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Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 11/26/2020 at 4:22 AM Post #1
Long ago before the time of man there where Tail beast who protected the land. When a group of 104 humans came with there leader, Whalen Darius. Whalen asked the pack of tail beast if he and the group can have a land to make a town so they can live in. The Alpha of the Tail beast whom name was Mika Yuu, walked up. Mika nodes his head at Whalen. Jabez who was Whalen brother plotted for away to take the tail beast power and make it his own. Whalen told the Alpha of the tail beast, that when the town is built they can live in the town and interact. With Jabez in the back looking furious.
Mika was shocked at what Whalen told them. Mika told Whalen that he is a tail beast friend and ambassador. After a year the town is built. Everyone wanted Whalen to be the mayor of the town. Whalen then told the Alpha tail beast that the town is built. Mika and his older sister moved into town where the first to move into the town. After they moved in many more tail beast came into town. After a few years the tail beast found love with some of the humans. The first couple is Mika and Whalen, Everyone rejoiced but one, Jabez was the only one to not like the couple or union of the tail beast and humans. Jabez retaliated and told Whalen what he thought what the tail beast are supposed to be used for. Whalen was shaken up at his brother's words. Whalen then told Jabez that he is banished from the town. The tailed beast sent Jabez in a limbo .The town grew with many couples, Whalen decide to name the town Mythicross. Since humans has have a good relationship with the tail beast, humans get to live up to around 23,000,000 years old. But peace doesn't last forever

(Tail beast live up to around 153,000,000 Hybrids live up to around 55,780,000)

The rp link

1. No godmodding, or out of genre ( I will tell you what the genre is) , etc.
2. Do not kill or injure someone's character without consent!
3. rules of a normal RP!
4.cussing to a minimum
5. You can have as many characters as you want to just keep track of them
6. if you want to have your character date another players character in the roleplay please ask for their permission first in the ping and post
7. If I asked you to edit your character it is you forgot to add something to it. You can do it to any of my characters to if I am missed anything too.
8. If you want your character to be the kid of another player it is the same rule of number 6
9. Invite friends and other people
10. Respect others please
11. Op-ness is fine as long as its not too op for example your oc destroy the world with a snap of their finger or something like that.

The genre is fantasy medieval time frame with some modern things like clothes, shoes, and electricity but the electricity is run by magic.

The species If you are a hybrid or tail beast please have the all the form listed. You can have wings for the hybrid and tail beast species if you want. You can use images if you can't really describe your character but add different color to it. if you are a tail beast or hybrid tell what animal with the extra parts for example an nine tailed fox with just the tails and for the wings nine tailed winged fox.

Humans-are the everyday person. Humans can use magic

Hybrids- Half-human and half tail beast. They can use magic. Hybrids have three forms the human with the extra parts to make a tail beast, a furry form, and the tail beast form.

Tail beast- they are animals that have extra tails on them (add wings if you want). They can use magic. They have three forms the hybrid one, the furry one, and the tail beast one.
Edited By Lovador on 1/2/2021 at 8:40 AM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
Threads: 92
Posts: 26,628
Posted: 11/26/2020 at 4:25 AM Post #2
Character sheet


For the Abilities put a weakness in these --> ( ) please for example, a telaporting power they must know where they want to go to and the location. everyone can share the Abilities if you want.

The characters in the rp and people who own them

Luceras Yuu || Lovador ||Hybrid ||
Mika Yuu || Lovador ||Tail beast ||
Azriel Yuu || Lovador || Tail beast ||
Whalen Darius|| Lovador || human
Aquira Lulynn || Lovador || human
jasmine spirit || Eclipticgalaxy || tail beast. ||
Kyoya Silverman || Sabrina72391 || Human
Hoshiko || Sabrina72391 || Hybrid ||
Mizuki Aiwaka || Sabrina72391 || tail beast ||
Jennifer Hales || Sabrina72391 || human
Ella || Jolynnb || hybrid ||
Olivia || Jolynnb ||Tail beast ||
Kazuya || Coffecreamer || hybrid ||
Nozomi || Coffecreamer || Tail beast||
Meia || Lightsagafox || tail beast ||
James Johnston || Phoenixwinchester || Hybrid ||
Indigo Constantine || Phoenixwinchester || Hybrid ||
Brunette Hawking || Phoenixwinchester || Hybrid ||
Blond Hawking || Phoenixwinchester || Hybrid ||
Flare Redwood || Phoenixwinchester || Hybrid ||
Scarlet Redwood || Phoenixwinchester || Hybrid ||

Lovador, Jolynnb, Coffecreamer, Eclipticgalaxy, Sabrina72391, Lightsagafox, Phoenixwinchester
Edited By Lovador on 1/2/2021 at 7:54 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
Threads: 92
Posts: 26,628
Posted: 11/26/2020 at 4:42 AM Post #3
Name: Luceras Yuu
Nickname: Nep (By Mika), Gem (by his mom), Lu (By his friends)
Height:6' 3
Gender: Male
Species: Hybrid - ten tailed winged wolf hybrid
Appearance: He has a lean but muscular body type and is mostly tan. His eyes are like the image but to a darker tint to it.

His hair is the darkest blue hair with a white tint to it and down to his waist. Like the image but what I said his hair is.

When working at the school or the library he likes to keep it up in a low ponytail. His wings are like the image but the same color to his hair.

He has ten wolf tails that are the same color as his hair and the tails design is the same as his tailed beast form and furry form, his ears are like the image but is a little longer and with out the extra stuff on it.

This is his hybrid form is like the image but with the the ears, hair and skin tone above, and with the wings down, he also wears the clothes in the picture.

When he is in tailed beast form it is like the image but in his hair color and add the wings on the back.

His furry form looks like this but in his hair color and the tails and wings.

He is usually wear one of these outfits once a day for work.

his casual clothes, (just the clothes and shoes)

Age: 29
Personality: an introvert but is kind to children. He is can have a rebel attitude but is the nicest person you can meet. if someone hurt the people he cares about he will get them back and not trace it back to him.
Sexuality: Pan
Job:Librarian(part-time) Teacher (part-time)
Backstory: When he was 10 his mom whom was a tailed beast told him of his human mother before she died, his mother was amazing at magic and loved to help everyone in town and she loved him very much, his human mother died when he was 6. When he was a 16 he went to school to learn everything he could and he did, At school he was known as the school prodigy mom because he keeps breaking up the fights around the school and scolding them even though a lot of people where older then him and how fast he learn things. He learned how to hold and use a variety of weapons. He learned the history of the town. He learn all the magic, all martial arts, cooking, politics, and what tailed beast needs to know in life. After he graduated form the only school in the town he got a part time job there to teach kids how to survive in the world whether outside of town or in town. He also got a job at the library that his mom works at. He lives in a small house a little bit outside the town
His house
the school he works at and went to when he was younger.
Abilities: Element power, Light magic( uses his energy up), Dark magic (uses his energy up), nonliving creating powers (the same weakness as his mom Azriel), pocket dimension (the same weakness as his mom Azriel)
Notes: Mika's nephew. Azriel's son
Edited By Lovador on 1/2/2021 at 7:54 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
Threads: 92
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Posted: 11/26/2020 at 4:50 AM Post #4
Name: Mika Yuu
Nickname: Alpha(By the pack), Mik (By Azriel).
Height: 6'1 in human form, 6'4 in hybrid form, 7'1 in furry form, 68'2 in tail beast form.
Species: tail beast - fifteen tailed wolf
Appearance: His hybrid form is like the image but he looks older and the hair is longer down to his waist. He has tan skin, his hair is down to his waist and his eyes are red on the right eye and blue on the left eye.

His furry form is like the image but is the looks are like the tail beast with the markings like his hybrid form.

His tail beast form is the image below but their are the same marking from the hybrid form.

His work clothes and shoes are the image below(Only the clothes and shoes)

His casual clothes and shoes(Only the clothes and shoes)

Age: 5,000,000 years old
Personality: He is kind and loyal, and stubborn. He protects his pack and family.
Sexuality: Bi
Job:Alpha(Pack), guard, teacher of Martial arts
Abilities: Element powers light, shadow, spirit, earth, water, ice, wind, fire, time, lighting.
Backstory: Mika is the leader of the pack of tail beast. He is the older brother to Azriel. He kept the peace o the land. When Whalen and the group of humans came and asked for a piece of land he gave them a piece of land. When Whalen said that they can move into the town once it is done. He gave Whalen the tail beast friend and ambassador title. After a year Whalen came back and told them that the town was built. Some of the tail beast went with his and his sister Azriel to live in the town. After a few years living in the town he and Whalen got together, Jabez got mad and told Whalen that tail beast should only be used to get power, Whalen then banished Jabez, Mika then put Jabez into a limbo for all eternity he hopes. After that he married Whalen. Azriel married a human girl and had a son named Luceras. He then opened up a school so children can learn what they want to know and what they need to know to. Whalen became the principal to the school. He became a Martial arts teacher and guard to protect the mayor which is Whalen.
Notes: Luceras uncle, Whalen mate, Azriel older brother.
House he lives in with Whalen

The school he opened
Edited By Lovador on 12/2/2020 at 8:17 AM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
Threads: 92
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Posted: 11/26/2020 at 5:55 AM Post #5
Name: Azriel Yuu
Nickname: Az(By Mika) mom (by Luceras)
Height: 5' 8 in human form, 6 in hybrid form ,6'1 in furry form, 54'7 in tail beast form.
Species: tail beast - ten tailed winged wolf-
Appearance: Hybrid form she is like the picture but her hair has slight wave to it and is the same color of her son Luceras, the clothes are different to, her eyes are a golden color with the ten tails and wings. She wears the clothes in the picture as casual clothes

She likes to wear this for work at the library with different colors with shorts under it.

These are her casual clothes they are numbered.



4. Without the glasses

Her tailed beast form is a lot bigger then the picture and the fur is the same as her hair color the markings are black and white, she has the same wings as her son.

Her furry form is like the picture but the fur and hair is the same color as her hair that I said it was, she doesn't wear the choker or clothes and she has the wings.

Age: 2,109,500 years old
Personality: She is kind to her family, she loves helping the kids out, she has a motherly aura to everyone, she is loyal.
Sexuality: lesbian
Job: Librarian, Beta(the pack)
Backstory: Azriel is one of the first tailed beast that moved into the town. She is the best friend of Whalen after moving into town, She approved of Mika choice in mate because she is his older sister and knows this could be the first of many to come and bring peace when Jabez was banished from the town and went in a limbo. She meet the love of her life a few years after that. Her name is Crystal who was 20 years old and a human. (Crystal looks like the picture below)

They dated for five years until Azriel asked Crystal to marry her. Crystal said yes to Azriel. In the spring they got married as the second union of both kinds. After five years they had their son Luceras. When Luceras was six years old, the family of three went out of town and went into the forest for a picnic. As Azriel place the picnic down Crystal pushed Azriel out of the way of an arrow to Azriel's heart. Azriel and saw the killer she used her nonliving creating powers to make rope and tied the killer up. Crystal told Azriel to raise their son right and don't get revenge. Azriel brought Crystal, Luceras, and the killer back into town and told Mika and Whalen what has happen to Crystal. She showed who killed Crystal they had a trial to, where he went to the limbo. After the funeral of Crystal, Azriel made a library to remember Crystal's dream to be a Librarian and owner when Luceras was 7. She live outside of town and in the forest like her son Luceras.
Azriel's house

the library in the town looks like the image below

but the inside is bigger because of her pocket dimension power that is tied to a bracelet she wears. Image below

Abilities: Element powers, nonliving creating powers (if she know's how to make it), magic, pocket dimension (Tied to an nonliving object to work)
Notes: Mika younger sister, Luceras's mother, Whalen's friend

Name: Whalen Darius
Nickname: Al (by Azriel) , love (by Mika), Uncle, ( by Luceras)
Height: 6'3
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance:He looks like the picture but he doesn't have the ears and he is wearing a white shirt on him too( the clothes in the picture is also what he wears).

The clothes he wears (Casual and work clothes)

Age: 50
Personality: He is kind and loyal,
Sexuality: bi
Job: Mayer of the town, principal of the school.
Backstory: Whalen was the leader of the group of humans before the town was built. He meet Mika to ask for land to make the town. When he got the land he told Mika that his pack can move in the town that was built. Mika gave him the the tail beast friend and ambassador title. After a year the town was built he became Mayer of the town. He went to tell Mika that the town is built. some of the tail beast came and live in the town even Mika and his sister Azriel. Whalen became friends with Azriel. After a few years He and Mika got together. He then banished his brother Jabez. He saw Mika put him in a limbo. After the banishment of Jabez and putting him in a limbo, he got married to Mika. Whalen became the principal of the school when Mika open the school.
Notes: Mika mate, Azriel friend, Luceras's uncle because of being Mika's mate, Jabez older brother but disowned Jabez from the family.
The house he lives in with Mika
Edited By Lovador on 12/2/2020 at 8:18 AM.
Level 37
Joined: 9/4/2020
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Posted: 11/26/2020 at 4:16 PM Post #6
Name:jasmine spirit
Species:tail beast ,wolf au'ra, has dragons wings
Personality:sweet protective,friendly,loving
Job:singer,ultima wolf dragon
Backstory:Her parents were killed by her older sis and she was sent to live in a place with her evil step mom
She escaped and wants to protect the universe from people like her step mom
abilities:healing,ecliptic galaxy magic
Notes:ecliptic galaxy queen
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 11/27/2020 at 9:46 AM Post #7
I can make your character work. Is it okay that I make her rule a different part of the forest and that her parents knows Mika?
Level 37
Joined: 9/4/2020
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Posted: 11/27/2020 at 11:42 AM Post #8
sure i'm fine with that
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 11/27/2020 at 12:49 PM Post #9
You can make as many characters as you want Eclipticgalaxy.
Level 37
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Posted: 11/27/2020 at 1:00 PM Post #10
alright ty
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