Excluding restricteds, what are y'all's favorite Zolnixi traits?
I'm either gonna put the trait on Zol #1 or Zol #2.
For the actual adding, I only accept these slots:
Zol #1: G1, G2, G3, M2
Zol #2: G2, G3, M2, M3
Also, it's fun.
And helpful to know what people like.
Note: I may add Mystical Unicorn to the list, but I'll need a Zolnixi with that trait first.
Level 75
Grand Protector
Joined: 4/12/2019
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Posted: 8/7/2020 at 2:46 PM
Post #2
My favorite nixi traits:
G1: Regal Markings, African Painted (depends on colors),
G2: Royalty, Fallow Deer
G3: Advanced Runes, Star Runes, I love Leaf Veins but they're very overpowering
[M1: Enchanted Butterflies, Feathered Tail, Chow Tail, Tri Tails]
M2: Chain Jewelry, Regalia of Hermes, Flower Vines, Leaf Trappings
M3: Feathered Wings (Regular or Tips), Spirit Wings (depends entirely on design of pet & colors)'
I hope this helps!
Edited By Slytherin7 on 8/7/2020 at 2:47 PM.
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