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Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
Threads: 157
Posts: 8,664
Posted: 4/16/2020 at 4:27 PM
Post #1
You walk into a little shack with an unreadable, worn-down, sign
"I know. It's not much," a voice sighs from behind you. You turn around and see a girl cleaning out some stalls. "But it's going to be!"
You ask her what she means.
"We're here to help pets and people! If somebody doesn't want a pet anymore, it goes straight to our holding area. Then, new players, or anyone really, can get it for a free/cheap price! It helps old players get rid of non-perfect pets, and newbie's get worthwhile pets!" the girl grins.
You ask her to tell you more.
"Well, it's hard to explain, really. But you could help if you want! You could donate pets and they will be used to help new players!"
Donations are loved! Donate your pets/money and they'll be used to help another player!!!
Note: Not all pet donations will be accepted. Please do not donate dishwater pets either. Money donations go straight to the treasury. This will later be used to buy more stables so that we can have more room for pets to give!!!
*Note: If a pet cannot be sold within 3 weeks, it will be released. Please notify us if you would like the pet back beforehand, otherwise you will have to pay the diamonds to get it back.
Donation Form:
What are you donating?:
Links to pets (If donating pets):
How much gold? (If donating gold):
How many diamonds (If donating diamonds):
Do you want a special note given to the receiver? (If donating pets) If so, type it here:
1: If you're account is under or at 30 days, you get the pet free. Under 60 or at, the pet costs 100g. Over 60, you get the pet for 500g.
2: We have the right to refuse pet donations.
3: We take themed pets as well as non-themed.
4: Themed pets will cost an additional 100g for accounts ages 30-60 days, and an additional 500g for accounts over 60 days. 30 days and under will get them free.
5: Diamond donations will be payed in the amount of gold worth it. After that, we will buy the diamonds you set up using the broker.
6: Donated pets must be set up for 1g, otherwise it will not be taken