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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > We The Few (Fantasy Rp Signups)
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Level 72
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Posted: 5/13/2020 at 1:45 PM Post #1
We The Few
(this will start once all roles are filled with at least 1 person)

In the distant future animals have begun to catch up with humans, some have evolved strange abilities, and the humans are scared they will be there undoing. Out of fear the humans have started hunting down and destroying any creature they find with abilities. The animals are now pushing back, there is a Village of creatures with powers. A rebelion. Thats where you come in (You can be either a human or animal.).

The Mythic, the first mythical creature to be seen in years highly respected, and usually powerful, but their power usually has a large drawback. Destined to save The rebellion. or destroy it..

Animals, can be any animal from any part of the world, some have powers and some dont. you can be a loner, part of the rebelion or a turned.

The Savior: The only human born with powers. Destined to save humanity. or destroy it..

Humans, a species that has been dominant on earth for many years and fears being surpassed.

Turned, Animals who grew up with humans and even fight for them.

Different roles in the rebelion:
The Mythical:
Wisteria (Nebuladragon7)

North (Aspenanimations)

Second in Comand:
Aerikay (Insertnamehere34)

Lux (Aspenanimations)

Papyrus (Cooldudepapyrus)

Different roles in Humanity:
The Savior:
Sakari (Wildcat2057)

General Oras (Aspenanimations)

Second in Comand:


Spies: (The Turned)
Talon (Aspenanimations)

1. Humans dont have powers here (unless you choose to be the savior)
2. in species there can be ONE mythical creature.
3. pretty much all powers are fine as long as the really powerful ones like (shapeshifting, timestopping, ect.) have a drawback.
4. you also dont have to have a human character for this one i can make them all npcs.
5. if you read the rules put your favorite color in the rebelion status (we can work ou what status you would have based on what roles you would like to play)

sign up form: (delete all of these)
Species: (there can be 1 fantasy creature since the fantasy ones are rare)
Age: (goes by human years even if animal)
Powers: (none if human(unless savior))
Rebelion Status: (if human you are listed as 'Enemy' if animal you are 'Allied' or if your a different status like leader then that will be here too)

Aspenanimations, Insertnamehere34, Cooldudepapyrus
Edited By Aspenanimations on 6/3/2020 at 11:01 PM.
Level 72
Joined: 10/3/2019
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Posted: 5/13/2020 at 1:46 PM Post #2
Name: North
Gender: Female
Species: Snow leopard
Age: 20
Personality: quite yet fierce, she hates it when its too warm outside, LOVES the snow
Powers: she has ice abilities and can freeze things when very upset or when angery she can freeze over her paws to make ice claws can also be used to block.
Backstory: her mother was the original leader of the rebellion, she was unfortunetly assasinated by a turned. leaving North to take over at a young age. She is sometimes questioned but always proves she's in charge.
Appearance: (image not mine)

Name: Lux
Gender: Male
Species: Cat
Age: 28
Personality: he is determined to be better than his ancestors and actually do some good.
Powers: He is Normally a black Cat, but has a form he calls a Siran, it increases his strength and speed.
Backstory: The clan he came from was mostly wiped out by humans because they refused to fight them they were hoping they would respond to peace, they didnt, leaving half his clan dead. after this the few with powers came to join the rebellion all the others scattered.
(Cat) (image not mine)


Name: Papyrus
Gender: female
Species: Fox
Age: ABOUT 14
Personality: smart, quick, nimble, sly, fiery (pun intended), tough, and one of the few animals that can read
Powers: pyrokinetic
Backstory: was a pet exotic fox but then the human found out she was playing with fire at night so the human tried to kill her, started trying to pass for a normal fox and lived in the woods
Rebellion status: Spy (is very good at it)

pyrokenisis activated

Name: Aerikay
Gender: Male
Species: Arctic Fox
Age: 15
Personality: kind, smart, loyal, and most of all he's trustworthy. He doesn't trust many but if you win his trust, you'll get a powerful friend in battle.
Powers: He can shoot ice out of his paws
Backstory: When he was younger, his family was turned. They had a very nice human, but others were jealous and tried to tell their owner that she should get rid of them. She refused, and later when Aerikay went to go check on her he found her dead. He went back to the den his family used and found them dead as well. He now supports the Rebellion fully as he saw how cruel humans could be.
Rebellion Status: Allied (if possible, could he be second in command or a spy?)
Appearance: (not my picture)

Name Wisteria
Gender Female
Species Dragon
Age 170
Personality Wisteria is very prideful and curious. However, she loves playing tricks on people.
Powers Teleportation and Shape-shifting. She can only Shape-shift Every 30 mins to 1 in Rp hour unless its into her humanoid form.
She is still mastering her teleportation so she isnt always accurate with where she teleports to.
Both shape-shifting and teleportation take quite a bit of energy so if she uses them to much she will pass out.
When she hatched from the egg, she saw nobody. Her parents abandoned her as an egg; Leaving her alone in the world.
She has found interest the savior and rumor has it that they have met sometime in the past.
Although she tends to side with the rebellion she stays neutral and will change sides depending on what she sees better for her and the world.
Rebelion Status: Mythic, Neutral
Normal/Dragon Form

Humaniod form
Edited By Aspenanimations on 6/3/2020 at 10:57 PM.
Level 72
Joined: 10/3/2019
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Posted: 5/13/2020 at 1:46 PM Post #3

Name: Sakari
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 15
Personality: A kind human who loves mythical creatures
Powers: Magic, some teleportation
Backstory: She used to be a normal girl until she learned she could use magic, she gained a strong bond to mythical creatures in books and wanted to find one as a familiar to help her
Rebellion: Savior

Name: General Oras
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 20
Personality: toughened by loss he hates creatures except one, He has a personal gaurd that constists of one wolf, Flint. Flint is the only thing he trusts.
Powers: none
Backstory: His mother the original leader of the human army, was Killed by the rebellion leader north. Taking revenge apon himself he broke into their Camp but was about to be exposed by a pup instead of killing the pup and continuing his mission. He couldnt so instead he snatched the pup and raised it, naming it talon.
Rebellion: Greatest Threat
(I dont have anything else to use sorry)

Species: Timber Wolf
Age: 4
Personality: Attacks anybody at the whistle of Oras, a lethal trained killing machine. but has begun to have doubts the more he learns about both sides.
Powers: unknown
Backstory: From as far back as he can remember he was with Oras, he doesnt remember his life in the rebellion. he has defended Oras his whole life resulting in many scars.
Rebellion: Greatest Threat
(how do I make this bigger? The code to enlarge it wont work but if you want to see a bigger version he's on my avi)
Edited By Aspenanimations on 6/3/2020 at 11:31 PM.
Level 72
Joined: 10/3/2019
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Posted: 5/13/2020 at 2:01 PM Post #4
(just in case, go ahead and join :D)
Edited By Aspenanimations on 5/13/2020 at 2:01 PM.
Level 72
Joined: 10/3/2019
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Posted: 5/14/2020 at 11:06 PM Post #5
hello! saw you guys on the Roleplay Player Directory. Read your guys's profiles and you seem to be interested in this kind of rp :D
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 5/14/2020 at 11:12 PM Post #6
I'm not much a fan of strictly animal based rps since all but like.. 1 of my characters are humanoid, plus I'm a bit bogged down by life and groups atm.
Thanks for giving me a ping to check it out though. ^^
Level 72
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Posted: 5/14/2020 at 11:17 PM Post #7
Ok, thanks for coming though! and good luck with everything.
Level 70
Joined: 4/25/2020
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Posted: 5/17/2020 at 6:41 PM Post #8
Name: Papyrus
Gender: female
Species: Fox
Age: ABOUT 14
Personality: smart, quick, nimble, sly, fiery (pun intended), tough, and one of the few animals that can read
Powers: pyrokinetic
Backstory: was a pet exotic fox but then the human found out she was playing with fire at night so the human tried to kill her, started trying to pass for a normal fox and lived in the woods
Rebellion status: Spy (is very good at it)
(pyrokinesis activated!)

(not activated)
Edited By Cooldudepapyrus on 5/17/2020 at 7:04 PM.
Level 72
Joined: 10/3/2019
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Posted: 5/18/2020 at 2:08 PM Post #9
nice your in!
Level 72
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Posted: 5/28/2020 at 12:01 PM Post #10
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