I only have two slots in my battle party, and both of my pets are unconscious. I don't have enough coins to get a revival potion, so what do I do?
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
Threads: 94
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Posted: 8/14/2020 at 4:28 AM
Post #2
party pets revive on their own after a while when not in battle, and will slowly regain health every... 5? 15? minutes.
also, you can get healing items from mission satchels (see guide to missions and mission pets)
(also see, guide to making gold for ways to make gold, but missions is by far the best, really)
(suggestion: don't use the healer in town or the ones that are occasionally found while exploring because they will charge way more than they have any right to, frankly)
party pets revive on their own after a while when not in battle, and will slowly regain health every... 5? 15? minutes.
also, you can get healing items from mission satchels (see guide to missions and mission pets)
(also see, guide to making gold for ways to make gold, but missions is by far the best, really)
(suggestion: don't use the healer in town or the ones that are occasionally found while exploring because they will charge way more than they have any right to, frankly)
okie thx :)
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