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Forum Index > Roleplay Games > The Labyrinth
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Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 5/12/2020 at 2:19 PM Post #1
The Labyrinth
OPEN! ^w^

Every month, people are chosen. Chosen to head into the Labyrinth. Monsters lay inside, ready to attack, kill, and feast. No one has escaped once put inside.

So, your character is going to be taken, herded into the Labyrinth. Is your character going to manage to exit and survive the Labyrinth, or will they be destined to a shorter, deadlier fate? It all depends on how long they are able to survive and what routes they decide to choose...

A few quick rules ~
* Try to write at least two sentences, if you can't I understand.
* No extreme swearing and put your characters favorite fruit in other.
* No OP stuff
* No making random stuff appear
* Put the word affirmative in your form somewhere to show that you have read the rules thoroughly
* What I say goes
* If you do not reply to my post in two weeks, you will be booted. Instead of putting the other two things in your form, just put :) in other. However, I will re-post and re-ping you if you havent answered the first in a week. (I will be counting the two weeks from the original post)
* Narrators word is law

Form ~ ( * means its optional)

* Sexuality:
* Background:
* Friends:
* Family:
* Enemies:
* Other:
Edited By Scoutwolf on 5/24/2020 at 4:00 PM.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
Threads: 36
Posts: 9,331
Posted: 5/12/2020 at 2:19 PM Post #2
SPECIES - POWERS/ABILITIES(choose two(according to your species))
(If there is a species/power/ability that is not there that you would like to add, please run it by me through PM. ^w^ thank you.)

~ Fire Breath
~ Flight
~ Blinding Light
~ Ice Breath
~ Extended Claws

KITSUNE - (choose one kitsune species to be, and then choose two powers accordingly)

* Sanda Kitsune *
~ Lightning (you can control and conduct lightning/electricity to some extent)
~ Improved Eyesight
~ Dreamer (enter into another's dream or make things that happened in your dreams happen in real life(to a limited extent and may backfire))

* Kaze Kitsune *
~ Wind (you are able to control/create wind/air to some extent)
~ Flight
~ Illusions

* Chikyu Kitsune *
~ Earth (you are able to control the earth/plants to some extent)
~ Healing
~ Harder-To-Penetrate Hide

SHAPESHIFTER (choose one to shapeshift with and then two powers accordingly)-

* Wolf *
~ Howl (call reinforcements(if you have an ally, it will call them to you))
~ Telepathy
~ Increased Endurance

* Scorpion *
~ Poisonous Sting/Bite
~ Emotion Manipulation
~ Empath

* Black Panther *
~ Increased Agility/Dexterity
~ Pounce (can jump higher than normally can)
~ Increased Strength

* Hummingbird *
~ Flight
~ Aeroportation (teleporting using air/wind currents)
~ Speed (speed is increased whether on land, in the air, or in water)

~ Pyrokinesis (control fire to some extent)
~ Flight
~ Healing
~ Rebirth (can resurrect self or others, but it has to be within three hours of death otherwise it wont work)
~ Illusions

~ Elemental (air, water, fire, earth, light, dark) (with this, just make sure to not go too op)
~ Illusions
~ Potion Of Healing (self explanatory, limited supply, but can make more)
~ Potion Of Death (self explanatory, limited supply, but can make more)
~ Spell Of Reincarnation (call on the dead)
~ Spirit Guide (an animal that is made up of an element to help you along your way)
Edited By Scoutwolf on 6/21/2020 at 10:14 PM.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
Threads: 36
Posts: 9,331
Posted: 5/12/2020 at 2:19 PM Post #3

Player One - Insertnamehere

Player Two

Name: Vagabond (Vaga)
Age: very old (It's a pheonix, what do you expect?)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: G A Y
I was thinking lesbian too.
Species: Pheonix, with some dragon ancestry
His ancestry is somewhat limited, but he does have dragon traits, like scales and slit eyes.
Power/Ability: Rebirth, Pyrokinesis
Picture/Description: (I can't get the picture up myself ~ Scoutwolf)
This, but he wears black armor. It turns out that armor is actually scales
Personality: Very cocky, rude, wants himself to win, will kill anything and everything.
Background: Noble
* Friends: Noone
* Family: He killed them all.
* Enemies: Everuone
* Other: Dragonfruit

Player Three

Name: Innocencio Everrest (don't ask, relaly, please don't ask)
Age: 15
Gender: male
* Sexuality: Not sure yet
Species: wizard
Power/Ability: Elemental (fire) and spirit guide
Picture/Description: (Is it bad I don't have one?) Imagine the most awkward-looking kid you can think of. Put a fire behind his eyes. Dum pa container of sparkles in a shock of messy cobalt hair. Add a million scraps and bruises and you have Innocencio, the not-very-innocent teenager who has no idea what he's doing! Yay!
Personality: He's a bundle of awkwardness times ten. He's never sure of himself, his only thing he knows for sure is he's definitely not his name. He has a feeling it's something to do with that he's been taught that fire can only destroy and....well, you can probably imagine the rest.
* Background: Not much, normal family, lots of bullying, plenty of awkwardness.
* Friends: none that would be mentioned here
* Family: One brother, one sister. Both with equally awkward but less obviously buly-worthy names. Both younger.
* Enemies: yes
* Other: note that i have never used this character for more then 5 minutes in the past so this should be interesting

Player Four - Larkien

Xan Ainsley (rip idk where that name came from)




Kaze Kitsune

- Wind
- Illusions

(I can't get it up ~ Scoutwolf)

Doesn't talk a lot, but she has a fiery personality. She's very impatient, hating things and people that get in her way, and short-tempered. She doesn't like to stay in one place long, and tends to fidget a lot. She is also very independent and hates having to rely on other people unless she trusts them entirely - and it's not easy to earn her trust.

It is affirmative that she likes raspberries :)

Player Five - Lalalanmao



Sanda Kitsune

Lightning, Dreamer

(I can't get the picture up ~ Scoutwolf)

She is headstrong, caring, and determined. She is quite intelligent both by being book smart and devious. She's quite nerdy and loves to be snarky. Sometimes her stubborness gets in her way as she hates being wrong and almost rarely admits it. She keeps her feelings inside of her, and usually whenever she talks she answers in minimal words. She has an optimistic view of life, and always sees the best in people. Sometimes her extreme optimism leads her to miscalculate situations. She is also loyal and trusting, however if you break her trust, it's almost impossible to earn it again.


Player Six

Name: Drakonea
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Power/Ability: Fire Breath Blinding Light
Picture/Description: Onyx black scales with long, curving horns. Eyes are deep purple.
Personality: Cool and collected in panic situations, occasionally sarcastic.
Edit: Affirmative

Player Seven
Name: Thraxx
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Species: Wizard
Power: Plant magic, Spirit Guide

Player Eight

Player Nine

Player Ten ( I don't know, who knows if I'll ever get this many players XD )
Edited By Scoutwolf on 9/17/2020 at 11:40 AM.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
Threads: 36
Posts: 9,331
Posted: 5/12/2020 at 2:19 PM Post #4
Players' Inventory

Player One
* Items *
~ Satchel/Backpack
~ Spider Armor
~ ?

* Provisions *
~ Half a canteen of water (may last around two days)
~ Food (may last around two days)

* Magical Items *
~ ?

* Allies *
~ Kenzie

Player Two
* Items *
~ Satchel/Backpack

* Provisions *
~ Half a canteen of water (may last around two days)
~ Food (may last around two days)

* Magical Items *
~ 'powdered spell of-'
~ ?

* Allies *
~ Sammantha
- backpack
- quarter canteen of water
- food
- powdered spell of -
~ ?

Player Three
* Items *
~ Satchel/Backpack
~ ?

* Provisions *
~ Half a canteen of water (may last around two days)
~ Food (may last around two days)

* Magical Items *
~ ?

* Allies *
~ ?

Player Four
* Items *
~ Satchel/Backpack
~ ?

* Provisions *
~ Half a canteen of water (may last around two days)
~ Food (may last around three days)

* Magical Items *
~ ?

* Allies *
~ Peyton
~ ?

Player Five
* Items *
~ Satchel/Backpack
~ ?

* Provisions *
~ Half a canteen of water (may last around two days)
~ Food (may last around two days)

* Magical Items *
~ ?

* Allies *
~ Alex

Player Six

Player Seven
~ Satchel/Backpack
~ ?

~ Canteen of water (may last around four days)
~ Food (may last around four days)

*Magical Items*
~ Seeds
Edited By Scoutwolf on 9/17/2020 at 11:42 AM.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
Threads: 36
Posts: 9,331
Posted: 5/12/2020 at 2:20 PM Post #5
Characters Met
(none of the pictures is my art)

Helpful Characters


~ Black Mamba shapeshifter
~ Came in with Kain
~ Discovered by Kain
~ Allies with (or at least friendly towards) Kain


~ Female shapeshifter - persian cat

~ Came in the same time as Vagabond.
~ Discovered by Vaga
~ Allied with Vaga


~ Phoenix
~ Came in the same time as Xan
~ Discovered by Xan
~ Allied(?) with Xan
~ Talks a lot


~ Human wizard/mage/whatever ya wanna call it
~ Knows how to decipher runes -somewhat
~ Allergic to bee stings
~ Skips around a whole lot
~ Came in the same time as Jaz
~ Allied(?) with Jaz


~ Another kitsune.
~ Allied with Nikkie
~ Is nicknamed Numbskull


~ likes architecture. Likes a challenge.
~ Came in with Innocenico
~ Allied (?) with Innocenico


~ Elf
~ Allied (?) with Drakonea


-came in with Thraxx
-allied with Thraxx

UnDefined Characters

Elf Unnamed

~ Might be hypnotized or controlled. Raven black hair, grey eyes.
~ Discovered by Kua


~ Young elf
~ Discovered by Dew


~ Oldest elf


~ second oldest elf

Ceffyl Dwr

~ Celtic horse that can evaporate into mist.
~ Enjoys taking people onto its back, flying to a high altitude, and then turning into mist, dropping the person, who falls to its death.
~ Allies somewhat with Oran and Kikiyawonawi


~ A small male Kukan Kitsune
~ Stubborn, loyal
~ Came in the same time as Kua-Rashianaka.
~ Discovered by Selene
~ In terms of magic, it seems he can teleport and conjure a dark fire creature.
~ Allied with Kua Oran, since that was part of the agreement of letting Kua escape.
~ Died before coming back alive.



Oran (the star and glowing green ball of gas)

~ Has magic powers such as but not limited to: Teleportation, Controls others
~ Ruler over the Labyrinth
~ Discovered by Vaga, Selene


~ Seems to be mechanical. Leaks black liquid instead of regular blood.
~ Discovered by Vaga


~ Has glowing green highlights.
~ Seems only able to live on their webs.
~ Discovered by


~ Wendigo
~ Magical, turns people into stone.
~ Discovered by

~ Feathered bear
~ Discovered by Selene

~ Small creatures that take - as their name implies - in a quite literal sense.
~ Survives on taking others life
~ Takes by latching onto its victim and saying aloud what it takes.
~ If a Nimmt takes something from you, once it dies, whatever it takes comes back to you - unless it is life, that's just gone and wasted.
~ Discovered by Selene

Edited By Scoutwolf on 9/14/2020 at 1:04 PM.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
Threads: 36
Posts: 9,331
Posted: 5/12/2020 at 2:20 PM Post #6
Last Posts

Just for my own sake, I'm putting this here so that I remember which post I gave the players last.

Player One - Rhan @Insertnamehere34
Author: Scoutwolf
Time Posted: 6/26/2020 at 9:14 AM
When you enter, you find that Ayden and Jack are playing a game with pebbles and Sylvia and Naarak are gone. There isn't much to do except wait around. That's probably why Oran was so interested in annoying/killing/seriously injuring tributes himself. It was something to do. To leave the Labyrinth you would have to die by some blade, or you could hand over the responsibility to someone else.

Player Two - Vagabond @Animaspectra
Author: Scoutwolf
Time Posted: 6/20/2020 at 3:24 PM
Sammantha stays next to your side. Ryu picks up on the sigh and takes a bow, "I will leave you." He flaps his wings and takes to the sky, disappearing from view in a few seconds.

Past where Ryu had been was a fork in the path.
Right - seems to radiate heat.
Left - dark. Really really dark.

Player Three - Innocencio Everrest @Orcastration
Author: Scoutwolf
Time Posted: 6/26/2020 at 9:17 AM
She sprints as fast as she could to the end of the webs and further, slowing down right before she ran into the wall that seperated the left path from the right path.

Left - echoey
Right - feathers

Player Four - Xan @Larkien
Author: Scoutwolf
Time Posted: 6/21/2020 at 8:36 AM
"The ones who are planning on getting out of the Labyrinth and get revenge on those that stuffed is in here." The Wendigo growls, easily dodging your attack.

Player Five - Jaz @Lalalanmao
Author: Scoutwolf
Time Posted: 6/7/2020 at 5:27 PM
"Great. Just great." Alex says sarcastically on the topic of it seeming all doom and gloom because they could die or be eaten at any time.
Kikiyawonawi didn't seem to be having any trouble in keeping up, but it seemed a tad bit oblivious to the whole thing they were trying to do. "Nice place. So, is this where I get to eat you?" The bear asks, a little too eager for Alex's liking.
Alex was drawing some sort of rune in front of him and you. "Should protect us..."
The bear tilts his head in confusion as a blue wall shimmers between you and it. "Ooooooh, magic. Show me more! I like a good magic show. And you can go out with a bang and your story shall live on forever."
Alex hesitates before shrugging and drawing more runes. In a few moments, the big feathered bear had turned into a feathered, mouse-sized mouse and Alex was looking thoroughly exhausted.

Player Six - Drakonea @Byteme96
Author: Scoutwolf
Time Posted: 6/26/2020 at 9:05 AM
Riley was running out of illusions to keep the Nimmts at bay. The Nimmt at your side was screaming at the others, trying to tell them that the illusions weren't real. You slip out of the Nimmt's grip pretty easily, and the Nimmt races over to the others, showing them that the illusions weren't really there.
Riley looks towards you to see if you were okay before pointing to a way around the Nimmts, silently telling you that he was ready to get out of here. One of the Nimmts, probably a younger child or something, tugs on his shirt and asks to see more magic. Riley sighs, takes a knee so that he was even with the Nimmt, and then pulled a shiny coin from behind the Nimmt's horns. The Nimmt squeals in delight and claps its hands before grabbing the coin, which soon disappeared. The Nimmt child looked so sad at this sudden disappointment. Riley gets back to his feet, and begins to head away from the Nimmts.
Edited By Scoutwolf on 6/26/2020 at 9:25 AM.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
Threads: 36
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Posted: 5/12/2020 at 2:20 PM Post #7
Starter -

The Labyrinth is a feared place, full of monsters and tributes. No one has managed to escape the place. It is a good thing, though, that there are chosen tributes. With every tribute, the monsters are held off for a month longer.
No one knows how the tributes are chosen, just that they are and there are two put in each month.
You were chosen, and now, here you are, inside the Labyrinth, your fate sealed as the doors slam shut behind you.
A light comes on, illuminating your surroundings.
*edit to match tribute*
Edited By Scoutwolf on 6/20/2020 at 3:00 PM.
Level 57
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Posted: 5/12/2020 at 2:20 PM Post #8
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/18/2019
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Posted: 5/13/2020 at 1:55 PM Post #9
Is this still open?

Name: Kua-Rashianaka
Age: About 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lebanon Bologna. (My code word for lesbian.)
Species: Shiakanreia
Power/Ability: Basically, she's a dragon but she can talk with humans and she's looks like she's made of a metal or gem. She can breathe fire, but sucks at combat.
Picture/Description: She looks half human, and half dragon. She has a dragon tail, dragon wings, and dragon horns. Her hair is gold/bronze, and it feels like it too.
Personality: She is very hard on herself and hotheaded. She is really nice and generous unless if someone makes her mad.
Friends: Cataracta D'Saika
Family: Unknown
Enemies: Herself. She beats herself up about things she shouldn't have done.
Other: :), Apples, Affirmative. (Did all three just to make sure.)
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
Threads: 36
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Posted: 5/13/2020 at 2:34 PM Post #10
Yes, this is open. ^w^ Thank you for reading the rules, and you are accepted.


The Labyrinth is a feared place, full of monsters and tributes. No one has managed to escape the place. It is a good thing, though, that there are chosen tributes. With every tribute, the monsters are held off for a month longer.
No one knows how the tributes are chosen, just that they are and there are two put in each month.
You were chosen, and now, here you are, inside the Labyrinth, your fate sealed as the doors slam shut behind you.
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