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Forum Index > General Discussion > Changed Player Names
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Level 75
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Posted: 7/11/2020 at 2:44 PM Post #1
If you change your Player name, please post your old and new names here. If you ping me, I can add it to the Master List sooner.
Edited By SpaceElf1 on 8/7/2021 at 3:16 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/11/2020 at 2:47 PM Post #2
Master List Of Changed Names

The individual entries are in more-or-less alphabetical order. In each string, current or most recent name comes first, followed by known older names, in reverse chronological order. Bold indicates current name to the best of my knowledge. Italics indicate original name if known. A tilde instead of an equals sign indicates a player who was allowed to create a new account for some reason instead of being a simple name change.

1983 = Atsani1983 60277

24carrotgold = Mossflight2 124761

Aerii = Aerimistress 118901

Agent15 = Asagi = Crystalphoenix 136147

Apolloblue = Zexionangel 105541

Asagi= Zetha = Abadar554 136147

Ancientelm = Ancientelma 67447

Alison280 = Alisonngo 114443

Anemochory = Ponder = Lonefox 69390

Ankerias = Cat8638 21666

Anubiz = Aliru 48241

Aphelion = Dragonrider1542 59737

Arcanesketches = Unchainedsketches 140647

RaCrystallizedWyvern = Deathwyvernsun = ArrancarWyvern = GalaxyWyvern83 131590

Arofawn = Fawncatuslover 60178

Asphodels = Ebonyflicker 88605

AsteriaRuneflower = Ryliq 37910

Athenaolympia = LhluvsAthena 8556

Atriella = Castielle 15459

Auggiestarboi = Moemon 142857

BlackCanary = Phantomhive 97181

Bluewolf515 = Zoe515 162259

Bobcat = Kitteh 10823

BobRoss = Nami 71157

Cadri = Stormclan666 124648

CaptainKat = Copperfangs 6407

Captharleyc = Harleyc 41089

Cathal = Dragon20333 37821

Cececat = Cececat7275 86049

CeruleanCrow = WildcatBlue = CeruleanCrow = Cinderfall 81697

Cinny = MissSailorSenshi 167354

Cristelle = Firebird732 = Skyward 142384

Crowsys = Lilyjoyjoylily = Dreammmm = Racoonsystem 129863

Christinewho = Christinewhogaming 115684

Crystallina = Blueberryguy 162436

Crowoverlord = Icypaw 65627

Daylightapparitions = Chamaeleontis = Astonishinglysane = Harrypotternerd 117843

DeathWyvernSun = ArrancarWyvern 131590

DebaucheryTeaParty = DaniBane = Sylestbane 44560

Lanfear = Depressedespresso = LadyMoriarty 34524

Devinahart ~ 19jenkrl 168419 ~ 50235

Dexion = Hawkeye 6373

Draculina = K1tten = Kittenkiku = Integra 76469

DragzX = Dragzx 166685

Tanawen = Parzivalsgame = Elberethstar = Onimushastar = Ghostignalce 131061

Elune = Sleepyhollow 140706

Emmaprincesschacken = Emmat67 116018

Ephemeral = Sweetsnowsparkles = Hopeless = Sarcelle 75033

EtnaEruvandi = Silverwolf23 1549

Dracaena = Evilnapkin = Faeroth = Winterfelix 148849

Faivyne = Apoxy16 165072

Flowerfeather = Moonlitwolf0 103538

Fox = FForFox 17165

Foxyyy907 = FoxyWolf713 163226

Fritxyfox = Funtimefoxyimposter3 130988

Tempestbird = Fussyraptor 91746

Fuzzysherbet = Fuzzlet 96332

Gentlegiant = Mizuki336 10136

GhostPirate = Ghostwings20 85987

Grar = InvertedPencil 62548

Gravitas = Elevensins 153291

Grinadon = Mushroomwithlegs 132675

Grogu = Diablo = Negan = Skellington 6847

Current Name Unknown HallowedGround = TheGloomyCat = Fluffn

Hershey = Monstercatgirl = Hersheykitten 52711

Hiddenluv = Goldenheart = Flamekitten2269982

Imperium = Eimell 7661

Incantamentum = Nature3468 147970

Ironlupora = Ironwolf 136658

Isri = IseriItane 156279

Izuku = Eijirokirishima = Eijiro 150327

Jackalupe = Lupawolf 104960

Jackdawjames = BlackRose Collective 139402

Current Name Unknown Jetstar = xxj3st4rxx

Torey = Juneaux = Torey 100358

Earthtojen = Justjen = Jeannie6032 30814

Katty = Kaitt = Kattya = Kaita 107342

Killia = Antheia 139198

Kingelapids = AlbinoKingCobra 151945

Kivoichi = Lake 153484

Lapo = Opalfirelight 140918

Leen = Lenexia 2505

LemonSoul = Soulfox = Soul364 102091

Limor = Livinginmyownreality 63884

Lonelypastelcrow = Flamepanda 35777

Lumiinescent = Wildfire378 138401

Lunadove =04lunashadow 145960

Lunalamoone = Lunalalover0 105326

MaddHatter 114103 married to 87142

Aveeva = Mahjai ~ Damahjai 166350 ~ 149894

Aerith = Edenadir = Meranoia = Penami = Petanimalady 128472

Rashomon <3 Hwaseong = Sorikkun = Miroh = Stryker666 141006

Manectric = Delfonia 367

Mist = Nightlightscrolls 138701

Adore = C0smos = Nebulous = C0smos 163282

Negatron = Jetstar 105362

Nightbane = NightbaneWolf 12643

(current name unknown) NeonNy = oIvyTheWolfo

(current name unknown) Ohanastitch092 = Jb092

Orcastration = Orca2Whale 120555

Peacockofchaos=Ohanastitch092=Jb092 104411

Pearl 11 = Pearlcollie = Gunpowdercat 44130

ParodyCatharsis = Ksng = Hysteriantics = PhilosopherKing = Wisiro = Lonelymoonlight 119422

Piratefox = Foxoftheabyss = Captainfoxy 91851

Pyromancer = Sagittarian = ForbiddenPact 145478

Quetzaloe = Silverraven 10673

Eid0lon = Raidenei = Insertnamehere34 = Valkyriespirits 136667

Serrorai = Raika = SimplySky 139660

Reflectedblade = Dapplepaw 160202

ReleasingTheOstrich = Calicoangel 109702

Revol = Given = ToxinNotFound = BookishFlower = Vanillalotus = Skyhope 129245

Rileyy = RedDestiny37 = Krinwillpoop 110805

Rounddcat = Fakemichael 102035

Rowan3424 = Midnight3062 137028

IyanaHeavencloud = SerenityEather = MistDragon 21898

Shinsou = Lucalove 120923

Silverfrost = Nightlyric 53104

Skwardy = Skylarky = Larkien = Canawlia = Owlphoenix = Eatmypi 110354

Silverscale576 = Blackstar576 127295

Smittxn = Jumpingemerald 120637

Snowdrop = SiIverfrost = Nightlyric = CuteSeal126 146824

Speltspirit = Spiritneedsbread 102020

Syncanum = Magiteck 24833

Tincandan = Ellbear 110660

Tisquares = Soyti 147196

Wickedimpulse = Seaglass = Snowsong = Seasong = Saylah = Seaglass = Distortedsoul 102118

Shibui = Pickless 94503

Sirenn = Srwertabrybunzy 161549

Skyeclockwork ~ Moonleo 156719 146392

Sonrisa = Penumbra = Destinyflight 84200

SpaceElf1 = spaceelf1

Squarebug = Smolblu 113457

Stolas = bvnnyboy = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = dangthatsmitchy = mitchyrex 106390

SylvarRose = KittyKatana = IvyHatter = MissWonderland 87142

Silverwintermoon = Sweetmeadowlark = JeanieC 12871

Dyris1 = Swipernoswiping = Dyris 7970

Swirl = Hyc 32732

Thegypsumrose = Silverthornhearte 105143

Theialish = Uieaoeia = Animaspectra = Megacharizardx 126180

Thorondor = Geraptiku 136603

Tigress = Sandstorm514 35108

Tisquares = Soyti 147196

Toby = MissWoolyMouse 81082

Tonowaritheaquagod= Tonowari 162177

(current name unknown) Torey = Whistlepunk

TriadItari = Cavalry = Vizor = Evelina = JessicaThePikachu = Coveredupkittens 84521

Trixzel = Blkoehn 159579

Typhlosion = PurpleStarlightWolf = BabaaEyes = Babaaeyes 2057

Srwertabrybunzy = Unidentified = Stb = Srwertabrybunzy161549

UntitledPrince = Untitledprince 153378

Vampory = Enos = Drowned = CthuwuKrak3n = Sv3ntity = Sl33pl3ssnights = Silverlilywolfy 84552

Vanikmal = Koterfaye 80646

Vanon = Vivi2u 35722

Venziilok = Zenlexon 116389

Vulpie = Pyrathi = Vulpera = Vulnerath = Vulpini = Vulpie 15265

WildAtHeart24 = ana24 73811

Willekieker = andromedae = ghast88minecraft 78785

Willowflight = Willow9 155845

WingsOfAmber = Amberwing 44853

Winterbread = AnimeFan1242 24160

Winterflower = Pearlwish 2794

Wolfpack2020 = Jesse1010 102996

Wulfenite = Mespritluvr 9265

Yamainu = Lucariopaw 101756

Yamii = Darkishcold = Flamekeeper 136623

Zeengler = Cheery 151232

(current name unknown) Zetha = Abadar554

Zolnixi = Galaxywing 144243
Edited By SpaceElf1 on 3/1/2025 at 10:26 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/11/2020 at 2:47 PM Post #3
Edited By SpaceElf1 on 2/16/2023 at 12:08 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/11/2020 at 2:47 PM Post #4
Edited By SpaceElf1 on 4/16/2022 at 10:55 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/11/2020 at 2:48 PM Post #5
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Posted: 7/11/2020 at 2:48 PM Post #6
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Posted: 7/11/2020 at 2:48 PM Post #7
Level 75
The Fortuitous
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Posted: 7/11/2020 at 3:01 PM Post #8
Sylestbane --> Danibane

(will edit if I find more who swapped)
Level 74
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Posted: 7/11/2020 at 3:52 PM Post #9
I was once Orca2Whale
Dunno how relevant that I since edits been a while but might as well
Level 75
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Posted: 7/11/2020 at 4:06 PM Post #10
Thanx for the reminder. I'm particularly trying to help folks who return to Sylestia after an absence. They may have notes such as "I owe Abcde 15,000 gold" and need to know that "Abcde" changed their name to "Zyxwv."
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