hey there everyone i am just here to inform you about some changes to design a pet because of my good friend spirit beast design a pet is now a pet daycare just come and enroll your pet to our daycare we will play with them,train them and most of all feed them!.......for your pet to enroll to our daycare he or she has to be an eggling or a hachling if your pet is older we can not take care of your pet....while you hang out with your friends we will take care of your pet!....here is some description about our daycare
1.to enroll your pet at our daycare you will first have to pay 1000 gold(i hope its not too much)
2.just like i said before if your pet is older than a eggling and a hachling he or she can not enter
3.we will feed your pets three times a day if you have already fed your pet in the morning we will feed it two time only
last but not least
4.if your pet misbehaves we will have to send him or her back to the owner...
well that is all you have to do to enroll your pet oh and if you want to take back your pet for a quest feel free to do what ever you want signing pets to our daycare will begin tomorrow if i am not there my coworker will do the sign up(spirit beast) and if spirit beast is not there then we will have to sadly reschedule.....after the sign up which is going to held tomorrow the daycare will open on Monday so feel free to bring your pets to our daycare! bye i hope i will see you tomorrow!
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 10/21/2020 at 3:20 PM
Post #2
I think.... you're going to have to explain your idea a little better? I'm not really clear on what your service is offering (also, if you're offering a service, it would be better to have this in the groups, guilds, and services section of the forum).
1. What does a player receive for paying 1,000 gold to this service? Given that you say you only accept eggs and hatchlings, this does not free up space in a player's stables (as eggs and hatchlings stay in the infinite space hatchery and *cannot* be moved to the limited space stables). Also, eggs and hatchlings can't be put on a team and trained... So, what benefits are being provided?
2. You mention feeding pets three times a day? Is this a roleplay thing? Because pets can only be fed once per day. Once they're fed, there is no option to feed them again until the next day, so this three times a day feeding schedule does not make sense outside of a roleplay-type addition.
3. Pets 'misbehaving'. Another roleplay type thing? Because pets don't do anything autonomously in this game. They don't have interactions, or get in fights with each other, or anything else of that nature. So, the only reason to send a pet back to its owner would be because it was agreed on earlier as to how long you would keep them.
So... yeah. I'm not really sure what this daycare is offering. Can you elaborate?
Level 10
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Posted: 10/22/2020 at 4:25 AM
Post #3
i see you have some questions about my service?.....don't worry i will answer them.
1.well a player will give me 1000 gold so that i take care of there pets for three whole weeks while the owners of the pet have some fun......and about the eggling and hachling thing we don't really train them is more like we play with them since they are young its probably best if they are not trained too soon
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Posted: 10/22/2020 at 4:26 AM
Post #4
2.yes your most serenely right but after we feed them once the others are mostly role play
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Posted: 10/22/2020 at 4:28 AM
Post #5
3.yes actually that is also one of the role play things to tell you the truth most of the daycare is role play exept the part where we take care of your pets
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Posted: 10/22/2020 at 4:30 AM
Post #6
well now that we are done with the questions i hope you understand more of our services anyways if you don't mind me asking would you like me to take care of your pet,do you wanna work here or are you here to ask some questions about our daycare?
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 10/22/2020 at 4:58 AM
Post #7
1. You... could have put all that in one post? You didn't need to post multiple times. One doesn't generally multipost unless doing something like setting up a player guide
2. the time from newly bred eggling to adolescence is nine days or less, so your three weeks (/ 21 days) thing is in conflict with the statement that you only take egglings/hatchlings
3. as Mika said, hatchery space is infinite- the only time users would actually need a 'daycare' would be for adolescents on the very brink of adulthood, if they needed a bit of extra time to clear some stable space
4. the fact that adult sylesti are only fed once a day aside, Egglings and hatchlings don't need to be fed at all. Pets only need to be fed (and can only be fed) once they're in the stables.
5. "while the owners of the sylesti have some fun"? Egglings and hatchlings... don't need care? The closest is nurturing, and that's a) hardly a necessary thing, and b) each player can only nurture them once a day anyway. You can breed an egg and then completely ignore it for the next 27 days and the only difference will be that it maybe didn't get an extra bonus stat point or two.
6. why would you need people to work here? Infinite Hatchery Space means you literally can't run out of space and need someone else to help take the load?
So basically if I'm understanding correctly you want to charge people 1k for you to roleplay with their baby sylesti?
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Posted: 10/22/2020 at 5:39 AM
Post #8
you know what nvm i don't want to do this anymore whenever i try to come up with an idea people all ways question it!
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 10/22/2020 at 6:13 AM
Post #9
I don't know if it helps any, but I'd suggest maybe waiting and getting a feel for the kinds of things Sylestia players look for/ need as a service?
You could check out the kinds of things going on in the Groups, Guilds, Clubs, and Services forum, or look at the Pet Sharing and Design Discussion (or even Avatar Sharing and Design Discussion) forums.
You seem to have an interest in Roleplay, so maybe you might want to check out the RP forums? Make some kind of actual roleplay based off of this thread's premise?
Or, perhaps with the first idea you had, you could consider making a service that looks at people's pets and offer potential breeding project ideas based on the colours and/or traits of those pets?
(there's threads that do things like help players with their designs and the like, so it seems like it could be a thing)
Edited By Scathreoite on 10/22/2020 at 6:13 AM.
Level 10
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Posted: 10/22/2020 at 6:17 AM
Post #10
thanks but i don't think anyone likes my ideas
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