I am making some prophecy pets.
The Whispering Wind
The Roaring Waves
I will update these when they hatch.
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/26/2020 at 2:05 PM
Post #2
What exactly is a prophecy pet?
Level 46
Benevolent Brewer
Joined: 9/21/2020
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Posted: 10/26/2020 at 2:07 PM
Post #3
Oh um, it's a designing pet thing
Level 46
Benevolent Brewer
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Posted: 10/26/2020 at 2:07 PM
Post #4
It's a project
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/26/2020 at 2:18 PM
Post #5
Whats the end result? I'm curious
Level 46
Benevolent Brewer
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Posted: 10/26/2020 at 2:32 PM
Post #6
I'll show you when they hatch
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/26/2020 at 3:03 PM
Post #7
Usually people make projects with a specific result in mind, that's why it's called a project..
Like I'm making a project called Flaming Tiger, starting with these two
And the end result will be:
Level 46
Benevolent Brewer
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Posted: 10/26/2020 at 3:06 PM
Post #8
OH sorry I thought that u meant something else. Here:
The Roaring Waves
Edited By Jormungandr on 10/26/2020 at 3:32 PM.
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/26/2020 at 3:34 PM
Post #9
So you want the restricted traits of one theme, on a different theme...?
It wont stay themed if you try to breed the traits in because that theme never naturally has those traits, but if you use a philter, which idk if there are philters for that specific trait set, then it might be possible.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 10/26/2020 at 6:45 PM
Post #10
Both restricted traits are fully avalable, the driad one is part of a 4 pieces trait set, you may want to carry-lock a pet to preven the rendom trait to generate in the wrong slot (those philters does not override carried traits, use it to your adventage). I am not too familiar with themmed draeil but if it is a wild themme using a lovely mutator instead of a v-lace philter should lower the overall cost of this project. ^-^
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