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Forum Index > Q&A (Newbie Friendly) > Breeding Grounds Trouble
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Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 5/11/2020 at 2:43 PM Post #1
I didn't put this in bug reporting because usually I end up missing something, not the game's fault. Anyways, here's my problem.

I am doing a dye project on these two pretties:

As you can see, the male is already done. So to make sure he could breed with my female (Even though I already know neither shares a parent) I slapped them into the breeding grounds and ran a few test before breeding them. They bred successfully, but the tests I got came up with a bunch of vis that shouldn't have happened.
My goal is for their offspring *almost* always have:
EE (Visible Regal Markings)
FF (Vis Regaila of Hermes)
EE (Vis Feathered Wings [tips])
And with these two, that is possible. I don't care if the offspring has carries or hiddens, I had only intended to sell them infertile. But I also came up with M3 as Vis Steampunk wings (JJ) and G1 as Vis Double Stripes (II) and M2 as Vis Dragon Wisp Armor (RR) ( Here is an example of their offspring with all three of those visible, which came up as possible)
The Fathers traits go as follows:
EK (Vis Regal Markings, hidden dragon wisp)
FR (Vis Regalia of Hermes, hidden dragon wisp armor)
FK (Vis Feathered Wings [tips], hidden dragon wisp wings)

The Mother's traits are as follows:
EI (Vis Regal Markings, hidden double stripes)
ND (Carried Kitsune) [This never showed up vis, which is expected]
NA (Carried Tritails) [This never showed up vis, which is expected]
FR (Vis Regalia of Hermes, hidden dragon wisp armor)
FJ (Vis Feathered Wings [tips], hidden steampunk wings)

As you can see, The only HIDDEN that matches them both is M2. So I understand that dragon wisp armor might show up. But why did Steampunk wings and Double stripes?

Yet another scenario that has confused me:
I like to surf through the breeding grounds randomly. Sometimes I come up with cool offspring from random pets, but most of the time not. So I randomly put my starter: Marian and a pretty tagged boy: Julius together. I have Marian's genes memorized by heart, so there is NO CHANCE that dapple would show up Visible in her offspring, but for some reason, it did.

With genes I have come to understand that there has to be either a visible or carried of the same genes in the same slot for the offspring to have a chance of a gene being visible. According to this, None of the above should have happened. What am I not understanding???
Help please....

^This last paragraph is where I was wrong in my understanding so I confused myself XD Thanks for the help evryone :D
Edited By Marichoness on 5/11/2020 at 5:19 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/13/2018
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Posted: 5/11/2020 at 3:15 PM Post #2
My guess, for all of them, is that with the exception of your Starter (unless theres some way of adding hidden traits via the generator that I dont know about :P), somewhere in their lineage, those traits are hiddens on the corresponding visible traits (or vice versa- the traits that are visible on those pets are hiddens elsewhere in their lineages). I had a few experiences like that with my first forays into breeding with multiple species. Of the ones I still have, heres an example:

So this girl ended up with Dusk Wings, even though neither of her (untested) parents had it. So what seems to be the likely case is either (1) one of them has that as a hidden, or (2) somewhere in one of their lineages, it was a visible trait. The same thing happened on another occasion with two different traits, with a different pair (The above Nyvenes father and another female.).
Edited By Earthprotector49 on 5/11/2020 at 3:30 PM.
Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 5/11/2020 at 3:30 PM Post #3
So It's like they have three trait points shoved into one spot?
Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 5/11/2020 at 3:30 PM Post #4
Forgot to ping whoops ^^
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 1/9/2016
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Posted: 5/11/2020 at 4:06 PM Post #5
So if you have a pet with G1 EK and a pet with G1 EI and breed them together, the possible results are:
And that last IK is where you get Double Stripes visible.

Same thing with the other traits, and with Marian and Julius. One has G2 NG, the other has G2 EE, so the possibilities are:
And if you get EG, then Dapple is visible.

Edit to add: Whether a pet is tested or not doesn't affect what traits it has. If pets seem to be getting genes out of nowhere, probably one or both parents are untested and have a hidden you didn't know about. Testing them is the only way to know for sure.
Edited By Somneli on 5/11/2020 at 4:07 PM.
Level 75
Supernatural Shopaholic
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Posted: 5/11/2020 at 4:09 PM Post #6
The reason the offspring can have those as visibles is because of dominance in the genes. Higher letters, like E, will be dominant over lower ones, such as K.

It is still possible however, that the offspring will have both hiddens that the parents carry. Such as the case with Steampunk and Double Stripes.

If you are asking why the traits show as II and JJ, well, the answer is most likely that it's really not. It looks like you are copying and pasting the test baby's image into the generator, which doesn't show hidden traits.

As for the other breeding pair having Dapple, that too is a case of dominance. The mother gave the baby her G2 of Royalty, and the father gave his G2 of Dapple. Dapple is more dominant that Royalty, so the baby will have Dapple visible with Royalty hidden.

There can only be two traits for each gene or mutation on a pet. If the trait is not carried down, then it doesn't pop up again suddenly. That is not able to happen as it's not in the coding.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 5/11/2020 at 4:22 PM Post #7
If I'm reading this correctly, you are under the impression that both parents need to share a trait to have it show up on offspring? This is not how it works. Traits work via Dominance, with N (nothing) as most dominant, and then going down the alphabet- A > B > C > D > E > etc.
Parents pass down one of their two letters at a 50/50 rate, and when the system sticks together what each parent passed down it organises it so whichever letter is closest to A is the Visible (with N making any other letter a carried.)

Saillion x Sappolis:
So Steampunk wings shows up as a possible trait on offspring because J is earlier in the alphabet than K.
Possible outcomes from an FK and FJ breeding are FF (feathered (tips), 25%), FK (feath (tips) vis, hidden dragon wisp, 25%), FJ (feath (tips) vis, hidden steampunk, 25%), and JK (steampunk vis, hidden dragon wisp, 25%)
Exactly the same for double stripes, I is earlier than K in the alphabet, possible offspring results are EE, EI, EK, IK, at 25% chance each

M3 on that pair will throw either FF, FR, or RR, at 25/50/25 ratio

on Julius/Marian:
"I have Marian's genes memorized by heart, so there is NO CHANCE that dapple would show up Visible in her offspring, but for some reason, it did." With the thought that she could only have offspring with a trait there if the partner also had NG, maybe, but, yeah, not how the actual system works.

She has G2: carried Royalty, which is G, not Marbled Fox (A), Fallow Deer (B), Witch Doctor (C), or Kitsune (D)
Dapple is E
These two are NG and EE, so possible offspring would be either NE (carried Dapple), or EG (vis Dapple, hidden Royal), at 50/50 ratio
Edited By Scathreoite on 5/11/2020 at 4:26 PM.
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 5/11/2020 at 4:25 PM Post #8
So, the way breeding works here is that of Mendelian genetics (use of punnet squares if you've covered that in science/biology). This says that each trait is a combination of two pieces called alleles. The parents, as you've mentioned, each have two traits (alleles) in each slot, what we call 'hiddens' around here. The child gets one trait point (allele) from the father, and one from the mother. So, in the case of your pair, these are the possibilities for the offspring:

Father can give either E or K
Mother can give either E or I

This means there is a 25% chance of the offspring getting:
EE (Regal markings vis)
EK (Regal markings vis, Dragon Whisp hidden)
EI (Regal markings vis, Double Stripes hidden)
IK (Double Strips vis, Dragon Whisp hidden)

Father always gives N
Mother can give N or D

This means there is a 50% chance of the offspring getting:
NN (nothing)
ND (Kitsune carried)

G3: will always be NN (nothing)

Father always gives N
Mother can give N or A

This means there is a 50% chance of the offspring getting:
NN (nothing)
NA (Tritails carried)

Father gives F or R
Mother gives F or R

This means there is a 25% chance the offspring will get:
FF (Regalia of Hermes vis)
RR (Dragon Wisp Armor vis)
and a 50% chance the offspring will get:
FR (Regalia of Hermes vis, Dragon wisp armor hidden)

Father gives F or K
Mother gives F or J

This means there is a 25% chance the offspring will have:
FF (Feathered Wings [Tips] vis)
FK (Feathered Wings [Tips] vis, Dragon Wisp Wings hidden)
FJ (Feathered Wings [Tips] vis, Steampunk Wings hidden)
JK (Steampunk Wings vis, Dragon Wisp Wings hidden)

Hope that helps make more sense of what happened and how breeding works here ^.^
Level 75
The Fortuitous
Joined: 8/28/2019
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Posted: 5/11/2020 at 5:16 PM Post #9
Thank you so much! This was really helpful, I understand now xD
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