienced >~<
Tell us more: I only have 1 completed project (below) and I'll admit I started that by randomly breeding AFD lups hoping to get a 4v xD I got more experienced throughout the course of the project though ^-^
Show a completed project: 4v AFD lups <3 (images clickable)

Tell us about it: I started this project from scratch. It took around 6 months to complete, and I recently got my 4v pair (above)! I am technically finished, but I want to get at least 1 more pair so that I can stat them in the future if I want. I'm selling 4v AFD lup offspring at 100k each, infertile~

Sorry about the huge form! >~<

Author: Racoonn
Time Posted: 11/24/2020 at 7:47 AM
ima join because I need help

User ID: 146501
Have you done a project before: no this is my first
Project(s) you want help on: I need help getting the colors and making it a max stat
Tell us more about your project:
Give a short summary of what you've done so far: I have three things that have some of the genes I want and want to breed those
What type of result are you looking for (Show image if needed): is what I have so far
Other: whoever helps me will need a lot of experience with getting a max stat from nothing and coloring it at the same time

Author: Noha
Time Posted: 1/17/2021 at 2:14 PM
Username: Noha
User ID: 147351
Have you done a project before: No
Project(s) you want help on: Max stat ferrikki
Tell us more about your project: I am just trying to get a female and male max stat I can breed so I can do more missions and they will fail less.
Give a short summary of what you've done so far: Nothing really. I breaded my 2 highest stat male ferrikkis with my 2 highest stat female ferrikkis and am wating for those eggs to hatch. I also have a pris philter that I will use on it when it hatches.
What type of result are you looking for (Show image if needed): I dont really care what they look like, I just want the max stat.
Other: When it hatches, should I let it hatch or help it hatch? I dont know if I am doing this right at all so some tips would be greatly appreciated!

Author: Stringworms
Time Posted: 1/17/2021 at 2:31 PM
Username: stringworms
User ID: 148722
Have you done a project before: no
Project(s) you want help on: 6-vis magic moonlight nixi
Tell us more about your project:

i want to breed a 6-vis magic moonlight zolnixi breeding pair

Give a short summary of what you've done so far:

i've sculpted a ton of magic moonlight zolnixis, all two vis two carried as thats all i can afford, and am currently waiting for them to grow up so i can start breeding them.

What type of result are you looking for (Show image if needed):

i hosted a design contest to see if i could find some genes i thought went well together and ended up settling with this design by tigress:

though i do have two pets (same gender, i think) with the tri tails gene and i'd honestly go for any 6-vis i can make, as i'm very inexperienced and it would be a great achievement


i have a 6-vis starscape zolnixi pair that i'm trying to sell offspring from for funding, how ever i havent sold any yet and i'm not quite sure on the pricing.

Author: Ethernalflame
Time Posted: 2/4/2021 at 5:32 PM
User ID:149152
Do you have any experience with this:Yes
Tell us more:I may have not finished this project but i'm currently looking for a max stat female ryori to breed with
Show a completed project:

Tell us about it:I stopped/finished breeding them for a project but i still sell their offspring for profit
Edited By Beaubuddyz on 2/16/2021 at 8:19 AM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
Threads: 157
Posts: 8,664
Posted: 4/15/2020 at 11:23 AM Post #5
Completed projects:
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
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Posted: 4/15/2020 at 11:24 AM Post #6
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
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Posted: 4/15/2020 at 11:24 AM Post #7
You may now post
Level 22
Joined: 4/13/2020
Threads: 4
Posts: 126
Posted: 4/15/2020 at 12:12 PM Post #8
Username: Dogzrule
User ID: 142573
Have you done a project before: Nope!
Project(s) you want help on: Um.... 6vis?
Tell us more about your project: Er... I apperantly have a 5 vis I could use. I also have some themed...
Give a short summary of what you've done so far: Um... nothing?
What type of result are you looking for (Show image if needed): How do I do this?
Other: Hi Beaubuddyz!!!
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
Threads: 157
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Posted: 4/15/2020 at 12:14 PM Post #9
1: Are you sure you want to do this? You don't really have that much stuff.... it will take a while....

2: You use the generator.
Level 22
Joined: 4/13/2020
Threads: 4
Posts: 126
Posted: 4/15/2020 at 12:19 PM Post #10
1: Yes. I need the money.

2: Something like this?

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